1.Effects of Human Disturbance on Foraging Behavior of Dunlins Calidris alpina;人为干扰对黑腹滨鹬觅食行为的影响
2.Our survey not only proved Bohai Bay is a important stopover of Eurasian Curlew (Numenius arquata), Grey Plover (Pluvialis squatarola) and Dunlin (Calidris alpina) but also discovered there is used as nonbreeding area by these three shorebirds at the first time.不仅证实渤海湾北部地区是白腰杓鹬(Numenius arquata)、灰斑鸻(Pluvialis squatarola)、黑腹滨鹬(Calidris alpina)迁徙的重要中途停歇地,而且首次发现这三种鸟类在渤海湾地区有越冬种群存在。
3.The Dunlin (Calidris alpina) is a small-sized migratory bird species belonging to the order Charadriiformes, Family Scolopacidae and Genus Calidris.黑腹滨鹬(Calidris alpina)隶属鸻形目、鹬科、滨鹬属,是东亚-澳大利西亚迁徙路线上最常见的鸻鹬类之一。

1.A rust-brown and white sandpiper(Calidris alpina) native to northern regions of North America, Europe, and Asia.黑腹滨鹬一种赭棕与白色的鹬(滨鹬沙鹬属)生长于北美和欧亚的北部地区
2.Either of two migratory sandpipers(Calidris canutus or C.tenuirostris)that breed in Arctic regions.红腹滨鹬在北极地区繁殖的两种迁徙鹬的任一种(红腹滨鹬或大滨鹬)
3.shorebird of the sandpiper family that resembles a snipe.矶鹬科与鹬形似的滨鸟。
4.sandpiper family: sandpipers; woodcocks; snipes; tattlers; curlews; godwits; dowitchers.矶鹞科;矶鹞;鸟鹬;鹬;鹬类;杓鹬;黑尾豫;长嘴半蹼鹬。
5.A large grayish shore bird(Catoptrophorus semipalmatus)of North America, having black wings with a broad white stripe.白羽鹬北美洲的一种略带灰色的大滨鸟(半蹼白翅鹬),长有带宽白边的黑色翅膀
6.An Old World wading bird(Limnocryptes minima)having brownish plumage and a long bill.滨鹬,姬鹬东半球的一种涉水禽鸟(姬鹬鹬属),长有浅棕色的羽毛和长长的嘴
7.sandpiper-like shorebird of Pacific coasts of North and South America.美洲太平洋沿岸与矶鹬相象的滨鸟。
8.Any of several brownish, long - legged shore birds of the genus Numenius, having long, slender, downward - curving bills.杓鹬一种杓鹬属淡棕色长腿滨鸟,生有长而细的、向下弯曲的喙
9.large migratory shorebirds of the sandpiper family; closely related to woodcocks but having a down-curved bill.矶鹬科大型的迁移性滨鸟;与丘鹬近缘但长有向下弯曲的喙。
10.shorebirds: plovers; sandpipers; avocets; phalaropes; coursers; stone curlews.海滨鸟;珩科鸟;矶鹞;反嘴鹊;矶鹞;猎狗;石杓鹬。
11.Studies on Energy Deposition Pattern of Calidris Ruficollis during Stopover;红颈滨鹬中途停歇地能量累积模型研究
12.Phenotypic flexibility of Calidris tenuirostris body structure during springtime stopover细嘴滨鹬春季迁徙中转停歇期间机体结构的表型弹性
13.Any of several wading birds of the genus Haematopus, having black and white plumage and a long orange bill and feeding on oysters, clams, and limpets.蛎鹬任一种蛎鹬属的涉禽鸟有黑的和白的羽毛和长桔色的嘴,食牡蛎、蛤蚌以及帽贝
14.belly nape(鱼腹腔中的)黑膜
15.stilt of southwestern United States to northern South America having black plumage extending from the head down the back of the neck.生活在美国西南部和南美的长脚鹬,从头部到脖根是黑色羽毛。
16.stilt of Europe and Africa and Asia having mostly white plumage but with black wings.欧洲、非洲和亚洲的长脚鹬,身体大部分羽毛为白色,但翅膀为黑色。
17.They eat insects and seeds during migration But feed on worms and fiddler crabs while wintering on marshes and coastal mudflats.迁徙中常到干燥的高地寻食昆虫和种子;越冬的杓鹬占据沼泽和海滨泥滩,觅食蠕虫和螃蟹。
18.Dryocopus javensis richardsi [Tristram's woodpecker]白腹黑啄木鸟理查亚种

Red Knot(Calidris canutus)红腹滨鹬
1.Red Knot(Calidris canutus)is a long-distance migratory wader which has a circumpolar tundra breeding range.红腹滨鹬(Calidris canutus)繁殖于环北极地区,属长距离迁徙鸟类,我国黄渤海地区是其在东亚-澳大利西亚迁徙路线上重要的停歇地。
3)Calidris ruficollis红颈滨鹬
1.This paper choose the Calidris ruficollis, a kind of small-sized migratory sandpiper, to studied the energetic ecology of migratory birds during stopover periods focusing on the patterns of body mass change and phenotypicity of digestive organs and muscle, and the rate of energy deposition, the model of the physiological ecology about stopover migrants were also .本文选取小型种迁徙鸟类中的红颈滨鹬为主要研究对象,研究了能量物质在各部位(包括消化器官与肌肉组织)的分布模式与能量累积的速率。
4)Calidris tenuirostris大滨鹬
5)Calidris Mauri西方滨鹬
6)Calidris subminuta长趾滨鹬
