
2.Polymer Insulation Chests: Your Efficiency and Profits!波利马保温箱:您效率和利润的保证!
3.Impact of increased incubator humidity on the body weight of premature infants提高保温箱湿度对早产儿体重的影响
4.Ripen at room temperature and store in the regfrigerator crisper.室温催熟,保存在冰箱的保鲜盒中。
5.Low-Temperature Pyrolysis and Gas Composition Analysis of Thermal Insulation Materials of Waste Refrigerators废冰箱保温材料低温热解及气体成分分析
6.Series 1: Thermal containers--Specification and testingGB/T7392-1998系列1:集装箱的技术要求和试验方法保温集装箱
7.They are manufactured by high-grade stainless steel.圆简形机箱内外两层不锈钢材板,中间夹保温层。
8.The basic equipment includes a tank, a filter, a heater, and a thermometer.基本设备是水箱、滤水器、保暖机和温度计。
9.An Experimental Study on Refrigeration System for Ultra-Low Temperature Freezer Using Mixed Refrigerant;混合工质低温保存箱制冷系统的实验研究
10.One cause of retention time uncertainty identified is poor oven temperature repeatability.一个引起保留时间不确定度大的因素是差的柱温箱温度重复性。
11.Design of the Body and Analysis of the Inside Temperature Field for Low-temperature Refrigerators;低温冰箱箱体设计与箱内温度场分析
12.a box designed to maintain a constant temperature by the use of a thermostat; used for chicks or premature infants.用自动调温器保持一个持续的温度的箱子;用于孵化小鸡或保护幼儿。
13.These include food, emergency medical supplies, and extra clothing to stay warm and dry.这些供给包括:食物、紧急医疗箱和额外的衣服以保证温暖和干燥。
14.The influence of vacuum change in the container of decompression low-temperature and CA on several parameters果蔬减压低温气调保鲜集装箱真空度变化对几种参数的影响
15.Transportation: Upholstery for steamboat, bus, railway car, ceiling, box sandwiching, anti-vibration of container and insulating liner.交通运业:轮船、客车、火车车厢、顶棚、箱体芯层内部装潢,集装箱防震、保温内衬。
16.An apparatus for maintaining an infant, especially a premature infant, in an environment of controlled temperature, humidity, and oxygen concentration.早产婴儿保育箱一种保育婴儿的器具,尤指对早产婴儿,其温度、湿度与集中供氧都得到控制
17.The rolls are warming in the oven.面包正在烤箱中加温
18.automatic oil temperature control tank for machine tool机床油温自动控制箱

insulation of water tank水箱保温
4)Low temperature freezer低温保存箱
5)keeping warm by big bellow大风箱保温
6)warming chamber菜肴保温箱

EPS夹芯保温板用于体育馆屋面EPS夹芯保温板用于体育馆屋面  EPs夹芯保温板用于体育馆屋面