信仰危机,Belief crisis
1)Belief crisis信仰危机
1.The Marxism belief crisis of university students and its countermeasure in the present age;当代大学生马克思主义信仰危机及其对策思考
2.An Analysis of “the belief crisis” under the attack of “Three Tides”;解析“三潮”冲击下的“信仰危机
3.In this process, the clash between culture of education and other cultures lies in the belief crisis among teachers and students and the degradation of culture of education.随当今的民族教育文化在经历了数千年的历史涤荡之后,在经济体制改革的背景下,受到西方多元文化的冲击,正在慢慢地发生着变化,原来的固有的范式正在慢慢的消解,在这个过程中,教育文化与其他各文化间的矛盾冲突也体现在了教师、学生的信仰危机与教育文化的堕落。

1.The Faith Characteristics of Chinese Citizen in the Contemporary Era and the Discriminate of Faith Crisis;当代我国公民信仰的特点与信仰危机辩析
2.Constitution belief:Open college student law belief crisis key宪法信仰:打开大学生法律信仰危机之钥匙
3.Causes of Crisis Faith and Countermeasures in Contemporary College Students;当代大学生信仰危机根源及对策分析
4.In folk society vicissitude legal belief crisis ponder;乡土社会变迁中法律信仰危机的思考
5.An Analysis of “the belief crisis” under the attack of “Three Tides”;解析“三潮”冲击下的“信仰危机
6.The Cultrual Interpretation of the "Modernity" of Faith Crisis and Its Originality;信仰危机的“现代性”根源及其文化解释
7.Chinese Contemporary Social Morals Crisis;当代中国社会的道德信仰危机与原因分析
8.Moral Belief Crisis during the Period of Social Transition in China : Cause Analysis;我国社会转型期道德信仰危机成因分析
9.Crisis out of Disbelief in Law: Important Issue Faced by Legal Education Reform;法律信仰危机:法律教育改革面临的重要问题
10.Belief Crisis and Reconstruction Outlet under the Visual Field of the Problem of Modernity in China;现代性问题视阈下中国的信仰危机及重塑
11.The Marxism belief crisis of university students and its countermeasure in the present age;当代大学生马克思主义信仰危机及其对策思考
12.Belief crisis today and its reconstruction when the society makes the transition;试论当前社会转型中的信仰危机与重建
13.The Idea of Rural Construction Governed by Law is Hindered: Legal Crisis in Moral Convictions;农村法治建设之观念阻却:法律信仰危机
14.YANG Zhu s "Self-favoritism" and the Credibility Crisis During the Social Transitions;杨朱的“为我”思想与社会转型期信仰危机
15.On the Main Reflects, Social Origin and Turning Measures of Moral Belief Crisis;道德信仰危机的表现、社会根源及其扭转
16.Analysis and Thinking on "Belief Crisis" as well as "Religion Boom;对“信仰危机”和“宗教热”现象的分析和思考
18.Religious Chaos in Delillo's White Noise论《白噪音》中所呈现的后现代社会信仰危机

faith crisis信仰危机
1.The fundamental problem of the spirit of Chinese people nowadays is the faith crisis.当代中国人精神层面的根本问题是信仰危机,而学者在研究的价值取向上却偏离了主题。
2.However,at present,China suffers a severe legal faith crisis,the causes of which varies,from historical and traditional reasons to system reasons,especially ideological reasons.然而当前在我国出现了空前严重的法律信仰危机
3.By the perspective of cultrual critics of "modernity", this essay tries to reveal the intelligential originality and the economic-cultural roots of faith crisis in modern society.文章力求从“现代性”文化的批判的视角,揭示现代信仰危机的认识根源和经济文化根源,进而辨释知识信念与价值信仰、现实与理想、宗教与信仰本身的内在关联,分析现代社会生活中的文化缺失和精神衰弱现象,以期给现代社会和现代人的内在精神紧张和信仰困境提供一种可能的合理解释。
3)crisis of belief信仰危机
1.There are two reasons for crisis of belief: one is the weakening or failure of the authority in the object of belief.信仰危机是一种精神现象 ,是社会变革在观念层面茫然状况的反映 ,也是个人生命价值追寻中的迷失。
2.Social existence determines social consciousness, and social transition always accompanied by crisis of belief with different levels.社会存在决定社会意识,社会转型必然会伴随着程度不同的信仰危机
4)credibility crisis信仰危机
1.As the great social transformation brought by the Reforming and Opening, our society occurs credibility crisis, which manifests as perplex of value, degeneration of morals, dash of ideal, as well as the comeback of superstition, and the breakthrough of various religions and semi-religions.随着改革开放带来的社会巨大转型,我国社会出现了信仰危机,具体表现为价值迷惘、道德失范、理想幻灭以及封建迷信卷土重来和各类宗教、半宗教的乘虚而入。
2.In fact, the emerging of "Self-favoritism" is the natural consequence of the credibility crisis during the social transitions and is therefore of social value in its own right.实际上,"为我"思想的提出,是社会转型期信仰危机环境的必然,它也曾具有其一定的社会价值。
3.To conquer the credibility crisis and reconstruct the scientific belief, tangible achievements must be gained in practice, facts confirmed, truths conspicuous, benefits proper, value approved, healthy trends enhanced, and emotions guided.信仰危机的原因是挫折的困惑与真理的否证 ,利益的失衡与价值的背离 ,思想的激荡与情感的疏远。
5)crisis of conscience精神信仰危机
1.In view of the culture, this whole illustrates the capitalist cultural value crisis, crisis of conscience, personal subjective outlook crisis and globalization crisis.由文化入手,从资本主义文化价值观危机、精神信仰危机、个人主体观危机、“全球化”危机四个方面阐述了资本主义文化危机。
6)Political Belief Crisis政治信仰危机
1.Philosophical Thought On Political Belief Crisis of Young Students;青年学生政治信仰危机之哲学探析
