实验动物科学,Laboratory animal science
1)Laboratory animal science实验动物科学
1.Laboratory animal science is a new and developing integrated subject,which is born by means of science and technology revolution in the modern times, and is the important component of modern science and technology.实验动物科学是在现代科学技术革命带动下诞生的一门综合性的新兴学科 ,是现代科学技术的重要组成部分。
2.The application of laboratory animal science in the field of science and technology has exerted greatimportance for the condition of national economy.实验动物科学是随着生命科学发展而发展起来的一门新兴交叉学科,作为科学技术支撑的重要基础条件之一,在生命科学发展中起着重要作用。
3.Laboratory animal science of China must be compliance with the requirement of development of modern science-technology and make progress continually.科技革命可以看作是实验动物科学发展的源动力。

1.Laboratory Animal Science and Administration实验动物科学与管理
3.Analysis and Research of the Development Mode of Laboratory Animal Science in China;中国实验动物科学发展模式的分析与研究
4.The administration of experimental animals shall be guided by the principle of unified planning, rational division of work and being beneficial to the promotion of the scientific research in, and the utilization of, experimental animals.实验动物的管理,应当遵循统一规划、合理分工,有利于促进实验动物科学研究和应用的原则。
5.Discussion on the Relationship between Animal Biochemistry Research and Undergraduate Experiment Teaching;浅谈动物生物化学科研与本科实验教学的融合
6.Modification on surgery teaching of medicine experimental animal改进现代实验动物外科学教学的探讨
7.International Council for Laboratory Animal Science国际实验室动物科学理事会
8.Stressing the welfare of laboratory animals to advance life science维护实验动物福利 促进生命科学发展
9.Reform and practice of undergraduate teaching in laboratory animal science《医学实验动物学》本科教学模式改革与实践
10.Experimental SD rats were purchased from the Animal Center of Shang hai Medical University.实验动物为购自上海医科大学实验动物中心的sd大鼠。
11.A Tentative Study on Individually Teaching Method for Laboratory Animal Surgery实验动物外科手术学个性化教学方法初探
12.Exploration on Synthetically Experimental Teaching in Medicine of Pets小动物内科学综合设计性实验教学的探讨
13.The Use of Non-human Primates in Medical Scientific Experiments非人灵长类动物在医学科学实验中的应用
14.Doing scientific experiments is also labour.科学实验也是劳动。
15.The animals, such as frogs, rats, rabbits, cats, dogs, monkeys, horses, oxen, etc., are commonly used in scientific experiments .蛙、鼠、兔、猫、狗、猴、马、牛等动物常用于科学实验。
16.Task-driven Mode applied in Art College Physical Exploration Experiment;大学文科物理探索实验中任务驱动模式的应用
17.The Normalized Construction and Management of Laboratorial Animal Center in the Development of Ophthalmology Discipline规范建设与管理实验动物中心 促进眼科学发展
18.There shall be scientific management systems and operating rules for feeding and breeding rooms and laboratories for experimental animals.实验动物饲育室、实验室要有科学的管理制度和操作规程。

laboratory animal science实验动物学
1.Course Construction of Laboratory Animal Science for Undergraduates;浅谈实验动物学的课程建设
2.Practice and discussion of teaching reform in laboratory animal science;医学实验动物学教学改革的实践与探讨
3.The medical laboratory animal science(MLAS) is a new scientific discipline.医学实验动物学是一门新兴的学科,该课程注重理论与实践相结合,从而将教学延伸到研究生动物实验论文指导,并把课程教学工作与实验动物从业人员资格认可相衔接,丰富了实验动物从业人员资格认可的内容。
3)zoological experiment动物学实验
1.In zoological experimental teaching,the students experimental results will be poor under the negative psychological effects.在动物学实验中学生受不良心理特征的影响,导致实验效果不佳,不能达到预期的实验目的。
2.The zoological experiment is one of the most important procedure in the teaching of zoology.动物学实验是动物学教学中最重要的环节之一,通过实验课前的预教,教师课前、课上和课后的精心准备与指导,学生的预习及主动性观察,实验考试的成绩比例重新分配等措施,不但培养了学生动手、观察、分析、综合等各种能力,而且能真正调动学生上好动物学实验的积极性和主动性。
4)zoology experiment动物学实验
1.This article elaborated the zoology experiments on how to reform the teaching methods, how to optimize experimental teaching, how to attend the wild internship, how to strengthen of writing guidance laboratory report, how to reform experiments testing methods for the teaching activities.就动物学实验教学中如何改革教学方法、优化实验教学内容、开放实验室、重视野外实习、加强对实验报告的写作指导、改革实验考核方法等教学活动进行了探讨,针对动物学实验和实习教学中存在的问题以及如何加强学生能力的培养提出了改革建议。
2.In zoology experiments,we need a great number of fresh and alive animal s and a large sum of experimental fund.针对动物学实验需要的鲜活材料量大,经费开支大的事实,通过统筹安排实验项目、指导学生捕捉采集实验材料等改革实践,不仅节约实验经费开支,而且让学生经历实验准备工作的体验,对提高学生执行中学生物学实验教学能力大有裨益;同时提出实验材料资源共享及开放实验室的思考建议。
3.This paper discussed the teaching reform of zoology experiments.通过开放实验室、走出实验室、丰富教学手段、改进考核方法等一系列的动物学实验教学改革 ,提高了实验教学质量 ,增强了实验教学效果 ,全面培养了学生的能力。
5)experimental zoology实验动物学
1.If they can t master basic knowledge about experimental zoology and animal experiments during undergraduate period, they will have great difficulty in doing clinical work and scientific research later.为了扩大学生知识面,提高动手能力,增强其适应性,我们建议在大学本科阶段开设实验动物学这门课程。
6)Bio-Science Laboratories (BSL)生物科学实验室
