身体政治,body politics
1)body politics身体政治
1.Representation of discourse power and body politics in White Snake;话语权力与身体政治在《白蛇》中的再现——从福柯的微观政治学角度解读《白蛇》
2.Subject Consciousness,Female Myth and Body Politics——A Cultural Analysis on the American Female TV Series主体意识、女性神话与身体政治——近期美国女性电视剧的文化读解
3.The paper focuses on a detailed analysis of the configuration of Hamlet, his revenge in the feminist perspective, and the relation with body politics in Updike s latest novel, Gertrude and Claudius.本文对美国作家约翰·厄普代克的《〈哈姆莱特〉前传》中的王子形象、女性视角中的王子复仇的涵义及其与身体政治价值取向之间的关系作了详尽的分析与阐释。

1.Criticism of Body Politics in the Perspective of Cultural Philosophy--On Eagleton s Criticism of Body Politics;文化哲学视域下的身体政治批评——伊格尔顿的身体政治批评浅析
2."Body Political Symptomatology" In Chinese Traditional Thinking;中国传统思维中的“身体政治症候学”
3.Body Politics: State Power and the Spread of Zhongshan Zhuang in Republic of China;身体政治:国家权力与民国中山装的流行
4.Patriotic Feelings,Body Politics,Selfish Lust-Comment on An Lee s Lust,Caution;国族情怀 身体政治 私己爱欲——解析李安电影《色·戒》
5.The poetic expression of the physical politics--On the transforming arts in the novels by Mao Dun;身体政治学的诗性表现——论茅盾小说的变形艺术
6.Hair-cutting, Hair-wearing and Braid-cutting: Studies on a Body-Politics History of Hair and Braid in Qing Dynasty;剃发·蓄发·剪发——清代辫发的身体政治史研究
7.A Study of the Body Politics Criticism in the Horizon of Postmodernism后现代主义视域中的身体政治批评研究
8.Subject Consciousness,Female Myth and Body Politics--A Cultural Analysis on the American Female TV Series主体意识、女性神话与身体政治——近期美国女性电视剧的文化读解
9.Body Politics and the Construction of Black Female Subjectivity in Toni Morrison's Novels莫里森早期小说中的身体政治意识与黑人女性主体建构
10.Representation of discourse power and body politics in White Snake;话语权力与身体政治在《白蛇》中的再现——从福柯的微观政治学角度解读《白蛇》
11.Body Politics and Authority Construction: Narrative Analysis on Toni Morrison s Beloved;身体政治与权威建构——托尼·莫里森《宠儿》中的叙事评价
12.On the Racist Body Politics in The Bluest Eye;为“眼”疯狂——《最蓝的眼睛》对种族主义身体政治的揭示
13.Body Politics and Political Body:the Despotic Spirit of Confucianists Body Viewpoint;身体的政治与政治的身体——儒家身体观的专制主义精神
14."Body":the Cognitive Basis of Chinese Political Thought Construction;“身体”:中国政治思想建构的认知基础
15.The Identity of Domestic Workers and Their Political Union Rights--A Case Study of a Domestic Workers' Unionin Xi'an家政女工的身份与团结权政治——一个家政工会女工群体的个案研究
16.It is the mixture of the politics between transcendentalism and experientialism.政治理念本身是一个先验性和经验性的混合体。
17.A Discussion on Body Ideology力比多实践中的文化政治——《身体意识形态》评介
18.a constitutional government立宪政治 [政体]

Body and Politics身体与政治
3)physical politics身体政治学
1.The poetic expression of the physical politics——On the transforming arts in the novels by Mao Dun;身体政治学的诗性表现——论茅盾小说的变形艺术
4)Body Politics Criticism身体政治批评
5)identity politics身份政治
6)traditional Chinese body politics中国古代身体政治学

政治处(见政治部)政治处(见政治部)political division zhengzhiehu政治处(politieal division)中国人民解放军在团和相当于团的单位设立的政治工作领导机关。主要任务和职责与政治部基本相同。见政治部。