产业体系,industrial system
1)industrial system产业体系
1.As an important centre of transportation and economics of Dabie Mountains ,Macheng City has its superior geographical position,but its existing industrial system and its distribution are far from rational .麻城市作为大别山区重要的交通枢纽和经济中心 ,区位优势明显 ,但现时的产业体系和布局急待调整升级。
2.City proper cycle economy industrial system is the industrial system of all industries in the city proper to constructing various industrial ecological chain.城区循环经济产业体系构建是在城区范围内,对各产业的不同领域构建各种产业生态链,发展循环型三产、二产和城郊农业。

1.Study on the System Structuring of National Sports Travel Industry in Sichuan;巴蜀民族体育旅游产业体系构建研究
3.The Relationship Between the Trend of Industry Fusion and the Construction of Shanghai New Industry System;产业融合发展与构筑上海新型产业体系
4.integrated system of industrial statistics产业统计一体化系统
5.Discussion on Correlation between Sports Business and Sports Industry;体育事业与体育产业的相关关系辨析
6.Research on the Industry and Trade Value Chain Evaluating System of an Enterprise;企业的产业行业价值链评价体系研究
7.The Relation among Sports Industry, Sports Undertaking, Sports Industrialization and Sports Marketing;体育产业与体育事业、体育产业化、体育市场化及其相互关系
8.The Study of the Newspapering Enterprises Product Excerpting Co-competition Management System;报业企业产品转载竞合管理体系研究
9.Establishment of the Agricultural Risk Management System Based on Industrial Chain;基于产业链的农业风险管理体系建设
10.The Research of “New Manufacturing” Industry Evaluation Indicators System;“新型制造业”产业评价指标体系研究
11.Researches on the Strategy System of Chinese Forestry Industry s Modernization;我国林业产业现代化的战略体系研究
12.The Construction of the Capital Support System and the Development of Agricultural Industrialization;资本支持体系建设与农业产业化发展
13.A Survey on the Establishment of Social Service System in the Industrialization of Agriculture;论农业产业化中社会服务体系的建立
14.Research on Relation between American Sports Organization and Media Industry;美国体育组织与媒体产业关系的研究
15.An Analysis of the Relationship between Industry and Consumption of Physical Education in our University;试析我校体育产业与体育消费的关系
16.Study on the Relationship Between the Family Sports and Sports Industry;家庭体育与体育产业发展关系的探讨
17.Research on the Interaction of Mass Media and Sports Industry;大众媒体与体育产业的互动关系研究
18.Study on Economic Theory System Frame of Sports Industrialization;体育产业经济学的理论体系构架研究

industry system产业体系
1.Goals and important points of building a modern industry system in the new countryside on the west side of the Straits;海峡西岸新农村现代产业体系建设的目标和重点
2.In China,the strategies to realize the available transition in growth pattern of agricultural economy includes: fostering and expanding the new industry systems,developing special economy,constructing modern agriculture industry,speeding up the de.实现我国农村经济增长方式有效转型的策略包括:培育和拓展新产业、发展特色经济,创建现代农业产业体系,加快农村金融改革和发展,大力发展乡镇企业,强化设施装备支撑,提高农业机械化和信息化水平,造就大批新型农民等,这些策略将对转变我国农村经济增长方式起到积极促进作用。
3.The modern agriculture is not only the technicalization of production,but also a industry system of modern agriculture.建设现代农业不仅仅是实现生产手段的科技化,而是构建一个完整的现代农业产业体系
3)bamboo industry system竹产业体系
4)forestry industry system林业产业体系
1.Rational and efficient forestry policies are the continuous engine for constructing forest resources, forestry industry systems and ecological environment.林业肩负着发展林业产业和保护生态环境的双重使命,合理有效的林业政策是推动资源建设、林业产业体系和生态体系建设的不竭动力。
5)Industrial System of Agriculture农业产业体系
6)urban industrial system城市产业体系
1.Considering the faultiness of the technique of Strategic Environmental Assessment,a method,Booming Analysis of Early Warning,is introduced into Strategic Environmental Assessment for urban industrial system.针对目前战略环境评价技术方法的不完善,采用宏观经济预警基本原理及景气分析方法,结合大连市城市产业体系环境经济运行特征,建立了大连市城市产业体系环境经济景气指数系统,对城市产业体系发展的战略环境评价进行了探讨。
