善恶,good and evil
1)good and evil善恶
1.Human Nature:Good or Evil——On the Conception of Good and Evil of Kant s Moral Philosophy and His Theory of Human Nature;性善乎 性恶乎——康德道德哲学之善恶概念及其人性论
2.He Constructs a World with a Vague Concept of Good and Evil——a brief discussion on Pushkin s view of good and evil;他构筑了一个善恶模糊的世界——简论普希金的善恶意识之一
3.In discussing human nature,ideas departing from historical materialism have appeared,for example someone claim that existence is the all-important principle,that human nature is the result individuals choose and shape in freedom and consciousness,that the good and evil of human nature is underlying in human natural attribute.在人性问题的研讨中,我们看到有偏离唯物史观的倾向,诸如认为“生存”是“人性的首要法则”;人性是个体人“自由自觉”地“选择”、“塑造”的结果;“人性的善恶基因潜在人的自然属性中”。

1.He never distinguishes the good from the bad and always returns good for evil.他善恶不分, 常常以善报恶。
2.Can' t you tell vice from virtue ?难道你不能辨别善恶吗?
3.for they are impediments to great enterprises, either of virtue, or mischief.从此难成大事,无论善恶
4.He knows good from evil, fight from wrong.他能识别善恶,辨别是非。
5.You must learn to differentiate between good and evil你必须学会区分善恶
6.A baby is not a moral being.婴儿不能分辨善恶
7."As man sows, so he shall reap"善有善报,恶有恶报
8.Bad deeds, as well as good, may redound on the doer.恶有恶报,善有善报。
9.Good will Be rewarded with good, and evil with evil.善有善报,恶有恶报。
10.To do good to the evil is evil.为恶人行善事仍是罪恶。
11.She attracted others to virtue / evil.她诱人为善/作恶。
12.Good is the antithesis of evil.善是恶的相反 (面) 。
13.They say those who do good are rewarded and those who do wrong are punished. Don't you believe it!善有善报,恶有恶报,并没有这么八宗事!
14.God comes with leaden feet, but strikes with iron hands.善有善报,恶有恶报,不是不报,时间未到。
15.Mt.12:35 The good man, out of his good treasure, brings forth good things, and the evil man, out of his evil treasure, brings forth evil things.太十二35善人从他所存的善,发出善来;恶人从他所存的恶,发出恶来。
16.Are you an evil person hiding behind the mask of a gentleman?“你是个面善心恶的人吗?
17.benevolent; without malicious intent.善意的,没有恶意的企图。
18.A harmless prank.玩笑指善意的恶作剧

goodness and evil善恶
1.The text probes three ways of the image rheology :suitable development, reverse appreciation and goodness and evil combine with and conversion.魔鬼撒旦是西方文学的原型之一,探究了该形象的三种流变方式:顺向发展、反向增值和善恶兼备及转换。
3)Good and Evil善与恶
1.Lasputin’s tragic consciousness which tries to get to the tragic root of the conflict between good and evil.本文通过对他主要作品的分析,论述了他小说创作的悲剧意识:于善与恶的冲突中,去寻找悲剧的根源;于行星思维的悲剧情结中,昭示他对全人类命运的关注;于皈依宗教的虔诚中,游离他小说创作的悲剧意识。
2.This paper attempts to analyze the black female images in Toni Morrison s novels, and interprets the beauty and ugliness, good and evil, love and hatred and life and death in black people s world.文章探析托妮·莫里森小说中的黑人女性形象,解读黑人世界的美与丑、善与恶、爱与恨、生与死,关注黑人女性反抗种族、性别、文化的歧视所经历的艰难坎坷,揭示了她们追寻自我及生存意义、追求平等幸福的两难困境及其根源。
3.In The Scarlet Letter, good and evil of humanity and moral criterion will be discussed in this thesis through analyzing and appraising the four leading characters.本文通过对《红字》中四个主要人物的分析和评价来探讨人性的善与恶和道德准则问题。
4)Distinguish between the virtuous and the evil辨别善恶
5)goodness and evil juxtaposed善恶对举
1.His individual character is revealed in his lyric poems with an unique writing form:bold,unconstrained,changeable,disorderly,goodness and evil juxtaposed,etc.他的复杂个性展现在政治抒情诗中,形成了极其独特的创作形态:章法大起大落,复杂多变;语意重复错杂;比喻多善恶对举等。
6)Unity of Good and Evil善恶一体
1.The Embodiment of Christianity s Concept-Unity of Good and Evil in Shakespeare s Plays;基督教“善恶一体”观念在莎士比亚戏剧创作中的体现

