1.Growth variations of scleratinan corals at Luhuitou,Sanya,Hainan Island,and the impacts from human activities;海南三亚鹿回头造礁石珊瑚生长变化与人类活动的影响
2.Advances in the Study on Coral Reef in Region of Luhuitou,Hainan Island;海南岛鹿回头珊瑚礁研究进展

1.On Motif of Stories of Deer Paying a Debt of Gratitude;回鹿传情 山高水长——多民族鹿回头故事母题浅议
2.For Luhuitou then we have Peninsula Dragon Bay.是因为有了鹿回头才有了半岛龙湾。
3.A histological analysis on oocyte development of Acropora pulchra in Sanya of Hainan Island鹿回头佳丽鹿角珊瑚卵母细胞发育的组织学研究
4.The hill where the spotted deer was forced to turn around was then given the name Lu'Hui'Tou or Deer Turning its Head.半岛上,那座梅花鹿回头的山岭,人们给它取了个诗一般的名字: “鹿回头”。
5.Evolution and its environmental significance of coral diversity on Luhuitou fringing reef,Sanya近50a来三亚鹿回头石珊瑚物种多样性的演变特征及其环境意义
6.and they brought back a deer and two geese.带回一头鹿和两只鹅。
7.For this was no youngster, but a buck in his prime.这头公鹿已经不是小鹿了,而是年富力强的公鹿。
8.A buck, a big beautiful eight-point buck.一头公鹿,一头头上长着8个美丽角叉的公鹿。
9.Zheng He brought back a giraffe,郑和带回一只长颈鹿,
10.The deer fell dead.那头鹿倒下而死了。
11.The hunter brought down a deer猎人打死(打伤)了一头鹿。
12.Look, a wolf is a after a fawn!看,一条狼在追一头小鹿!
13.A giraffe is eating the grapes.一头长颈鹿正在吃葡萄。
14.The hunter stalked a deer.猎人潜近了那头鹿。
15.The hunter crept up to the deer猎手悄悄地接近那头鹿。
16.The stag was hunted down in the long run那头牡鹿最后被捕获。
17.As the deer was unable to go on with the vast sea before it, it stopped in its tracks and turned to face the young hunter, awaiting its death.面临碧波万里的大海,梅花鹿走投无路,只得回头凝望着弯弓搭箭的猎人,等待死亡的来临。
18.The young man had meanwhile had his bow and arrow drawn but at the sight of the deer looking so beseechingly at him he was filled with great pity for his prey and the bow and arrow slipped from his hands.猎人看着绝望回头的梅花鹿,顿起恻隐之心,弓箭从青年猎人的手中滑落。

Luhuitou fringing reef鹿回头岸礁
1.A Preliminary Study on the Relationship between Structure Stability and Species Diversity of Hermatypic Coral Community on Luhuitou Fringing Reef;鹿回头岸礁造礁石珊瑚群落结构稳定性与物种多样性的研究(英文)
2.the reef-building coral community on Luhuitou fringing reef had high values of species diversity and evenness indices.定量分析鹿回头岸礁造礁石珊瑚群落的种类组成,选择α-多样性和β-多样性的度量方法,分析了该群落造礁石珊瑚种、属和科的多样性及其与所处生境的关系。
3)Luhuitou Park鹿回头公园
1.Investigation on the Vegetation of Sanya Luhuitou Park of Hainan Province after Closing Hillsides to Facilitate Afforestation;海南三亚市鹿回头公园封山育林后的植被调查
4)deer story鹿回头故事
5)Legend Luhuitou传说《鹿回头》
1.On the Legend Luhuitou《The Love Hill》in Sanya漫话天涯传说《鹿回头
1.Coral Reef and High Sea Level at Luhuitou, Hainan Island during the Holocene;海南岛鹿回头珊瑚礁与全新世高海平面(英文)
