地理分布格局,geographical distribution pattern
1)geographical distribution pattern地理分布格局

1.Distribution Pattern of Oriental Oak (Quercus variabilis Blume) and the Characteristics of Climate of Distribution Area in Eastern Asia东亚地区栓皮栎的地理分布格局及其气候特征
2.A Spatial Scale Analysis of the Geographical Distribution Pattern of Wild Giant Pandas野生大熊猫地理分布格局的空间尺度分析
3.Geographical patterns of E. Asia flora in Yunnan, southwest China云南地区种子植物东亚分布成分的地理分布格局
4.The Geographical Patterns of Species Diversity of Rubus in Yunnan Province云南省悬钩子属植物多样性的地理分布格局
5.Structural Types of Dong Nationality's Drum-tower and Its Geographical Distributing Pattern侗族鼓楼的结构技术类型及其地理分布格局
6.Geographical distribution patterns of zonal plant community species diversity in West Yunnan,China.云南西部地区地带性植物群落物种多样性的地理分布格局
7.The Phylogeny and Geographical Distribution Pattern of Discogobio of Cyprinidae;鲤科盘鮈属(Discogobio)鱼类的系统发育及地理分布格局研究
8.Geo-distribution Pattern and Protection Status Assessment for the Key Species of China;我国重要珍稀濒危物种与类群的地理分布格局及保护现状评价
9.Geographical Patterns of Floristic Transition of Seed Plant in North-south Range-gorge Region in Western Yunnan and the Biogeographical Significance云南西部纵向岭谷区种子植物区系过渡性的地理分布格局及其生物地理意义
10.The Rapoport’s rule for the geographic patterns of species range size物种分布区范围地理格局的Rapoport法则
11.Distribution Patterns of Cupressus chengiana S. Y. Hu Populations in Four Geographical Areas岷江柏四个地理种群分布格局比较研究
12.Chinese Coal Resources Octothorpe Shaped Distributing Pattern--Regional Differentiation and Resources Economic Geographical Division;中国煤炭资源的“井”字型分布格局——地域分异性与资源经济地理区划
13.Research on the Biodiversity Distribution Patterns in Mainland of China;中国陆地生物多样性分布格局的研究
14.Study on Distribution Pattern of Huperzia Serrata Populations in Western Hunan湘西地区蛇足石杉种群分布格局研究
15.Historical hypothesis in explaining spatial patterns of species richness生物多样性分布格局的地史成因假说
16.Spatial patterns of habitation areas in conurbations of central Liaoning Province辽宁省中部城市群居民地的分布格局
17.Analyzing Spatial-Temporal Pattern of Saline-alkali Land Distribution in Tongyu County Basing on RS;基于RS的通榆县盐碱地分布的时空格局分析
18.The Regional Distribution Pattern of Fujian Province’s Religious Belief before Tang Dynasty唐代以前福建宗教信仰的地域分布格局

geographical patterns地理分布格局
1.In this paper, we investigated the geographical patterns of E.本研究利用大尺度的区系分布信息,结合地理信息系统平台和统计分析方法,探讨了云南地区种子植物东亚分布成分的地理分布格局以及"田中线"的生物地理意义。
2.In this paper,the geographical patterns of species diversity of seed plants and their correlation with flora differentiation were explored based on flora information at large scale in Northwest Yunnan.以大尺度的物种分布信息为基础,对滇西北地区种子植物物种多样性的地理分布格局及其与植物区系分化之间的关系进行分析。
3.The geographical patterns of species diversity of Rubus in Yunnan were investigated based on the information from literature.)植物多样性的地理分布格局
3)the regional distribution pattern地域分布格局
1.This paper, which is based on interrelated historical materials, is an attempt to discover the regional distribution pattern of Fujian province’s Buddhism and Taoism’s distrib.本文在相关史料勾稽的基础上, 试图尽可能地揭示唐代以前福建佛教与道教信仰分布、播迁与传衍的地域分布格局。
4)distribution pattern分布格局
1.Characteristics of tectonic evolution in China since Neogene and the distribution pattern of natural gas;新近纪以来中国构造演化特征与天然气田的分布格局
2.Hierarchical structure and distribution pattern of Chinese urban system based on aviation network;基于航空网络的中国城市体系等级结构与分布格局
3.Development Dynamic, Distribution Pattern and Scale Characters of the Parks System in Shanghai;上海公园的发展动态、分布格局与规模特征分析
5)spatial pattern分布格局
1.Study on Abies fargesii population structure and spatial pattern;巴山冷杉种群结构及空间分布格局的研究
2.Effects of Slash-and-Burning Practice on Spatial Pattern in Castanopsis carlesii Community I Main population method of analysis of spatial pattern;炼山干扰对米槠林分布格局的影响 Ⅰ.主要树种分布格局的分析方法
3.However, the whole ecological benefit of green-land system is mainly determined by green-lands' internal structures and spatial patterns when the percentage of green-land coverage is less than 40%.城市绿地在改善城市环境及维护城市生态系统平衡中起着极为重要的作用 ,而当绿地覆盖率小于 4 0 %时 ,绿地整体生态效益的发挥主要取决于绿地的内部结构和空间布局 ,但迄今为止缺乏绿地景观分布格局与环境效应关系的研究报道。
6)spatial distribution pattern分布格局
1.A study on spatial distribution pattern and sampling technique of population in natural Pinus taiwanensis communities;天然黄山松群落种群分布格局取样技术的研究
2.The individual spatial distribution pattern was studied by applying aggregation density index and dot distribution pattern analysis of 3×17 primary matrixes of its population characteristics based on field investigation into 17 plots in 3 zones with natural distribution of Paeonia ludlowii.在大花黄牡丹自然分布的3个区域共设置17个样地,进行野外数据调查和种群统计,获得3×17的原始矩阵,应用聚集强度指数和点格局分析进行个体分布格局的判定分析。
3.Employing variance/mean ratio,χ~2 test,negative binomial parameter,and some indices of aggregate intensity,this paper studied the spatial distribution patterns and dynamics of dominant mountain elfin forest populations in Shimentai Nature Reserve in Guangdong.运用方差/均值比率法、χ2检验、负二项参数及聚集强度的一些指数研究了山顶矮林优势种群的分布格局和动态,采用大小级代替年龄级分析,发现疏齿木荷、五列木、红锥、木荷和密花树均呈集群分布,其聚集强度由高到低依次为密花树、疏齿木荷、木荷、红锥和五列木。

动物地理分布区动物地理分布区  根据动物区系所划分的世界地区。