中华秋沙鸭,Mergus squamatus
1)Mergus squamatus中华秋沙鸭
1.Study on Population Quantity of Mergus squamatus in Yiyang Wintering Habitat from 2001 to 20082001~2008年中华秋沙鸭弋阳越冬区种群数量的变化
2.A research was conducted on the changes of body weight, body length, wing length, tail length, and beak length of Merganser (Mergus squamatus) fed after rescued from birth to 30 weeks in Heilongjiang Bishui Nature Reserve for Mergansers in 2005.2005年在黑龙江碧水中华秋沙鸭自然保护区,对救助饲养的中华秋沙鸭从出壳到30周龄的体质量、体长、翅长、尾长、喙长进行了测量与分析。
3.An experiment was conducted to study the nest characters, the environmental factors and the activity rhythm of female individuals by observing two scaly-sided merganser (Mergus squamatus) nests in Bishui Nature Reserve from April to May 2005.2005年4—5月,在碧水中华秋沙鸭自然保护区观测两个鸭巢,记录了巢的特征值,巢周围的环境因子以及孵化期雌鸭的活动节律。

1.Study on Zoology Factors of Yi-Yang Wintering Habitat of Chinese Merganser;中华秋沙鸭弋阳越冬区生态因子的研究
2.Reproductive Habitat Selection of Chinese Merganser(Mergus squamatus)and its Protection Strategy中华秋沙鸭繁殖地生境选择及保护对策
3.Preliminary Study on Overwintering Behavior of Mergus squamatus中华秋沙鸭越冬生物学特性的初步研究
4.Study on Population Quantity of Mergus squamatus in Yiyang Wintering Habitat from 2001 to 20082001~2008年中华秋沙鸭弋阳越冬区种群数量的变化
5.A fish - eating duck(Mergus merganser), the male of which has a glossy greenish - black head and a white body.秋沙鸭(普通秋沙鸭)属的食鱼的鸭,雄性秋沙鸭头部光滑,呈墨绿色;鸭身呈白色
6.any of various large diving ducks found along the seacoast: eider; scoter; merganser.在海岸活动的各种大型潜水鸭;绒鸭;海番鸭;秋沙鸭。
7.mergansers and closely related diving birds.秋沙鸭及与其关系较近的潜水鸟。
8.widely distributed merganser of America and Europe.美洲和欧洲广泛分布的秋沙鸭。
9.common merganser of Europe and North America.欧洲和北美普通的秋沙鸭。
10.Any of various fish-eating diving ducks of the genus Mergus or related genera, having a slim, hooked bill.秋沙鸭任一种秋沙鸭属或有关各属的食鱼潜水鸭,长有细长而弯曲的喙
11.common North American diving duck considered a variety of the European goosander.美洲普通潜水鸭,被认为是欧洲普通秋沙鸭的变种。
12.smallest merganser and most expert diver; found in northern Eurasia.最小的秋沙鸭,潜水能力最好;产于欧亚大陆的北部。
13.Blossoms in spring and fruit in fall, inherit the past create the future: celebrating Tianjin University of TCM for 50 years;春华秋实 继往开来——庆祝天津中医药大学50华诞
14.Look to Chinese Banking in New Century;天地做舞台 沙场秋点兵——新世纪中国金融业前瞻
15.The Awareness of Life in the Poem-Qiuming Poem by Shen Yimo由《浣溪沙》透视沈尹默《秋明词》中的生命意识
16.I want shrimps salad and roast duck.我要虾仁沙拉和烤鸭。
17.Hong Kong's return to the motherland is a shining page in the annals of the Chinese nation香港回归是彪炳中华民族史册的千秋功业
18.Criticism on Mutual Connection among Texts of Every Tree in Fall--Focused on Heroine Hua Rong;论《树树皆秋色》的本文间性——以主人公“华蓉”为中心

Mergus albellus白秋沙鸭
4)Mergus; mergansers秋沙鸭属
5)Mergus serrator红胸秋沙鸭
6)Mergus merganser普通秋沙鸭
