动物文化,animal culture
1)animal culture动物文化
1.Based on philosophy,literary,religious belief and under manners and customs,symbolic significance of Chinese garden animals make shape by absorbing different national animal culture.园林动物象征性是在中国古代得天独厚的哲学思想、文学艺术、宗教信仰及风俗习惯的长期作用下,吸收各民族动物文化之精华形成的。
2.To learn and study idiom by studying the associative meaning of animal, animal image both in English and Chinese idiom as well as the origin of idiom will help to achieve a thorough understanding, a proper command and a solid grasp of animal culture in idiom.从动物的联想意义、英汉习语中的动物形象以及习语的来源方面学习和研究习语 ,将有助于到位的理解、恰当的运用并真正领悟习语中的动物文化
3.Animal culture has close relations with people\'s psychology,religion and daily lives.人们在与动物的长期交往中,创造了丰富灿烂的动物文化

1.The Animal Culture and Cultural Animals in the Documents of Pre-Qin Period试论先秦文献中的动物文化与文化动物
2.Intercultural Comparison of Culture-loaded Animals in Brand Translation;品牌翻译中动物文化负载词的跨文化解读
3.Cultural evolution:universality in animal culture and uniqueness in human culture文化的起源——动物文化的普遍性与人类文化的独特性
4.Cross-Linguistic Comparison of Animal Expressions in Respect to Cultural Connotation;英汉动物词汇文化内涵的跨文化对比
5.The Cultural Comparison of the English and Chinese Animal Idioms;英汉动物习语的文化内涵比较(英文)
6.Colors and Animals: A Study of Cultural Connotations and Intercultural Competence;颜色与动物:文化内涵与跨文化交际能力研究
7.Influence of the Cultural Connotation of Chinese and English Animal Words on Intercultural Communication;汉英动物词汇文化内涵对跨文化交际的影响
8.Chinese and English Idioms Related to Animals;动物习语在中英文化中比喻形象的文化差异
9.The Cultural Differences and Similarities between Chinese and English from the Cultural Attached Meaning of Animal Words;从动物词汇“文化附加义”看中英文化差异
10.On the Culture Network of the Cultural Conservatism of the May 4~(th) Movement;“五四”文化保守主义代表人物文化活动网络剖析
11.Similarities and Differences between English and Chinese Culture on Culturally-loaded Animal Words从动物词的文化内涵看英汉文化的异同
12.Foreignization and Domestication of Animal Words in Translation;从跨文化视角论动物词汇的异化与归化翻译
13.A Study of Cultural Diversities through Animal Words;浅谈英汉语动物词汇中西方文化差异
14.Intercultural Study on the Animal Word Meaning in English and Chinese Idioms;英汉习语中动物词意义的跨文化研究
15.Talk About the Mouse in the Mouse Year--On the Cultural Connotation of the Word "mouse";鼠年说“鼠”:汉英动物词“鼠”的文化内涵
16.Culture Transition in the Translation of Animal Idiom;浅议动物类习语翻译的文化“传真”
17.The Social Historical and Cultural Backgrounds of People s Activities in ZuoZhuan;《左传》人物活动的社会历史文化背景
18.A Study of Cultural Connotation s Similarities and Differences Between English and Chinese Animal Lexicons;英汉语动物词汇文化内涵的异同研究

cultural animal文化动物
1.Compromising natural animal,cultural animal and other garden factors,reposing personal character and sentiment,life philosophy and ideal pursue are main ways of exp.主要表达手法是采取自然动物和文化动物与其他园林要素融合,点题寓意,寄托品德情操,人生哲理,生活情趣和理想追求。
3)culturally-loaded animal word文化动物词
1.Many English and Chinese culturally-loaded animal words differ in meaning owing to different cultural content, tradition and psychology, and the meaning differences are likely to invoke errors in comprehension and expression.文化制约了动物词的意义演变而动物词的文化意义又折射出了丰富的文化内容由于文化内容文化传统和文化心理有异很多英汉文化动物词意义上差异较大容易造成理解和表达上的错误本文试图就以下几个带方向性的问题进行对比与分析文化动物词的总数各类动物词中文化动物词的数量多义文化动物词的数量文化意义类型及其文化成因并就如何对比与分析给出了范
4)personal names动物文化词
1.This thesis analyzes the strategies of the two versions in the translation of the two types of culture-loaded words(culture-loaded animal words and personal names) from the functionalist point of view.本文用功能翻译理论从动物文化词与人名这两类文化词的翻译探讨《红楼梦》两英译本在不同文化类别上翻译策略的异同。
5)Wildlife culture野生动物文化
6)animal cultural images动物文化意象
1.This paper analyzes the differences between Japanese and English cultures in animal cultural images from multifaceted perspectives,which will be a help in learning and understanding the two languages and cultures.动物文化意象是语言的重要表现形式,是民族文化特征的重要体现和反映。
