审美对象,aesthetic object
1)aesthetic object审美对象
1.The essence of all aesthetic activities lies in the issue of aesthetic liberty,of which the liberty of aesthetic object is one of the significant aspects.审美自由问题是整个审美活动本质之所在,而审美对象的自由问题是其中一个重要的方面。
2.Mikel Dufrenne held that the aesthetic object is a pure object of perception.杜夫海纳认为审美对象是纯粹知觉对象。
3.In Ingarden s opinion,the aesthetic experience begins with the cognition of the real object,and the aesthetic object is the result of the activities of the aesthetic experience.英伽登认为审美经验活动开始于对实在事物的认识,审美对象是审美经验的产物,但是审美对象不同于实在事物,审美对象形成后也不局限于实在事物。

1.Life world and origin of the world of meanings of aesthetic objects;生活世界与审美对象意义世界的本源
2.Study of Geiger s Aesthetics: Experience and Subject;审美经验与审美对象——莫里茨·盖格尔美学思想研究之
3.The Original aesthetic object of the human beings is the beauty of themselves;人类最初的审美对象是关于人类自身的美;
4.Ancient culture of wine supplied wide room of appreciation of the beautiful and the object of appreciation of the beautiful for ancient literature.古代酒文化为古代文学提供了广大的审美空间和审美对象
5.On the Formation of Landscape as Independent Aesthetic Object during the Six Dynasties;论六朝时期自然山水作为独立审美对象的形成
6.The Illustration of Dufrenne s Aesthetical Object and Classification by the Way of Phenomenal Science;杜夫海纳对审美对象和艺术作品类型的现象学描述
7.The natural object in Shi Shuo Xin Yu is the aesthetic target naturally to a certain extent.《世说新语》人物品藻中的自然物象在某种程度上也是自然审美对象
8.Being aesthetic target, cicada has extremely rich aesthetics implication.蝉作为审美对象,在中国古代诗词中,有着极为丰富的美学意蕴。
9.Aesthetics Education is a kind of appreciation activity whose object is students.审美教育是以学生为影响对象的审美活动。
10.The Philosophically Aesthetic Judgment on the Principle of Imagery Thinking Reality;对意象思维存在规律的哲学审美判断
11.Aesthetic Problems in Consumption Period --Reflection on “Aesthetic Standard of Daily Life”;消费时代的审美问题——兼对“日常生活的审美化”现象的思考
12.The Discussion From"Imagery Doctrine"of Classical Poetics in China to "Imagery Note System"of Modern Doctrine --The thought on imagery aesthetic to Chinese poetry;从“意象说”到“意象符号系统”论——对中国诗歌的意象审美思考
13.The Research on the Effect of Aesthetical Image Training to Junior Middle School Students Maps Memory;审美表象训练对初中生地图识记影响的研究
14.Profanity in the Name of Aesthetic Taste--Reflecting on Images of Women in Advertisement;审美名义下的亵渎——对广告中女性形象的思考
15.On female body images deconstruction of aesthetic images in the consumption era;论消费时代女性身体图像对审美意象的消解
16.Influence of China s Saint-Oriented Culture on Its National Aesthetic Images;略论中国圣贤文化对民族审美意象的影响
17.A Microcosmic Analysis of the Mechanism of Check and Balance in the Jury Trail: An Analytic and Positive Approach on the USA Experience;陪审团审理微观制衡机制考察——一个以美国为对象的分析实证视角
18.A New Exploration of Aesthetic Phenomena;审美现象新探——兼评关于审美现象的若干说法

aesthetic objects审美对象
1.Description and study of Dufrenne aesthetic objects theory;杜夫海纳审美对象理论述评
2.Life world and origin of the world of meanings of aesthetic objects;生活世界与审美对象意义世界的本源
3.Dufrenne has established a complete system of modem aesthetic theory which is composed of the following three sections:the development of the aesthetic objects, the configuration of the artistic works, and the ontology of the aesthetic experience.杜夫海纳以现象学方法建立了完整的现代美学原理体系,这一体系由审美对象的生成论、艺术作品的结构论和审美经验的本体论三部分构成。
3)aesthetic target审美对象
1.It s affirmed that as an objective reality,the aesthetic target in phenomenology is different from the aesthetic object.运用现象学的方法,对审美对象进行阐释,认为它不仅需要具有客观存在的条件,而且必须经过主体的知觉,从而进一步确认,现象学美学中的审美对象作为客观存在的对象不同于审美客体,它是一种意向性、关系性的存在,其内涵比审美客体的内涵更丰富、更具体、更富主体性,也更适合建构新的美学体系;作为被意识到的对象的审美对象不同于一般的意识对象,它是一种需要用审美经验去感知的对象性存在。
2.Through explaining Robot·Coovor novel Housekeeper,this article tries to elaborate that the aesthetic target and aesthetic subject recreated makes the aesthetic theme to form indefinteness,and the subversive and rebuilding significance of the pos-tmodern novels.本文通过解读罗伯特·库弗的小说《保姆》 ,试图阐释审美主体和审美对象的被游戏化 ,使审美主题产生的不确定性 ,以及后现代小说具有的颠覆和重构的意
4)Aesthetical object审美对象
1.The aesthetical objective is a very important idea in the theoretical system of his aesthetics of phenomenal science.审美对象是他现象学美学理论体系中的一个极其重要的概念。
2.It s an important outcome caused by the transition from the study of the phenomenal science to the aesthetical consciousness and the aesthetical object more than his predecessor.它是现象学研究方向过渡到审美经验的重要成果,比其前辈更重视以审美知觉和审美对象为主要内容的现象学理论构建。
5)On Aesthetic Object论审美对象
6)degree of complication审美对象复杂度