善恶【善恶】 (术语)判善恶之性经论诸师之说种种不一,菩萨璎珞经以顺理为善,违理为恶。经下曰:“一切众生识始起一想住于缘,顺第一义谛起名善,背第一义谛起为恶。”大乘义章七曰:“顺名为善,违名为恶。”同十二曰:“顺理名善,违理名恶。”法界次第上之下曰:“善顺理为义,息倒归真,故云顺理。恶以乖理为义。”唯识论以顺益此世他世之有漏无漏行法为善,于此世他世违损之有漏行法为恶。若夫如人天之乐果,于此世虽为顺益,于他世不为顺益,故非是善,无记性也。又如恶趣之苦果,于此世虽为违损,于他世不为违损,故非是恶,亦无记性也。论五曰:“能为此世它世顺益,故名为善。人天乐果虽于此世能为违顺,非于他世,故不名善。能于此世他世违损,故名不善。恶趣苦果虽于此世能为违损,非于他世,故非不善。”净影约五乘而判三种之善恶:一顺益为善,违损为恶。若依此义,则上通佛菩萨,下极人天,其所修之行,名为善。招三途之因及人天中苦果之别报业,名为恶。二顺理为善,违理为恶。理者无相空性也,例如行布施,所施者能施者施物之三轮物存于意中,是违于无相空性之理之有相行也,若不存三轮之相,是顺于理之无相行也。因之顺理为善,违理为恶。若依此义则上从佛菩萨下极二乘,其所修之善法名善,人天众生所修之善法,总为有相行,名之为恶。三体顺为善,体违为恶。法界之真性,为己自体,体性缘起而成行德,所行自体无如心不缘理,所谓随心之欲而不超轨之境界也,是名为善。若依此义则凡夫二乘无论,即上至三乘,总其缘修之善行,齐为恶也。见大乘义章十二。天台立六种,一人天之善。五戒十善之事善也,然人天之果报尽,则还堕于三途,故亦为恶。二二乘之善。二乘能离三界之苦故名善,然但能自度,不能度他,故亦为恶。故大论谓宁起恶癞野干心,不生声闻辟支佛意。当生死涅槃俱为恶也。三小乘菩萨之善。慈悲兼济故是善,然彼身中未断一毫之烦恼(小乘菩萨三大劫中不断惑最后一坐成觉),如贮于毒器之食物,食者乃死,故亦为恶。四通教三乘之善。三乘同断见忍之烦恼,是善也,然堕于二边不见别教中道之理,未断一分之无明,故亦为恶。五别教菩萨之善。见中道之理是善,然犹为隔历之中道,不能见圆教圆融之妙中,所行带方便不称于理,亦是恶。故涅槃经自白由此以前我等皆为邪见人,邪岂非恶耶?六圆教菩萨之善。圆妙之理,是至极之善,然此有二义:一顺实相之圆理为善,背之为恶。二达此圆理为善,著之为恶,圆之著尚为恶,况复其余?止观二之三曰:“唯圆法名为善,善顺实相名为道,背实相名非道。若达诸恶非恶皆是实相名非道,若达诸恶非恶皆是实相即行非道。通达佛道,若于佛道生著不消甘露,道成非道。”同辅行曰:“唯圆为善,复有二意:一者以顺为善,以背为恶。次以著为恶,以达为善。”又曰:“以著为恶,以达为善,圆著尚恶,况复余耶?”以上诸说中净影第一顺益之义同于唯识论之说,第二顺理与第三体顺相兼,同于璎珞经之说。天台别教之义与净影第二顺理之义同,圆教中之第一义与净影体顺之义及璎珞经之说同。其第二义以达著断善恶之性,为天台独特之发挥。生死即涅槃,烦恼即菩提,于是释然也。