孙悟空,Sun Wukong
1)Sun Wukong孙悟空
1.The Confucian and Buddhist Forthright and Sincere Personality——Discussion on Confucian and Buddhist Factors in Sun Wukong s Personality;亦儒亦佛的率真个性——试论孙悟空个性的儒佛因素

1.a collar on program trading in the stock market.给孙悟空戴上了紧箍咒。
2.Sun Wukong, Zhu Bajie and the white dragon have saved their master at the risk of their lives and captured Sha Wujing.孙悟空、猪八戒、白龙拼力抢救师父,擒住沙悟净。
3.Tang Sanzang guarded by Sun Wukong, Zhu Bajie and Sha Wujing rides on the back of the white dragon horse.唐三藏在孙悟空、猪悟能、沙悟净的保护下,乘坐白龙变成的宝马,
4.Isn't Sun Wu-kung a character of tremendous magical power?孙悟空不是很厉害的人物吗?
5.China cooperates with Disney in making Monkey King中方与迪斯尼联合打造动画片《孙悟空
6.From a Monkey to the Tragic Hero;从“妖兽”到悲剧式英雄——再论“孙悟空”形象
7.From Rambles to the Returns--Looks the Sun Wu-kong image from "Monkey";由逍遥到回归——从《西游记》看孙悟空形象
8.The Rebellious Rock--An Character Analysis of SUN Wukong and JIA Baoyu叛逆的石头——孙悟空与贾宝玉形象探析
9.An ideological criticism of Monkey King's image--by analyzing political interpretations of Monkey King's image in late 20th century孙悟空形象的精神批判——兼评20世纪后期对悟空形象的政治化读解
10.after mountains collapse and the rocks crack followed a deafening thunder, Monkey King Sun Wukong was born.一声惊雷, 山石崩裂, 美猴王孙悟空横空出世。
11.If I tell you I'm not the Monkey King, what do you to do?至尊宝:如果我告诉你我不是孙悟空你会怎么样?
12.The boy wields the wooden stick at random, and it turns out that he wants to act like Sun Wukong.小男孩拿个木棒乱舞一通, 原来是要学孙悟空呢。
13.The Monkey Sun Wukong and Don Quixote ─A Comment on the Irrational Force孙悟空和唐吉诃德──关于非理性暴力的思考
14.The Discuss of Sun Wukong s Image on the Monkey Culture;图腾崇拜到文学审美——孙悟空形象的猴文化追寻
15.Reanalyze the Derivation of Monkey King and its Combined Nature of Monkey,Humanity and Buddhadhatu;再谈孙悟空的来历及其猴性、人性与佛性的统一
16.Dialectic Relations between Buddhism and Taoism in Journey to the West;从孙悟空的经历看《西游记》中佛与道的辩证关系
17.The Life s Journey in the Image of Sun Wukong in“Pilgrimage to the West”;从孙悟空形象的人生历程看《西游记》的生命意义
18.Comparing with the Images of Sun Wukong and Satan and Their Culture Connotations;孙悟空与撒旦的形象及其文化意蕴之比较

Monkey King孙悟空
1.Reanalyze the Derivation of Monkey King and its Combined Nature of Monkey,Humanity and Buddhadhatu;再谈孙悟空的来历及其猴性、人性与佛性的统一
2.A Folklore Analysis of Monkey King as the "Grandfather Sun";孙悟空自称“外公”的民俗学解析
3)the Monkey King孙悟空
1.Enhancement of Subject and Self-improvement of Personality ——On the Image of the Monkey King;主体意识的弘扬与人格的自我完善——孙悟空形象塑造新论
2.In" Travels to the West", the Monkey King was described as a talent, who experienced two different destinies under two different systems of personnel placement.在《西游记》中,孙悟空是一个天才型人才。
3.The description of rock in the latter is derived from the former, where CAO Xue qin puts a lot of blood of the Monkey King into JIA Bao yu.曹雪芹把孙悟空的血液大量注入到贾宝玉血管里去。
4)experience of Sun Wukong孙悟空经历
5)image of Monkey Sun孙悟空形象
6)Monkey King Worshipping孙悟空崇拜
