司法腐败,judicial corruption
1)judicial corruption司法腐败
1.Analyse on the factor of party which Solicitation Judicial Corruption——with the visual angle of litigation culture and litigation psychology;试析刑事司法腐败的当事人因素——以诉讼文化、诉讼心理为视角
2.From the perspective of morality, the reasons of judicial corruption include: the influences of traditional ethics,;the situation of professional morality for members in judicial departments;the low moral quality of parts members in judicial organs.从道德的角度看,司法腐败的原因有:传统伦理道德的影响;司法人员所处的职业道德环境不够理想;部分司法人员的道德素质偏低。
3.The discussion about judicial corruption mainly focus on the microcosmic improvement now,but it neglect the basic influence of the macroscopic system of power distribution.当下对于司法腐败隐患的讨论多集中在具体制度的微观改良上,而忽略了宏观的国家权力配置框架对于司法腐败生成的基础性影响。

1.The Law in the Order of Relations--A Cultural Elucidation of Chinese Judicatory Corruption;关系秩序下的法律——中国司法腐败的文化解释
2.The System Source and Resolution to Judicial Corruption in Current China;当前我国司法腐败的制度性根源及其防治
3.Discussion on the Dangers,Causes and Administration of the Judicial Corruptive Phenomenon;浅议司法腐败现象的危害、成因及其治理
4.Role of Juridical Independence in Preventing Juridical Corruption--A Prspective of Neo-institutionalism;论司法独立对遏制司法腐败的作用——以新制度主义理论为视角
5.The Macroscopic Explanation of Judicial Corruption--View from Power Distribution;司法腐败隐患的宏观解读——从国家权力配置的视角
6.Analyse on the factor of party which Solicitation Judicial Corruption--with the visual angle of litigation culture and litigation psychology;试析刑事司法腐败的当事人因素——以诉讼文化、诉讼心理为视角
7.Jurisdiction Corruption and Losing Control of the Society--Taking Nanjing National Government in the Later Ruling Period as a Case;司法腐败与社会失控——以南京国民政府后期为个案的分析
8.We will tighten supervision over the judicial work and punish corruption in this field.加强对司法工作的监督,惩治司法领域中的腐败。
9.Researches on Criminal Judicial Assistance Basing on the United Nations Anti-Corruption Convention;《联合国反腐败公约》下的国际刑事司法协助研究
10.On Precaution and Punishment of Judicial Corruption from Judical Independence;从司法独立角度反思惩治和预防司法领域中腐败现象
11.Authority restricted by law means sound legislation againstcorruption,stern justice to punish corruption and effectual supervision to authority.它包括完善反腐败的立法 ,严厉惩处腐败行为的司法 ,以及对权力进行有效监督。
12.The International Anti-Corruption Judicial System and the Anti-Corruption Criminal Judicial System Reform of China:--A Focus on the United Nations Convention Against Corruption;国际反腐败法律制度与我国刑事司法改革——以《联合国反腐败公约》为中心的分析
13.On the Legal System Construction of Punishing and Preventing Corruption;关于惩治腐败、预防腐败的法治思考
14.A Brief Essay on Right and Corruption--Consideration of Jurisprudencd against Corruption;试论权力与腐败——反腐败的法理思考
15.Subjective Measurement Method of Corruption:the Case of Corruption Perception Index;腐败的主观测评方法——以腐败感知指数为例
16.The company officials feared that the corrupt accountant might destroy company records, an act which would contravene policy.公司的管理者担心腐败的会计会毁掉公司记录,而这一做法与公司的政策相抵触。
17.International Criminal Judicial Assistance of Anti-Corruption--Preliminary Discussion on System of Criminal Judicial Assistance of United Nations Convention on Striking Transnational Organized Crime;反腐败的国际刑事司法协助——《联合国打击跨国有组织犯罪公约》的刑事司法协助体系
18.Source Finding and Administrative Strategies on Listed Corporations Financial Corruption;上市公司财务腐败的寻源与治理策略

Judicatory Corruption司法腐败
1.The formation of clriminal judicatory corruption has a loto of causes,but the institutional disfigurement is the most primary factor for that.刑事司法腐败问题的产生有着诸多的成因,但制度的缺陷是其最为主要的诱发因素,不从制度上探寻其成因,仅由司法机关进行整改教育是无法从根本上解决问题的。
2.Judicial ethics plays an important role in promoting justice and eliminating judicatory corruption.司法伦理对促进司法公正,消除司法腐败具有重要的作用。
3)A Discussion on Judicature Corruption论司法腐败
4)judicial corruptive phenomenon司法腐败现象
1.Probing into the dangers and causes of the judicial corruptive phenomenon can facilitate constructing the rational mode of preventing judicial corruption.司法腐败现象是法治社会严重的腐败现象之一,它是司法人员司法伦理和操守丧失的结果,也是相关制度缺陷造成的恶果,同时也与一定的社会经济文化环境相关联。
5)Checking the decay of judicial power遏制司法腐败
6)On Judicial Corruption and the Prevention of lt司法腐败及其克服
