项羽,Xiang Yu
1)Xiang Yu项羽
1.Passion of Life and ignity of Human Nature——Discussion on Xiang Yu s Rejection to Cross the River;生命的热情与人性的尊严——项羽义不过江探微
2.On XIANG Yu s Being Ashamed to Go Back to Face His Fellows in Jiangdong;项羽“羞”见江东之谜新解读
3.On Tragic Dual Character of Xiang Yu;试论项羽双重型的悲剧性格

1.Xiang Yu in Historical Records and Four Pupillas;先锋叙事中的项羽及其他——《史记·项羽本纪》和《重瞳》的互文性阅读
2.Don t Appraise a Hero by Success or Failure--Feature Analysis of XiangYu in History Notes;勿以成败论英雄——《史记·项羽本纪》中的项羽形象分析
3.Lady Yu was in Xiang Yu's company on all his campaigns.虞姬一直在军中随项羽征战。
4.She then went back home to let her father know about what had happened. Before long, Lady Yu and Xiang Yu were married.回家禀告父亲,与项羽结了良缘。
5.With this, she cut her own throat with the sword in her hand, so as not to be a source of worry for Xiang Yu.为解除项羽的后顾之忧,歌毕自刎。
6.On This is Xiang Yu Hero Appellation;浅谈《项羽本纪》中主人公称谓问题
7.Japanese Ballad "Xiang Yu":Field Poppy vs Love and Hero;日本谣曲《项羽》:虞美人草与爱情、英雄
8.XiangYu s Character Weakness Resulting in his Defeat In Chu-Han War;从楚汉战争的失败论项羽的性格弱点
9.A Commant on the Characteristics of Bilgraphical Literature of Histerical Rocerds fom the Porspectivo of The Chroeiclo of Xiang Yu;从《项羽本纪》看《史记》的传记文学特色
10.The rectification and investigation on the site of"Xiangcheng(襄城)"in Xiang Yu Basic Annals, Records of the Grand Historian《史记·项羽本纪》襄城地望纠误与考实
11.Investigation Report on the Route of Xiang Yu's Gaixia Breakout Southward to the Wujiang River项羽垓下突围南驰乌江路线考察报告
12.On Xiang Yu's Moral Misplacement from the Perspective of "Righteousness"在“义”的视阈下看项羽的道德错位
13.Its background is the struggle between Liu Bang, and Xiang Yu, and specifically the final battle between them at Gaixia in 202.以历史上的刘邦项羽相争为题材,描绘刘邦和项羽202年在垓下决战的情景,
14.From the angle that human nature is taken into consideration, the author expounds beauty and good and disappearance about Xiang Yu's human nature, which makes Xiang Yu's image fuller.针对项羽其人的人性美善与缺失,试从人性观照角度加以剖析,期使项羽形象更加圆润丰满。
15.Discussion on conflicts between Liu Bang and Xiang Yu in strategic and political ideas--Discussing from Xiang Yu's not killing Liu Bang at Hongmen banquet试论刘邦、项羽的战略政治理念之冲突——从鸿门宴上项羽不杀刘邦说起
16.At first Hsiang Yu captured Hsingyang and Chengkao and Liu Pang's troops were almost routed.当时项羽接连攻下荥阳、成皋,刘邦几乎溃不成军。
17.It was the scene of battles fought in 203 B.C. between Liu Pang, King of Han, and Hsiang Yu, King of Chu.公元前二○三年,汉王刘邦和楚王项羽曾相持于此。
18.In Chinese, there is the idiom yi'ju'liang'de which literally means to lift once and two things are gained. Some people say this idiom has its origin in Xiang Yu's feat at the Confucian Temple.成语“一举两得”,有人说源于项羽庙前举鼎:

1.Don t Appraise a Hero by Success or Failure——Feature Analysis of XiangYu in History Notes;勿以成败论英雄——《史记·项羽本纪》中的项羽形象分析
2.XiangYu s Character Weakness Resulting in his Defeat In Chu-Han War;从楚汉战争的失败论项羽的性格弱点
3)Japanese ballad "Xiang Yu"谣曲《项羽》
1.The Japanese ballad "Xiang Yu" has drawn material from the story of Xiang Yu and Yu Ji,and part of it originates from "Historical Records",but its main plot is conceived by Japanese writers.谣曲《项羽》是取材于项羽与虞美人故事的作品,这个作品的部分内容取材于《史记》,但主体情节是日本作家的想象与创作。
4)comment on Xiangyu项羽评价
5)Xiang Yu group项羽集团
1.The most improtant reasons of Xiang Yu group\'s failure is inappropriate management during Chu-Han dispute.通过借鉴波士顿矩阵,将项羽集团的人员分为明星、问题、瘦狗和金牛四类人员,既可以根据各类人员的特点进行提拔和舍弃,优化人力资源,同时还可以用矩阵图中的贡献指数来考核成员的绩效,进而提出改善项羽集团人力资源的措施,即优化人才战略和绩效评估机制、构建合理人才结构以及加强多元化的激励机制。
6)Xiang Yu Basic Annals项羽本纪
1.The rectification and investigation on the site of"Xiangcheng(襄城)"in Xiang Yu Basic Annals, Records of the Grand Historian《史记·项羽本纪》襄城地望纠误与考实
