政治性,Political nature
1)Political nature政治性
1.The main characters of Mao zedong s editing method are political nature and practicalness.他的编辑方法具有的主要特征是实践性和政治性
2.The criminal policy has the obvious utilitarianism implication,and the political nature is its character.刑事政策具有明显的功利主义意蕴,政治性是其品格。
3.For over a hundred years, as for the Chinese translation of the concepts in Western classics, the “political nature”has more or less exerted an imperceptible influence on the “interpretative nature.一百多年来,中国人翻译西方的经典文献,在概念的移译上,多少潜移默化地在其“解释性”中接受其“政治性”影响。

1.a molten political pamphlet激烈的政治性小册子
2.Political Nature of Translation in New China (1949-1966);新中国(1949-1966)翻译政治性
3.Understanding Ideology in the unity of Political Nature and Non-political Nature;在政治性和非政治性的统一中理解意识形态
4.The Political Concern: Race and Gender in Song of Solomon文本的政治性:《所罗门之歌》的种族与性别政治
5.give the keynote address to (an audience).给观众政治性俯中之政策演讲。
6.On the Impact of Political Personality on Politics--Analysis from the perspective of statesman;论政治个性对政治的影响——以政治家为分析视角
7.On the Dual Relation between Political Power and Political Rights论政治权力与政治权利关系的二重性
8.On Inevitability Politics--Political Concept Analysis About Ancient Greece;论必然性政治——古代希腊政治概念分析
9.Political Culture National Characteristic and Nationality s Political Culture;政治文化的民族性与民族的政治文化
10.Governance Function of Pubic Policy and Effectiveness of Governmental Activities公共政策的政治统治功能与政府活动的有效性
11.Transcend the Political Myth to the Political Rationality --On the Political Philosophy of the Modern Abstract Rationalism;超越政治神话 走向政治理性——近代绝对理性主义政治哲学简论
12.sexual politicsph.1. 性政治(Kate Millet书名)
13.He have the quality of a statesman.他有政治家的特性。
14.The human comedy of political campaigns.政治运动中人性的喜剧
15.racial, sexual, religious, political, etc discrimination种族、 性别、 宗教、 政治...歧视
16.The Political Value of "Outside Politics"--The Ontology Annotation of Traditional Chinese Feminism s Political Views;“政治之外”的政治价值观——中国传统女性主义政治观的本体论诠释
17.Political Consultation in Perspective of Political Civilization;政治文明视野中的政治协商制度——中国协商性政治的历史与逻辑
18.About China's Democratic Politics Construction with regard to Coordination between Political System and Political Culture从政治制度与政治文化的协调性看中国的民主政治建设

1.The college journal edits must insist political,outstand scholarship,increase readability and enhance the creative in the whole process of a draft,review draft and edit.学报编辑在组稿、审稿和编辑全过程中,必须坚持政治性,突出学术性,强化创新性,提高可读性。
2.The political,science,humanities are three lifelines of the lesson in Marxism political theory today.政治性、科学性、人文性是当今我国高校马克思主义思想政治理论课程三条生命线;立足政治性,发展科学性,弘扬人文性,则是高校思想政治理论课教育教学的三个基本规律。
3.The thought of “Three Representations”by General Secretary Jiang Zeming is not only epoch-making,highly strategic and practicable,but also creative,scientific and political.江泽民总书记“三个代表”的重要思想 ,不仅具有鲜明的时代性、高度的战略性和突出的实践性 ,而且体现出非凡的创造性、严密的科学性、坚定的政治性等特征。
1.At hold science development view at that moment,"politics,time limited efficacy,news" that enhances the professional lesson of news is very necessary,is also beneficial.在坚持科学发展观的前提下,针对淡化政治性的观点,认为必须强化高校新闻专业课的政治性、时效性、新闻性。
2.In the editing of papers,we should deal properly with the position of scholarship by means of handling the relationship between scholarship and politics,science,practice and democracy.在学报编辑的工作中,要正确把握和准确定位学术论文的学术性,就必须在正确认识和理解学术性内涵的基础上,正确认识、准确界定、妥善处理学术性与政治性、科学性、实践性、民主性之间的关系。
3.During the teaching of the new edition of the "Introduction",we not only should adhere to a high unification between politics and science,theory and practice,but also should make a natural harmony between the integration and the part.讲授新版"概论"应做到三个坚持,即坚持政治性与科学性的高度统一、理论与实践的有机结合以及整体与部分的自然和谐。
4)Gender politics性别政治
1.Gender Politics and Research on Soap Opera;肥皂剧及其性别政治研究
2.Free indirect discourse and gender politics——Research on Woolf′s narrative strategies and thematic expression;自由间接话语与性别政治——伍尔夫小说叙事策略与主题表达研究
3.“Super Gilrs” and Gender Politics——An Western Marxist Feminist Approach;“超级女声”与性别政治——西方马克思主义女性主义视角
5)sexual politics性别政治
1.This discourse actually hided serious sexual politics.从性别的视角来审视20世纪中国文学对日常生活的表述(即日常生活话语),不难看出这一话语实际上隐含了深重的性别政治。
2.Therefore sexual politics would be hidden in translation,which realized in choice of words by means of four types.由此,在其中就隐藏着性别政治,这主要体现在翻译姓名时汉字选字的四种形态当中。
6)sexual politic性别政治
1.With the application of the contemporary feminist literary and cultural theories,this essay intends to reread an epoch-making masterpiece of British literature,Joseph Conrad′s novella <Heart of Darkness> From the feminist perspective,it aims at decoding the embodied sexual politics.以当代女性主义文学文化理论,从女性主义视角出发,解读素有“英国文学经典之作”盛誉的康拉德短篇小说《黑难的心》,并对作者在小说中展现的性别政治观点展开批判。

连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)continuity and discontinuity 11an父ux泊g四f“山。麻以角g、.连续性与非连续性(c。nt,n琳t:nuity一)_见间断性与不间断性。and diseo红ti-