精神生产,spiritual production
1)spiritual production精神生产
1.Based on the theory of Karl Marx about spiritual production,this article pays attention to the aesthetic paradox between the marginalization of classical arts and the rise of popular culture.文章以马克思关于精神生产的理论为起点,关注经典艺术边缘化和大众文化兴起的审美悖论,探讨艺术创造转化到资本化生产的过程,并以此分析为基础进一步讨论文化工业的产生机制以及大众文化的兴起。
2.As an important component of historical materialism,spiritual production is theoretic basis for construction of historical materialism,having increasingly influence on social development.精神生产是唯物史观的重要组成部分,是建构唯物史观的理论基础。

1.The Spiritual Production in a View of Marx s Total Production;论马克思总体生产视域中的精神生产
2.On Karl Marx s Theory of Spirit Producing & the Argument of Science and Technology being the First Productivity;论精神生产与“科学技术是第一生产力”
3.Social Production : An Organic Unification of Material Production and Mental Production;社会生产——物质生产与精神生产的有机统一
4.Culture Industry:Modern Form of the Development of Spiritual Production;文化产业:精神生产发展的现代形态
5.The Spiritual Productivity Function and the Features of Social Association;社会交往的特征及其精神生产力功能
6.New Era of Spiritual Production --Notes for“Artistic Cons ciousness”in Wei and Jin Dynasty;精神生产的新纪元——魏晋“文的自觉”解读
7.Manifestation of "Spirit Production" in Modern Capitalist Society“精神生产”在当代资本主义社会的表现
9.On the Proposal of Marx s Definition of Spiritual Production and its Significance-Research on Earlier Text of Marx s Theory on Spiritual Production;马克思精神生产概念的提出及意义——马克思精神生产理论早期文本学研究
10.Spirit producing:the extension and transcendence of human nature --The historical analysis on the theory of spirit producing in Germanic classical philosophy;精神生产:人性的张扬与超越——对德国古典哲学精神生产理论的历史分析
11.A deranged, potentially dangerous person.精神病患者精神错乱、有可能产生危害的人
12.The Critical Spirit and the Liberalistic Spirit Come Into Being New Talent;批判精神和自由精神:创新人才产生的原动力
13.those who produce psychotropic drugs or change the production plan or produce additional kinds of psychotropic drugs without authorization;擅自生产精神药品或者改变生产计划,增加精神药品品种的;
14.Economical Reason of Business Cheat Concerned toe Cultural Products;精神产品生产产生欺诈的经济原因探析
15.On Mental work,the Production of Spiritual Product and the Transition of Economic Increase Pattern;论精神劳动、精神产品生产与经济增长方式的转变
16.(philosophy) of a mental act; causing effects outside the mind.(哲学)指精神活动;产生思想以外的影响。
17.Folk Art --Sign of Spiritual and Working Activities;民间艺术——精神与生产活动的符号
18.The Base of the Higher Education:The Spreading and Passing on, Producing and Origination of the Spirit;大学之道:精神的传承、生产与原创

spirit production精神生产
1.The position of spirit production has been a controversial problem in philosophical field.精神生产活动的地位一直是哲学界争议的问题,其原因在一定程度上是由于人们对于精神生产范畴理解上的混淆。
2.It is a process that the spirit producers use certain means of spirit production on certain objects to create certain spiritual production, which is of its own special characteristics.精神生产是满足人们精神生活需要的活动。
3.Marx theory of "spirit production" is an indispensable part of his social development theory of over-all production, and therefore the study of the theorycannot be confined to the part of material production and must stress the role ofspirit production in social development and over-all development of man s nature.马克思的精神生产理论是马克思社会发展的全面生产理论的一个不可或缺的部分。
3)Intellectual production精神生产
1.In productive labor,intellectual production is a vital aspect not to be neglected.精神生产的精神产品能满足人的内在家园的需要。
2.As a vital aspect in the theory of total production, intellectual production is the essential reason and premise for the total and free development of man.相对于物质生产的精神生产在社会生产中起着无可替代的作用。
3.The intellectual production as a modality of creating intellectual products is a vital content of socialist productive labor.精神生产作为精神产品创造的生产劳动形式是社会主义生产劳动的重要内容;技术、知识和信息等精神产品作为精神生产的成果是重要的社会财富;精神产品生产的原创性和唯一性等特点决定了精神生产创造非物质、直接的价值。
4)spirit produce精神生产
1.Substance produce,spirit produce and discourse practice are the unified o.无论是物质生产、精神生产,还是话语实践,都是形式性与内容性的统一。
5)mental production精神生产
1.The Marx theory of mental production plays an important role in our socialist cultural development,which gives expression to the guide to raising the level of our cultural life,to following the policy of focusing on economic development and to cultural development and reform.马克思精神生产理论对社会主义文化建设具有重大的指导作用,表现在对社会主义精神文明建设、对遵循以经济建设为中心、对文化发展与变革、对提高文化建设自觉性的指导等方面。
2.Study of mechanism and dynamics of mental production shows the dynamics of mental production and its specialty.本文试图通过精神生产的机制及其动力的研究 ,一方面说明精神生产前进的内在动力和前进轨道 ,即精神生产在主体所设定的具有无限可能性的目标的引导下 ,形成内在张力 ,并对此进行超越而获得发展 ;另一方面则力求在这种研究中标示出精神生产的独特性 ,以使思想之花在对物欲的一片盲目追求中散发出一股清新之气。
6)Spiritual productivity精神生产力
1.The Spiritual Productivity Function and the Features of Social Association;社会交往的特征及其精神生产力功能
2.Librarians are possessed of an important position in composing of spiritual productivity.图书馆员在“精神生产力”构成中有着重要地位。
3.Expounds that culture industry promotes the development of material productivity,as well as spiritual productivity,and culture industry s promotion for productivity is comprehensive.阐述了文化产业不仅推动了物质生产力的进步,同时也促进了精神生产力的发展,因此文化产业对生产力的推动作用是全面的。

精神生产型职业群体精神生产型职业群体vocational group of spiritual productive type 精神生产型职业群体(voeational9 roup of spiritual Produetive type)职业群体类型之一,指群体成员以从事精神产品的生产和各种精神活动为业的职业群体,如科研院所、文化艺术团队等。 (张燕逸撰张交审)