艺术特点,artistic features
1)artistic features艺术特点
1.The Road Not Taken But Carved in Heart Analysis of the artistic features of Frost's poem The Road Not Taken解析弗罗斯特《未选之路》之诗歌艺术特点
2.Six artistic features of Chinese historic gardens are concluded in view of their similarities of the constitution,conception,temperament,dynamic arrays and techniques of selecting scenery.从中国古典园林的组成、立意、情趣、动态序列及选景手法上的共同之处 ,归纳出中国古典园林的 6个艺术特点 ,并从“天人合一”的造园思想和“诗情画意”的人文审美角度 ,提出对传统园林艺术的继承与发展问题的粗略看法。
3.This article begins with the name evolution of Xi Yang Xiao Gu and its historical influence, proceeds from the characteristics of national music and artistic features of music, and then expounds the techniques of piano playing to express the content of this music composition and enrich its artistic expression.从介绍《夕阳箫鼓》曲名的衍变和历史影响出发,并从民族音乐特色和作品的艺术特点入手,论述了如何运用钢琴演奏技术来表现此曲的内容、丰富它的艺术表现力,其真正意义在于不断地挖掘中国传统音乐的无限深邃的神韵和意境。

1.Having qualities unique to the art of painting.绘画艺术的有独特的绘画艺术特点
2.The Comparison of the Artistic Characteristics between Hamlet and the Fly;《哈姆莱特》与《苍蝇》的艺术特点之比较
3.2. The main expressing of the color characters in the western oil painting art.二、西方油画艺术中色彩艺术特点的主要体现
4.On the artistic features of the movies by Ki-duk Kim;电影艺术赏析——浅谈金基德电影的艺术特点
5.The History of Chinese Traditional Flower Arrangement and Its Artistic Characteristics中国传统插花历史发展和艺术特点
6.Brief Analysis on the Artistic Features of National Vocal Music Works of Wang Zhixin ng Zhixin s National Vocals;浅析王志信民族声乐作品的艺术特点
7.Argument of the Artistic Features of Geshwen Opera-Porgy and Bess;论格什温歌剧《波基与贝丝》的艺术特点
8.Artistic Characteristics of "Shuang Tiao Luo"--the Se Nationality s Folk Songs;福建畲族民歌“双条落”的艺术特点
9.On the Artistic Features with Happiness-Dominated of Chinese Ancient Music;论我国早期音乐“以乐为主”的艺术特点
10.Briefly Analyse of the Artistic Characteristic for the Ancient Chinese Sculptures Painting;浅析中国古代雕塑的绘画性艺术特点
11.On Artistic Features of Beethoven C Concerto Grosso;贝多芬《C大调回旋曲》的艺术特点浅析
13.On the Characteristics of the Devices of Schubert s Lieder;试析舒伯特艺术歌曲的创作技法特点
14.The Principles of Ding Song s Playing and His Tactic Philosophy;丁松打球特点分析——兼析战术艺术
15.On Attribute of Art Songs andCharacteristics of German and Austrian Lieds浅议艺术歌曲的属性与德奥艺术歌曲的特点
16.The Features and the Achievements of Vocal Arts in Europe During Renaissance;文艺复兴时期欧洲声乐艺术的特点与成就
17.characteristic of present-day art and literature.以当今时代的艺术和文学为特点。
18.characteristic of the classical artistic and literary traditions.以古典艺术和文学传统为特点。

artistic characteristics艺术特点
1.Viewing the Artistic Characteristics of The Scholars through the Remarks from Qing Dynasty;从清人评点看《儒林外史》谋篇的艺术特点
2.Express women s feelings and thoughts——On the artistic characteristics of Li Qingzhao s Ci creations;抒写女性的情怀——试论李清照词作的艺术特点
3)artistic feature艺术特点
1.Fairy Tale at the End of the Century——A Simple Analysis on the Artistic Features of Liang Feng-yi s Novels about Finance and Economics;世纪末的童话——浅析梁凤仪财经小说的艺术特点
2.The Origin and the Artistic Feature of Suzhou Brick Engraving;苏州砖雕的源流与艺术特点
3.From the artistic feature of different ages,this paper discussed the dazzling achievements of the celadon porcelain.本文从其在不同历史时期的艺术特点来解读越窑青瓷夺目的成就。
4)art features艺术特点
1.Based on the summing up of military poems in Book of Odes,the article defines what military poems are,then analyzes the art features of these military poems,and comes to point out the three art features of the military poems in Book of Odes:grand and magnificent descriptions in expeditions and campaigns,a lively portraying of numerous characters,regular and changeable metrical patterns.通过对《诗经》中有关军事活动诗歌的归纳,界定了《诗经》中"军旅诗"的范围,并对这些军旅诗的艺术特点进行了分析,提出《诗经》中军旅诗的三个艺术特点:表现征伐简洁而又气势;刻画形象众多而又鲜明;结构设计整齐而又多变。
5)artistic characteristic艺术特点
6)features of artistic design艺术设计特点

《电影艺术在表现形式上的几个特点》  中国电影理论著作。史东山著,艺术出版社1954年出版。全书分两部分。第一部分从分析小说、戏剧与电影的区别和共同点入手,阐释了电影艺术在表现形式上的基本特点;第二部分,对电影分镜头的原理提供了一些论据。该书对初写电影剧本者有一定的参考价值。