叙述策略,narrative strategy
1)narrative strategy叙述策略
1.An Exploration of Narrative Strategy in Mansfield s Life of Ma Parker;从《派克大妈的一生》看曼斯菲尔德的叙述策略
2.Uncertainty" as distance:On Guenter Grass s narrative strategy in Die Blechtrommel;不确定性"作为间离手段——论君特·格拉斯《铁皮鼓》的基本叙述策略
3.In short story of Araby , James Joyce adopts unique narrative strategy, setting and tone, and the wonderful use of symbolism to depict the theme, which shows his artistic construction and his creative technique in writing. 在短篇小说《阿拉比》中,詹姆士·乔依斯采用独特的叙述策略,别具一格的背景设置与氛围描写,精妙 的象征手法,并使三者相互映衬交融,揭示主题,成就了与众不同的艺术构建,显示了作者独特的创作技巧。

1.Narrator in the Game--Feiming s Narrative Techniques;游戏中的叙述者——论废名小说中叙述者的游戏叙述策略
2.The Narrating Strategies and Gender Politics in the Historical Books of the Old Testament;《旧约》历史书的叙述策略与性别政治
3.A Game:Narrative Tactics in Postmodern Literature;“游戏”,后现代主义文学的叙述策略
4.The first person narrative strategy of Autumn in Spring;《春天里的秋天》第一人称的叙述策略
5.A Critical Review of the Narrating Strategy of the Chinese Novel “The Bridge”;话语的艺术——论废名小说《桥》的叙述策略
6.Narrative Strategies in Historical TV Plays in the Eyes of Mass Culture;大众文化视野中历史电视剧的叙述策略
7.Strategy of narration plays a role in novels--Take "Bamboo" for example;叙述策略演奏小说乐章——以文本《竹林中》为例
8.An Exploration of Narrative Strategy in Mansfield s Life of Ma Parker;从《派克大妈的一生》看曼斯菲尔德的叙述策略
9.On the narrative strategy of Liu Jiandong s Family;阅读的可能性——谈刘建东《全家福》的叙述策略
10.A Poetics Interpretation: Style and Strategy of Narration --Comments on "Hulan River" by Xiao Hong;诗学阐释:文体风格与叙述策略——《呼兰河传》新论
11.Deepen the Aesthetic Connotations in the Composition of Novels -On the Narrative Techniques of Novels;深化小说文本的审美内涵——兼论小说的叙述策略
12.Light and Shadow--The Narrative Strategy of Discourse on "Between Us,the Couple"敞亮与遮蔽——论《我们夫妇之间》的话语叙述策略
13.De-politicization of Literature and Its Narrative Devices in Early Post-Cultural Revolution Era新时期初文学的“去政治化”及其叙述策略
14.On the Narrative Strategies of Sophie’s Choice不可言而言之——解析《苏菲的选择》的叙述策略
15.The Paradox of the Narrative Strategy:Deconstructing the Place and Value of the "He Character" in the Chinese Source Texts叙述策略的悖论:华语文本中“他者”的地位与价值
16.Narrative strategies of foregrounding and backgrounding in the romantic story of Liwa and indirect attacking tactics;《李娃传》主副调互补的叙述策略及其间接攻击策略
17.Personal Trauma and Criticism of Contemporary American Culture:Analysis of Narrative Strategies of In the Lake of the Woods;个人创伤与集体暴行的讲述:《林中之湖》的叙述策略
18.The tension between the narrator and the narrated objection --The narrative crisis and strategy in man s one half is woman;叙述者与叙述对象的张力——《男人的一半是女人》的叙述危机及其策略

narrative tactics叙述策略
1.The analysis of the background of disputes concerning the margin of literary theory which have appeared in the literary theory circle in recent years and the narrative tactics of both parties indicate a concept and attitude:the circle of literary theory is not an abattoir to win the dominant right of speech.通过分析其背景和争论双方的叙述策略,可以了解到当下文学研究的一种观念和态度:文学理论界不是一个话语权力的争夺场,对待与文学相关的各个层面应该采取一种平等对话的姿态。
2.Narrating from the first person point of view, using the surroundings to symbolize women s status, and imitating women s experiences, Gilman subverts the traditional androcentric model of narration, and establishes new narrative tactics.在她的短篇小说《黄色糊墙纸》中,吉尔曼放弃了传统的叙述模式,从第一人称经验视角切入,以环境作为女性地位的象征,通过对女性经验的拟态模仿,颠覆了男性话语模式,创立了一种全新的叙述策略,为20世纪的女性写作树立了典范。
3)the tactic of historical narration历史叙述策略
4)Narrate strategy叙述人称策略
1.Narrate strategy, is the most obvious character in Gao Xingjia s novel , therefore, it becomes the base of the pyramid structure.叙述人称策略,是高行健小说文本区别于其他小说文本的最鲜明的特质,因此,它成为这一金字塔构造中的基座。
5)dialectical narrative tactics辨证叙述策略
6)narrative strategies叙事策略
1.On narrative strategies in Heart of Darkness;《黑暗之心》的叙事策略
2.“Persuading readers”:A study of the narrative strategies in Alive;“说服读者”:《活着》的叙事策略
3.The Narrative Strategies of Expressing the Tendentiousness of the Reports on the Unexpected Events;从叙事策略看突发事件新闻的倾向性表达
