1.The time of stopping heat supplication is different because of the different daily temperature change at different seasons for scatter-feeding of Xianghuang Chicken. 湘黄鸡散养时进入脱温期的日龄,因全年中各季的气温不同,而具有很大差异。
2.Because the manner of raise of Xiang-huang chick which scatter-feed is differ from house-feed,so it have been changd that condition of life,structure of food,kind of disease.湘黄鸡进行专业户 (场 )散养时 ,由于生产方式不同于舍饲群养 ,其生产环境、食物结构和易感病种类都必然发生变化。
3.By research economy benefit of different feed, the result shows that: the benefit about scatter-feed have obviously excelled henhouse-feed on Xiang-huang, and its pure income a one thousand is over 1000 yan, of which set free feed is better.通过对散养和舍养的湘黄鸡效益进行调查 ,结果表明 ;目前 ,湘黄鸡采用散养的经济效益明显优于舍养的经济效益 ,每 10 0 0羽鸡可多获纯收入 10 0 0元以上 ,而散养方式中又以放养的效益比圈养效益更佳 ,同时湘黄鸡散养具有良好的市场前景 ,从而认为湘黄鸡放养的散养方式应在产区内广大农村养鸡业中予以大力发展 。

1.Production Efficiency Evaluation of Scatter-feed Live Pig in Household of Sichuan Province;四川省散养户饲养生猪的生产效率评价
2.Studies on the Diurnal Behavior of Semi-free Asiatic Wild Ass;半散养蒙古野驴(Equus hemionus hemionus)昼间行为研究
3.Contaminant gas survey of naturally ventilated dairy-cow freestall houses in Denmark丹麦舍饲散养自然通风奶牛舍的空气环境分析
4.To cultivate divergent thinking is an important part of cultivating creativity.培养发散思维能力是培养创造力的重要环节。
5.Don't form an undisciplined way of life.不要养成散漫的生活作风。
6.Prose has a great influence on raising people's literary quality.散文对提升人的文学素养影响较大。
7.The Criticism of "Cultivating Mental Status" in Chinese Ancient Prose Theory;中国古代散文理论批评中的“养气”论
8.On the Energy Consumption in the Training of Sanshou and Nourishment Instauration;论散手训练中的能量消耗与营养恢复
9.Basic Discussion of Sanda Athlete s Character and Its Cultivation;浅谈散打运动员的意志品质及其培养
10.The Study on the Physical Fitness Training as well as Nutrition Restoration of Sanshou Movement Athletes;散手运动员体能训练及营养恢复研究
11.The Development of Convergence and Divergence Thinking Mode in Physics Teaching;物理教学中会聚—发散思维模式的培养
12.Improving the Thought Ability in Discrete Mathematics Teaching;离散数学教学中学生思维能力的培养
13.On Training of Spreading Thought About Geometry Teaching of the Middle School;浅谈初中几何教学中发散思维的培养
14.Stimulation of Divergent Thinking and Cultivation of Students Innovative ability;发散思维教学与学生创新能力的培养
15.Views on the Training of Divergent Thinking in Maths Teaching;对数学教学培养发散思维的几点看法
16.Probes into Extensive Education and Training of Creative Talents;发散式教学与创造性人才培养的探讨
17.Training of Creative Secretary Talents--from the Perspective of Dissipation Structure Theory创新型秘书人才培养的耗散结构分析
18.Keeping several females will reduce the level of aggression any particular one will receive.饲养几条雌鱼是为了分散雄鱼对此鱼的攻击。

1.Promoting effect of Yangweisan on prostaglandin,somatostatin and motilin secretion in rat gastrointestinal mucosa;中药养胃散对大鼠胃肠黏膜中前列腺素、生长抑素及促胃动素的促分泌作用
3)Yangxin San养心散
1.Influence of Yangxin San on Microcirculation and Pathology of Mice with Myocardial Infarction;养心散对心肌梗死小鼠微循环及病理学的影响
4)Yangpi San养脾散
5)dispersion culture分散培养
1.Objective To find an easy,practical and reliable method for dispersion culture of primary neurons in rat spinal cord.目的 建立一种简单、易行、满足基本科研需要的脊髓神经元原代细胞分散培养法。
6)scattered breeding散养繁殖
1.The scattered breeding and half wild acclimation of Pantheratigris amoyensis in Meihua Mountain;梅花山华南虎散养繁殖与半野化研究

乐得胃 ,乐得 ,乐胃,胃速乐药物名称:乐得胃英文名:Roter别名: 乐得胃 ,乐得 ,乐胃,胃速乐外文名:Roter适应症: 用于治疗胃及十二指肠溃疡、胃炎、胃酸过多、神经性消化不良、胃灼热及痉挛等。国产的"乐胃"和胃速乐(weisrle)的组成、作用及用途与乐得胃相似。 用量用法: 口服:每次2片,每日3次,饭后嚼碎服,2~3个月为1疗程。疗程结束后,减低剂量,服维持量,每次1片,每日3次,连服2~3个月,其中可每日服1~3片。 注意事项: 服后无不良反应,服药期间大便呈黑色为正常现象。使用时忌食油腻食品和用餐过饱。胃酸缺乏者忌用。 规格: 片剂:每片含碱式硝酸铋0.3g,碳酸氢钠0.2g,碳酸镁0.4g,弗朗鼠李皮0.025g.类别:制酸药和抗消化性溃疡药