王朔,Wang Shuo
1)Wang Shuo王朔
1.Composing News: the Significance of Media in Wang Shuo′s Language;制造新闻:王朔话语的传播学意义
2.Discussion on The Trouble Shooters Love in Wang Shuo s Works;谈王朔笔下“顽主”的爱情
3.The Research to the Skills of Anti-satirize of Wang Shuo Novels Language;王朔小说语言反讽手法探究

1.An Analysis of Wang Shuo s Works and the Tide of Wang Shuo;“流氓”的悲歌——浅析王朔作品和王朔现象
2.Comparing Wang Shuo s "Playboy" and Wang Xiaobo s Wang Er;王朔的顽主式人物与王小波的王二式人物比较
3."The Phenomenon of Wangshuo" in the Area of the Contemporary Discourse Transformation;当代话语转型视域中的“王朔现象”
4.On the Image of Heretical Intellectuals in the Novels by Wang Shuo;王朔小说中“另类”知识分子形象论
5.WANG Su Phenomenon from the perspective of contemporary discourse transformation;当代话语转型视角中的“王朔现象”
6.The Difficult Condition of Freedom;自由的困境——读王朔的小说《动物凶猛》
7.Wang Shuo s "New Capital Taste" Language and its Cultural Intension;论王朔的“新京味儿”语言及文化内涵
8.On Characteristic of Post-modernism of Wang Shuo s Novel Writing;略论王朔小说创作的后现代主义特征
9.A Survey of Rich Array of Swearwords in Wang Shuo s Novels;从王朔的小说看丰富多彩的詈语世界
10.A Pilot Study of New Emergence and Conformism in Wang Shuo s Novel;试论王朔小说的出新与俗性的“落套”
11.Truth and Originality of Si Ma Qian Writing "Wang Shuo"司马迁写“王朔燕语”的真意与匠心
12.Not Breaking Down Barriers Archetypal Analysis of the Female Images in the Works of WANG Shuo;冲不破的樊篱——王朔作品中的女性形象原型探析
13.A Comparative Study of the Beijing Style in LAO She s and WANG Shuo s Literary Writings;建构与颠覆:老舍与王朔创作中的“京味”比较
14.On "zán "(咱) pragmatic principle and conversational implicature of Wang Shuo s novel language;王朔文学语言“咱”的语用策略与会话含意
15.Interpreting Multidimensional Meanings of Wang Shuo s Discourse from the Perspective of Reception;从接受视角解读王朔话语的多元意义生成
16.The Phenomena of Wang Shuo" and the Literary Status quo of Chinese Contemporary Literature Under the Atmosphere of Popular Culture;“王朔现象”与大众文化语境下的中国文学现状
17.On the Negation of Traditional Chinese Narrative Forms in Wang Shuo S novels;试论王朔小说对中国传统叙述形式的否定
18.On the Literary Value of the Works of Jin Yong,Yu Qiuyu and Wang Shuo;试论金庸、余秋雨和王朔创作的文学价值

1.An Analysis on the Propogating Skills of the Language in Wangshuo s Writings;王朔话语的传播效果分析
2.Wangshuo: The Leisure and Heaviness of the Clamor;王朔:喧哗的逍遥与沉重
3.Decadent Literature being representative by Wangshuo mocked Soar literature holding the flag of carrying Tao and displacing for average people, and counterattacked Misty Poetry signing democracy and modernization.以王朔为代表的“颓废文学”既是对高举“载道”、“代言”大旗的“伤痕文学”的嘲笑,又是对追求“民主”、“现代化”征兆的“朦胧诗”潮的反戈;既是对“重建乌托邦神话”的“寻根文学”之叛逆,又是对“先抑后扬”、“入世”和“转轨”的“先锋小说”之变脸。
3)Wang Shuo's works王朔作品
4)Wangshuo phenomenon王朔现象
1.The New Realistic novels, Third Generation poetry, Avant-garde novels and Wangshuo phenomenon are important postmodernism texts of Chinese literature in the New Era.新写实小说、第三代诗歌、先锋小说和王朔现象,是新时期较重要的后现代主义文本。
5)Wang Shuo's novels王朔小说
6)Wang Shuo s Humor王朔的幽默

阿育王弟七日为王【阿育王弟七日为王】 (传说)据南传善见律,王弟帝须初不信佛教,一日入森林,见群鹿交尾,疑比丘能制欲,还语王。王乃解此疑问,欲使归佛教,让王位于帝须,七日且告以期终处死。帝须升王位,虽快乐供养,无不任意,而畏死无宁日,故不起欲,忧恼憔悴。王仍谓帝须曰:出家比丘,常思惟死,故无暇起染著心。于是帝须即信佛法,感激昙无德(Dhamma-Rakkhita)之奇迹,终强请于王,至阿育寺为比丘。北传阿育王传(卷二)王弟宿大哆。阿育王经(卷三)毗多输柯之传说,大略与南传相同。(参见:韦陀输)