收视率,audience rating
1)audience rating收视率
1.With the demands for TV industry,an audience rating analyzing and predicting system is designed and realized.结合电视行业的业务需求,设计和实现了一个收视率分析预测系统。
2.After the comparison of several methods used in audience rating investigation system,the paper proposes an audience rating investigation system based on wireless sensor networks.通过对收视率调查方法的比较和学习,提出一种基于无线传感器网络的收视率调查系统,通过无线传感器节点将调查对象的特征参数提取,并对特征参数进行数据融合和压缩处理,然后通过汇聚节点将数据通过以太网传输到后台服务系统。
3.The bad use of positive reports lead to negative effect;the negative news reports always focus on the abnormality in society,reflect the real contradiction objectively and satisfy the diffusion right of the audience to a certain extent;in addition,the material coming from negative news reports attend to the needs of audience better,so as to gain higher audience rating.负面报道是对新闻报道意识形态化倾向的反拨;正面报道中的不良手法致使产生负面效应;负面报道常常聚焦社会反常现象,客观上反映了现实矛盾;负面报道的取材更容易迎合受众收视需求,所以有较高的收视率

1.a TV program with a high rating收视率高的电视节目
2.The television programme was rapidly losing ground in the ratings.这个电视节目的收视率正在迅速下降。
3.That TV station was in the ratings cellar.那家电视台的收视率最低。
4.The Status Quo and Evaluation of Our Country s TV Ratings;我国电视节目收视率评估现状及评价
5.Ratings at the Television News Program Applied Research收视率在电视新闻节目中的应用研究
6.Cost Per Rating Point (CPP) - The cost to deliver a single rating point.每收视点成本-取得收视率的一个百分点的费用。
7.Using Information Sharing to Increase the Listener and Audience Ratings and Advertising Revenue利用信息共享提高广电收听、收视率及广告创收
8.The status quo and developing model of TAM in China: A discussion of data monopoly收视率调查状况与中国收视率发展模式的探讨——兼谈数据垄断
9.MR:[ Laughs.] Yeah, that would boost ratings.【大笑】的,那收视率可就牛了。
10.Programs will do almost anything for good ratings.各个节目为了高收视率,几乎不择手段。
11.You know those rating systems are flawed.你知道,那种收视率调查体系漏洞百出
12.Our show has gone up in the ratings.我们节目的收视率提高了.
13.How to Ensure "Green Rating" of TV Programs;理想与挑战:“绿色收视率”如何实现
14.Design of Wireless Audience Rating Investigation System Based on CC2420基于CC2420的无线收视率调查系统
15.Shortly after the TV serial was first aired, it shot to the top of the ratings.这部电视连续剧开播后不久, 收视率便跃居首位。
16.Losers will face the loss of considerable TV revenue and some sponsorship.败者将失去可观的电视收视率和一些赞助。
17.Design of Digital TV Ratings Survey System Based on Principle of Cookie基于Cookie原理的数字电视收视率调查系统设计
18.This is thanks to pop's ability to sell lots of records and get high ratings.这要归功于它的流行力,能热卖唱片,有高收视率和高收听率。

1.Research on the Application of Rating Measurement to TV Media Dominant Strategy;收视率调查在电视媒体优势策略中的应用及意义
2.Popular concern for "green rating" of TV programs reveals an anxiety for the wild chase after rating of TV programs in present-day society."绿色收视率"概念的提出及其受到广泛关注,反映了社会对当前电视媒介片面追求收视率引发的节目"文化空壳"现象的忧虑。
3.Results show: ratings are on the increase year after year, which is the result of large -scale sport events; viewers are those with better education, better profession and higher income, most of whom are young males.研究结果:电视体育节目收视状况呈逐年上升趋势,大型赛事拉动了体育节目收视率
3)TV ratings收视率
1.The Research on TV Ratings and Program Scheduling;收视率分析与电视节目编排策略
2.TV ratings function as popular currency in deciding the program arrangement.在节目编排的决策中,收视率提供了类似“通用货币”式的依据。
4)Viewing Ratio收视率
1.As far as the popular media main body television concerned, it need to obtain the possible high viewing ratio.“策划”的最终目的是要以最低的代价换取最优的效果,对于作为大众媒体主体的电视而言就是获得尽量高的收视率
5)TV watching rating电视收视率
1.This paper analyzed three factors affecting TV watching rating.现从三个方面分析影响电视收视率的因素:一是媒体因素,比如频道间或频道内的节目质量、编排、宣传程度;第二方面是受众因素,主要有受众的收视动机、收视习惯、受众构成(年龄、性别、文化程度、收入状况、区域状况等)、受众的需求、受众的偏好、收视规律等;第三方面是季节和地区因素等。

收视1.收殓顾视。 2.收容照顾。