松鼠,Sciurus vulgaris
1)Sciurus vulgaris松鼠
1.Effects of different forest management alternatives on Sciurus vulgaris habitat;不同森林管理预案对松鼠生境的影响
2.The Hoarding Site Character of Sciurus vulgaris and Nucifraga caryocatactes in Liangshui Nature Reserve;凉水自然保护区松鼠与星鸦对红松种子分散贮藏的特征分析
3.Behaviors of seed consuming and hoarding behaviors on Korean Pine (Pinus koraiensis) of 4 species,Sciurus vulgaris,Eutamias sibiricus,Nucifraga caryocatactes and Sitta europaea,were observed at compartment 19th in Liangshui National Nature Reserve from Oct.于2005年10月1~7日,采用全时焦点观察法研究了黑龙江凉水国家级自然保护区19林班原始红松林内松鼠(Sciurus vulgaris)、星鸦(Nucifraga caryocatactes)、花鼠(Eutamias sibiricus)和普通(Sitta europaea)4种昼行性动物取食和贮藏红松种子的行为。

1.A squirrel, a squirrel, the squrriel is small.松鼠松鼠松鼠
2.The squirrel is light. The squirrel is light.松鼠很轻,松鼠很轻。
3.mice, rabbits and squirrels.老鼠、野兔和松鼠
4.Squirrels stored nuts for the winter.松鼠储备松子过冬。
5.Squirrels garner nuts for the winter.松鼠为过冬储存松果。
6.The squirrel is light, very light.松鼠很轻,非常轻。
7.Look! There is a squirrel.看!这有一只松鼠
8.The squirrels are running, and Brandy is running behind the squirrels.松鼠在跑,而白兰地在松鼠后面跑。
9.fox squirrel or gray squirrel in the black color phase.黑色阶段的狐松鼠或灰松鼠
10.true squirrels; ground squirrels; marmots; chipmunks; flying squirrels; spermophiles.松鼠;黄鼠;土拨鼠;花栗鼠;美洲飞鼠;欧黄鼠。
11.Slowly the squirrel moved about.松鼠慢慢地跑来跑去,
12.Squirrels and hedgehogs hibernate.松鼠和猬是冬眠动物。
13.I don't hanker after squirrel meat.我不喜欢吃松鼠肉。
14.Red squirrels disappear inside the trees.红松鼠藏到树里面去了。
15.She sees a little squirrel.她看见一只小松鼠
16.What are you doing, Little Squirrel?你在干什么呢,小松鼠
17.The squirrel went up the tree like greased lightening.松鼠像闪电般爬上了树。
18.Brandy loves to chase squirrels.白兰地喜欢追逐松鼠

Sciurus vulgaris mantchuricus松鼠
1.Comparative Studies on the Seasonal Changes of Some Eco-physiological Indices of Red Squirrels, Sciurus vulgaris mantchuricus, in Northeast Forestry Region, China;松鼠几项生态生理指标季节变化的比较
2.Study on the Strategy of Nutritional Adaptation in Red Squirrels(Sciurus vulgaris mantchuricus);东北松鼠营养适应对策研究
3)Sweet and Sour Squirrel Mandarin Fish松鼠鱼
1.The Comparison of the Differences of Dish Cooking for Different Use——Using "Sweet and Sour Squirrel Mandarin Fish" as a Model;基于不同用途的菜肴制作差异比较——以“松鼠鱼”为例
4)gray squirrel灰松鼠
1.In order to select the best method to extract DNA from faeces of gray squirrel(Sciurus vulgaris),the PCR was used to detect sex determining region of the Y gene(SRY) so as to determine the sex ratio of the animals in the region of Sun Island.采用已优化的硫氰酸胍-硅藻土法提取乙醇保存的灰松鼠粪便DNA,PCR检测sry基因,从而确定灰松鼠的性别比例。
5)Callosciurus erythraeus赤腹松鼠
1.Population Dynamics of Dremomys pernyi and Callosciurus erythraeus in the Protective and Non-protective Pine Forests at Different Ages;珀氏长吻松鼠和赤腹松鼠在保护区与非保护区各年龄松林内的种群动态
2.Studies and Control of Callosciurus erythraeus;赤腹松鼠及其危害防治的研究
3.Based on examining 401 specimens of Callosciurus erythraeus in Southern China, we find there are distinct differences between the new subspecies on Callosciurus erythraeus zhaotongensis which distributes in Zhaotong Area, Northeastern Yunnan and other subspecies of Callosciurus erythraeus.在查对中国南部赤腹松鼠标本(401号)的基础上,发现分布于云南东北部昭通地区的赤腹松鼠与赤腹松鼠其他亚种有明显的区别。
6)Sciurotamias davidianus岩松鼠
1.Food-hoarding behaviour of David s rock squirrel Sciurotamias davidianus;岩松鼠的食物贮藏行为(英文)

松鼠【通用名称】松鼠【其他名称】松鼠 (《医林纂要》) 【异名】栗鼠(《医林纂要》)。 【来源】为松鼠科动物松鼠的全体。 【动物形态】松鼠 体长18~26厘米,尾长而蓬松,超过体长之半。体形细长,前肢比后肢短,前足掌裸露,后足跖被毛,爪锐利,成钩状。耳端具黑色簇毛,冬毛尤为显著.背部、体侧、四肢外侧和肩部,冬毛为灰色或灰褐色,夏毛为黑褐色,颈下和腹部均为白色。毛色地理差异明显,北部偏灰,南部较黑。 栖于亚寒带针叶林或针、阔混交林中,居于树洞中或筑巢于树上。以松子或其他的核果、蘑菇、嫩枝、幼芽等为食,有时也食昆虫。每年繁殖1~2次,每胎产4~6仔。每年换毛2次。分布东北及内蒙古、新疆、河北、山西、河南等地。 【性味】《医林纂要》:"甘咸,平。" 【功用主治】《医林纂要》:"杀疳,治瘘,消瓜果积。" 【选方】①治肺结核、肋膜炎、妇人月经痛:松鼠(黑烧)六分至三钱。一日三次分服。(《动植物民间药》) ②治痔疾:以松鼠黑烧粉末撒布之。(《动植物民间药》)