特有属,Endemic genera
1)Endemic genera特有属
1.The endemic genera of chinese seed plants distributed in Three Gorges Reservoir Area of Changjiang River;长江三峡库区分布的中国种子植物特有属
2.Based on field investigation and quantitative analysis, it was found that there were 51 endemic genera of Chinese seed plants in Jinfo Mountains Nature Reserve, occupying 4.在野外调查和数量系统分析的基础上,对金佛山自然保护区的中国种子植物特有属进行了研究。
2)endemic families and genera特有科属
1.The quantity component ,biology characteristic and geographic distribution of the endemic families and genera are studied in this paper.对秦岭中国种子植物区系中的特有科属的数量特征、生物学习性、地理分布特点进行了分析 。
3)endemic genus特有种属
4)unique attributes特有属性
5)endemic genera to China中国特有属

1.Analysis on Biodiversity of Chinese Endemic Genera of Seed Plants in Sanqingshan Mountain, Jiangxi Province江西三清山种子植物中国特有属的物种多样性分析
2.As the only member of its genus and being endemic to China, the species is of important scientific interest.棱果花属仅此一种,特产中国,具有科学研究价值。
3.On karyotypes and geographical distribution of endemic genera in Umbelliferae from China中国伞形科特有属的核型演化及地理分布
4.The Study of Genetic Diversity of Three Endemic Taxa of Hippophae in China;沙棘属几个中国特有类群的遗传多样性研究
5.Study on the chinese endemic genera of spermatophyte distributed in jinggangshan;井冈山分布的中国种子植物特有属研究
6.current nonferrous metals industry in China中国现代有色金属工业
7.China Non-Ferrous Metals Industry Association中国有色金属工业协会
8.Objective: To survey medicinal plant resources of the Chinese endemic genera of seed plants.目的:报道中国种子植物特有属药用植物资源状况。
9.On Development Buildup of Economic Law with Chinese Characteristics-A Study Basing on Dual Property of Economic Law论有中国特色的经济法发展进路——基于经济法双重属性的探究
10.(religion) of or pertaining to or characteristic of the Anglican church.(宗教)属于、关于英国国教的,或有英国国教特点的。
11.of or relating to or characteristic of a czar.属于、关于或具有(俄国)沙皇特征。
12.Title to the state-owned assets in the company shall vest in the State.公司中的国有资产所有权属于国家。
13.Of or relating to Manchester, England.曼彻斯特的属于或与英国曼彻斯特市有关的
14.Geographical Distribution of Salsola L. in China;中国猪毛菜属(SalsolaL.)植物的地理分布特点
15.The Characteristics of Ornamental Resource of Hedychium of China中国姜花属Hedychium野生花卉资源特点
16.of or relating to or characteristic of Thailand of its people.属于或关于泰国人的,或有泰国人特点的。
17.International Comparative of China Nonferrous Metals Industry;中国有色金属产业竞争力的国际比较
18.On the Basic Characteristic of Essential Attribute of socialism with Chinese Characteristics论中国特色社会主义本质属性的基本特征

endemic families and genera特有科属
1.The quantity component ,biology characteristic and geographic distribution of the endemic families and genera are studied in this paper.对秦岭中国种子植物区系中的特有科属的数量特征、生物学习性、地理分布特点进行了分析 。
3)endemic genus特有种属
4)unique attributes特有属性
5)endemic genera to China中国特有属
6)Chinese endemic genera中国特有属
1.18 Chinese endemic genera of seed plant are recorded in Hebei flora.中国特有属种无毛独根草(Orestitrophe rupifraga Bunge var。
2.There are 48 genera Chinese endemic genera of seed plants in Hanzhong area.汉中地区种子植物区系自然分布有中国特有属48属,隶属于33科,包括裸子植物1属,被子植物47属。
3.Fifty-one Chinese endemic genera of spermatophyte are distrubuted in Shennongjia area.神农架种子植物区系分布中国特有属51属,其中裸子植物3属,被子植物48属。
