文化力,cultural power
1)cultural power文化力
1.Consideration on hencing enterprises comprehensive competitiveness by cultural power;浅论文化力提升企业综合竞争力——对波导特色企业文化建设的思考
2.Rural sports is a cultural power in new.以湖北省大洲村为个案,采用田野调查、文献资料调研、逻辑分析等研究方法,从文化力的视角对农民体育的发展给予解析。

1.The Exploitation of Culture,Culture National Power & Business Culture;文化、文化国力与企业文化力的开发
2.7.: To Promote the Competitiveness with the Power of the Culture用文化力提升竞争力
3.Cultural Power and Cultural Productivity:Foundation for Developing Cultural Economy;文化力与文化生产力:文化经济发展的立足点
4.Cultural Power and Culture as unofficial Rule;文化力与作为一种非正式制度的文化
5.Reflections on corporate culture translating into entrepreneurial competitive power;企业文化力转化为企业竞争力的思考
6.The Relationship Between Cultural Competence and Communicative Competence and How to Cultivate Cultural Competence;论文化能力与交际能力和如何培养文化能力
7.The Trend of Gender Culture--From Power Culture to Gender Equality Culture;性别文化的去向——从权力文化到平等性别文化
8.Propagating Humanistic Culture and Promoting Humanistic Quality-Oriented Education;大力弘扬人文文化 推进人文素质教育
9.Give play to the strength of culture, build " cultural economy " in the region.发挥文化的力量,建设地域“文化经济”。
10.Advancing the competitiveness of city s culture with university s culture construction;以大学文化建设提升城市文化竞争力
11.Protect Intangible Cultural Heritage and Enhance Culture Competence;保护非物质文化遗产增强文化竞争力
12.The Basic Theoretical Research of Regional Investment and Evaluation Model Construction;文化何以成为经济——兼论文化生产力
13.Cross-cultural Communication Competence and Profound Cross-cultural Awareness;跨文化交际能力与深层的跨文化意识
14.Develop Cultural Industries and Satisfy Consumers Cultural Needs;大力发展文化产业满足文化消费需求
15.Education of Cultural Quality and Cultivating Ability of Cross-Culture Communication;文化素质教育与跨文化交际能力培养
16.Language Teaching Should Attach Importance to Culture Teaching,Developing the Students Awareness and Abilities in Intercultural Communication;语言文化教学与培养跨文化交际能力
17.Western Cultural Studies and Inter-cultural Communication Competence;西方文化研究及跨文化交际能力培养
18.Culture Landing On Habit Strength behind the Culture文化落地:关注文化背后的习惯力量

Cultural Force文化力
1.To Upgrade the Industrial Competitiveness of Nixing Ceramics by Cultural Force;以文化力提升坭兴陶产业竞争力
2.Path dependence and institutional innovation of the transformation from cultural force to economic force;文化力向经济力转化的路径依赖与制度创新——基于西部民族地区的分析
3.All the words above have demonstrated that the role of cultural force in the whole country strength has improved into a high standing,especially the significant advance to the aspect of the social economy development which was contributed by the transformation from cultural force to economic force,.在当今经济发展中,文化力与经济力相互作用共同推动经济社会发展,文化与经济的一体化趋势日益凸显。
3)cultural strength文化力
1.The key for grain & oil enterprises to improve their core competitive power is to strengthen the construction of enterprise culture and promote the cultural strength of the enterprises.加强企业文化建设,提升企业的文化力,是提高粮油企业核心竞争力的关键。
2.Today,the cultural strength is paied much attention to,So the snow and ice sports industry should advance with times.通过我国冰雪体育产业的市场规模及运营状况的研究发现,现阶段我国冰雪体育产业对"文化力是企业核心竞争力"的认识仍处于初级阶段。
3.We cannot avoid such questions as how to promote Guangxi cultural strength through making full use of the region s abundant cultural resources.如何利用好丰富的文化资源来提升广西的"文化力",这是我们必须面对的问题。
4)culture power文化力
1.Evaluation of regional culture power by the neural network;利用神经网络来评价区域文化力
2.The bout of“ Culture power” in economy match;经济赛局中“文化力”的较量
5)cultural competence文化能力
1.Initiation and development of cultural competence curricula in American medical education;美国医学教育中文化能力培养课程的兴起与发展
2.Talking on relationship between cultural competence and humanity-culture quality;浅谈文化能力与人文素质的联系
3.They should devote much attention to the train- ing of students linguistic competence, social linguistic competence and cultural competence.教师在传授学生英语知识的同时,应教会学生如何使用英语,即重视培养学生的语言能力、社会语言能力以及文化能力。
6)culture competence文化能力
1.Research progress on the culture competence in multi-culture nursing care多元文化护理中文化能力的研究进展
2.This paper, based on schema theory and constructivist learning theory, puts forward a culture schema constructing model in college EFL context to enhance students’ culture competence as well as their language ability.在大学英语教学中,基于图式理论和建构主义学习理论,在大学英语教学中,提出文化图式建构模式,以期在增强学生语言能力的同时提高其文化能力。

文化生产力 马克思在《1844年经济学哲学手稿》中曾指出,%26ldquo;宗教、家庭、国家、法、道德、科学、艺术等等,都不过是生产的一些特殊的方式,并且受生产的普遍规律的支配。%26rdquo;学术界普遍认为文化生产力就是指人们围绕满足人类自身的精神需求,把人类自身的思想、意志和情感作为文化资源,生产文化产品、提供文化服务和创造社会财富的能力。