1.Chinese Species of Naticidae Ⅲ. Subfamily Polinicinae;中国近海玉螺科研究Ⅲ.乳玉螺亚科
2.Two new species of Naticidae (Mollusca, Gastropoda), distributed in South China Sea, were recognized and classified morphologically in this paper, and the internal anatomy on radula was described based on the mollusk collection of the Marine Biological Museum, Chinese Academy of Sciences.在整理中国科学院海洋生物标本馆收藏的玉螺科标本时,经形态分类和齿舌解剖学研究,发现了属于玉螺科的2个新种,即:马氏玉螺Natica maxiutongi sp。
1.Chinese Species of Naticidae Ⅲ. Subfamily Polinicinae;中国近海玉螺科研究Ⅲ.乳玉螺亚科
2.This paper deals with Polinicinae(Gastropoda:Naticidae)collected from the China coast by the Institute of Oceanology,Chinese Academy of Sciences.继玉螺亚科 Naticinae、窦螺亚科 Sininae 后又研究完成一个亚科,即乳玉螺亚科 Polinicinae,共20种、隶属于3属,其中有2个新记录。
3)type genus of the family Littorinidae: periwinkles.滨螺科的模式属;玉黍螺。

1.Determination of taurine in Nevertia didyma(Roding) and Asterias rollestoni Bell by HPLC扁玉螺、罗氏海盘车中牛磺酸的HPLC测定
2.Effects of β-endorphin on the Immunoregulation of Neverita Reiniana;β-内啡肽对广大扁玉螺的免疫调节作用
3.Effects of Diets on Growth and Survival Rate for Larvae of Neverita didyma饵料对扁玉螺浮游幼虫存活与生长的影响
4.Preliminary Studies on Location、Purification and Physical-Chemical Characters of Proteinase from Oesophagus Gland of Neverita Didyma;扁玉螺食道腺蛋白酶定位及提取纯化、理化性质的初步研究
5.This restaurant serves freshly boiled winkles.这家餐馆有鲜煮玉黍螺。
6.Yes. I'd like to start with an appetizer of winkles,是的。我先要一道玉黍螺开胃菜,
7.Study on Modification of Maize Protein by Twin-screw Extruder;应用双螺杆挤压机改性玉米蛋白质的研究
8.Hydrolysis effect of dilute acid on corn stalks by continuous screw extrusion steam explosion螺杆挤压连续汽爆玉米秸秆的稀酸水解效果
9.Study of the corn-rice powder characteristic parameters in twin-screw extrusion process玉米和大米混合粉双螺杆挤压特征参数的研究
10.The Design and Experiment of the Screw Cone Flanges Built-up Maize Pick Roller螺旋圆锥凸棱式玉米收获摘穗辊的设计与试验
11.It is the triangular pattern which the three of black and white yulan , large junk and screw make up with the city that Shanghai marks.上海市市标是以市花白玉兰、沙船和螺旋桨三者组成的三角形图案。
12.Epidemiological Survey and Prevention and Cure Research about Helicobacter Pylori Infection in Yuxi Villagers, Yunnan Province;云南玉溪地区幽门螺杆菌流行病学调查和人群防治研究
14."Bolts,screws & nuts""螺栓,螺丝及螺帽"
15.The emblem of Shanghai shows a white magnolia flower(the office city flower),a large junk and a propeller ,all symbolizing the poineering and enterpriseing spirit of the city.上海市标以市花白玉兰、沙船和螺旋桨组成,它象征这个城市开拓进取的精神。
16.The emblem of Shanghai shows a white magnolia flower (the official city flower), a large junk and a propeller, all symbolizing the pioneering and enterprising spirit of the city.上海市市标以市花白玉兰,沙船和螺旋桨组成,它象征这个城市开始拓展进取的精神。
17.Bring to boil, add in solomonseal rhizome, lady bell root, candied jujubes, tangerine peels, sea coconut and ginger.和响螺捞起,移至炖锅与滚水同煮,加入玉竹、沙参、蜜枣、陈皮、海底椰和姜片。
18.Colonization Pattern of Azospirillum Brasilense Yu62 on Maize Roots Isolation of Nitrogen-fixing Bacilli and Study of glnB Gene;巴西固氮螺菌Yu62在玉米根部的定殖固氮芽孢杆菌的分离及其glnB基因的研究

1.Chinese Species of Naticidae Ⅲ. Subfamily Polinicinae;中国近海玉螺科研究Ⅲ.乳玉螺亚科
2.This paper deals with Polinicinae(Gastropoda:Naticidae)collected from the China coast by the Institute of Oceanology,Chinese Academy of Sciences.继玉螺亚科 Naticinae、窦螺亚科 Sininae 后又研究完成一个亚科,即乳玉螺亚科 Polinicinae,共20种、隶属于3属,其中有2个新记录。
3)type genus of the family Littorinidae: periwinkles.滨螺科的模式属;玉黍螺。
5)Neverita didyma扁玉螺
1.Preliminary application of ISSR technique in Neverita didyma;ISSR标记在扁玉螺中的初步应用
2.Immunohistochemical Localization of Methionine-enkephalin in the Body Surface and Digestive System of Neverita didyma;扁玉螺体表和消化系统甲硫氨酸脑啡肽免疫组织化学定位
3.Establishment and Optimization of the ISSR-PCR Reaction System for Neverita didyma;扁玉螺ISSR-PCR反应体系的建立及其优化
6)Natica tigrina斑玉螺
1.Effects of diets on growth and survival rate for larvae of Natica tigrina;饵料对斑玉螺浮游幼虫存活与生长的影响

拉丁名: Neverita didyma (Röding) 英文名: bladder moon 纲目: 玉螺科 产地及产期: 为我国沿海常见的种类,北方多于南方。此外,在日本北海道南部至九州、朝鲜半岛、菲律宾:澳大利亚以及印度洋的阿曼湾等地也有分布。埋于海底砂中生活。在砂中掘路挪进,并在砂中的蛤蜊类壳上开洞食取其肉。肉供佐膳,青岛菜市经常有出售。贝壳可供观赏,并可作工艺品。因其为肉食性种类,故为滩涂养殖贝类之敌害,但同时也是底栖鱼类的饵料,如马面鲸的胃内发现扁玉螺的贝壳和庸。 介绍: 扁玉螺 Neverita didyma 贝壳呈半球形,坚厚,背腹扁而宽。壳高3厘米,宽4.5厘米。螺塔低,体层大。壳顶低小,螺旋部较短,体螺层宽度突然加大。壳面光滑无肋,生长纹明显。壳面呈淡黄褐色,壳顶为紫褐色,基部为白色。壳底有脐眼,上有脐盘遮盖,脐盘棕色。在每一螺层的缝合线下方有一条彩虹样的褐色色带。壳口卵圆形,外唇薄,呈弧形;内唇滑层较厚,中部形成与脐相连接的深褐色胼胝,其上有一明显的沟痕。脐孔大而深。厣角质,黄褐色。生态、利用和地理分布:生活于潮间带至水深50m的沙和泥沙质的海底,通常在低潮区至10m左右水深处生活。常潜入底内猎取其他贝类为食。约在8一9月产卵,卵群和细沙粘成围领状。