女性角色,female role
1)female role女性角色
1.The cognition about female role and its orientation among college students;高校学生女性角色认知及其倾向性分析
2.Female Role in Transforming Village Culture;变迁村落文化中的女性角色
3.The female role of network games in both the exterior appearance and the actual game is opposed to the female consciousness that we hope.网络游戏中女性角色的大量涌现并非意味着女性地位的提高。

1.On Female Role of Female Fashion Magazines;试论女性时尚杂志中的女性角色问题
2.Awareness of Women’s Role in the Publicity--Assessment of Female Roles During Revolution of 1911女性角色意识的张扬——辛亥革命时期女性角色的定位
3.The Humbleness of Ancient Chinese Women Seen from the Female Characters in "Romance of Enfeoffment to Deities";从《封神演义》的女性角色看中国古代女性的卑微
4.Resistance Against Traditional Female Roles and Pursuit of Multiple Female Self反抗传统的女性角色,追寻多元的女性自我
5.the role of an innocent artless young woman in a play.戏剧中天真朴实的年轻女性角色
6.(3) The characteristic of the describe of the female role in television advertising.(三)电视广告中女性角色描述特征。
7.Studies on the Female Status in the Chinese Journalism Field;中国新闻传播领域中的女性角色研究
8.The Musical Image-building of the Female Role in Don Giovanni;歌剧《唐·璜》中女性角色的音乐形象塑造
9.Searching for Identity--An Analysis of Female Characters in Toni Morrison s Sula;寻求自我——对《秀拉》中女性角色的分析
10.Ghost Stories the Male Power Consciousness within Female Role;《聊斋志异》女性角色中的男权意识
11.The Moulding of Zhuang Woman s Role by Traditional Textile Culture;传统纺织文化对壮族女性角色的塑造
12.Influential Factors and Countermeasures of Career Women s Role Conflicts;职业女性角色冲突的成因及对策分析
13.On the Implication of Female Roles in Chinese and Western Love Dramas;中西方爱情剧中女性角色塑造意蕴谈
14.Female Characters in Oscar Wilde's Social Comedies奥斯卡·王尔德社会喜剧中的女性角色
15.Women's Influence on the Activities of Calling on Enemy to Surrender in the Han Dynasty汉代社会女性角色对招降活动的影响
16.The Awakening of Feminist Consciousness--An analysis of the poem of "To Oak" by Shu Ting女性角色意识的觉醒——解读《致橡树》
17.Exploration of the Female s Materials in the History Curriculum and Development of the Senior Girls Female-role Awareness;挖掘历史教材中的女性材料培养高中女生女性角色意识
18.Discussions on Androgyny and the Gender Role of Female--Reflections based on Social Role Theory;双性化与女性性别角色——基于社会角色论的思考

female characters女性角色
1.It displays the complexity of female characters.《江格尔》是研究中国蒙古族以及北方民族的历史发展和文化观念的重要资料,其中对女性角色的描绘较为复杂。
2.In his work, there are various female characters, from the queen to the peasant woman who struggle to gain more freedom, right, education, and respect.在他的作品中,有着不同类型的女性角色,她们无论是农妇还是女王,都努力奋斗,争取更多的自由、权利、教育机会以及他人的尊重。
3)female character女性角色
1.There are various and endless criticisms on the presentation of female characters in Heming-way s fictions.本文中,笔者将试着从海明威所在的时代、他的个人生活经历以及战争等对他所造成的影响来解读他的小说《老人与海》中的女性角色缺失问题。
4)women characters女性角色
1.In this thesis, based on Laura Julier s classification of Albee s three types of women characters: the whiny daughter figure, the cynical mother figure, and the aged, often helpless but nonetheless sexual, grandmother figure, the thesis tries to prove that the creation of these women characters is the .劳拉·朱丽尔把阿尔比作品中的女性归为三类:爱发牢骚的女儿,愤世嫉俗的母亲,还有无助无望却充满性欲的老祖母,论文依据这三种类型选取了阿尔比的两部作品《美国梦》和《谁害怕弗吉尼亚·沃尔夫?》进行女性角色的分析,论证了阿尔比创作的女性角色正是他用来批判舞台上社会中关于女性地位标准观念的武器,让他的戏剧区别于其他荒诞派戏剧家的作品。
2.There is no denying that women characters play a pivotal role in Faulkner s novels.通过对这两位女性角色的对比研究,本文旨在分析她们在一定社会背景下的心路历程以及生活历程。
3.From the feminist approach, the paper will discuss the women characters appearing in Willa Cather\'s novel My Antonia in regard to their perplexity and frustrations naturally, socially and psychologically.凯瑟的作品《我的安东尼娅》中的女性角色所遭遇到的困惑与挫折。
5)the location of female role女性角色定位
6)women's dual functions女性双重角色
