
1.Reflections on the present prevention and treatment of wheezing or asthma in children对当前儿童喘鸣/哮喘防治的几点反思
2."Symptoms include severe Breathlessness, weight loss, Bluish skin, chest tightness, and wheezing."临床症状如用力时气急、体重减轻、肢端肿胀、紫绀、胸闷,常有喘鸣
3."Asthma: Chronic disease with attacks of shortness of Breath, wheezing, and coughing from constriction and mucous-membrane swelling in the Bronchi (air passageways in the lungs)."哮喘:常见的慢性呼吸系统疾病,症状特点是阵发性呼吸急促、喘鸣和咳嗽。
4.Ming-feng's face was bloodless. She was gasping so hard, she couldn't speak.鸣凤脸无人色,口里喘着气,半晌说不出一句话。
5.Busy boasts chug and scurry about the river - racy speed boat, stolid, snorting tugs.繁忙的船只在河上鸣叫着来来往往---高速快艇和笨头笨脑喘着气的拖驳。
6.Lung auscultation may detect rales, rhonchi or wheezes; valuable clues to such illnesses as pneumonia, asthma or congestive heart failure (CHF).肺部听诊可以听到湿罗音、干罗音或哮鸣音,这对诊断肺炎、哮喘或充血性心力衰竭很有价值。
7.resonance theory of hearing听觉共鸣说 听觉共鸣说
8."Ming-feng, who are the guests?"“鸣凤,什么客?”
9.The fat man was winded by walking up the hill.那个胖子上山气喘喘。
10.panting for breath, a cool drink喘不过气来、 喘着要冷饮.
11.To breathe hard;pant.喘气,喘息用力呼吸,气喘吁吁
12.The sound of a bell knelling;a toll.鸣钟通报缓慢而庄严地鸣钟的声音;鸣钟通报
13.harp (incl. aeolian harps)竖琴(包括风鸣琴)
14.the yammer of a machine gun机关枪的轰鸣(声)
15.At first there is nothing but a dull roar in our ears and a dazzle in our eyes.首先,耳鸣,眼花。
16."You suffer too much, Ming-feng !“鸣凤,真苦了你了。
17.warble songs以颤声唱歌[鸣啼]
18.birds singing, trees falling to the ground.鸟鸣声,树倒地声。

5)stridulous breathing喘鸣呼吸
6)laryngeal stridor喉喘鸣

喘鸣喘鸣 又称"喘鸣性呼吸音",为一种音调低,音响较强,甚至在床边即能听到,呈振动性蝉鸣样的呼吸音,吸气时较明显,常伴以粗糙,较响的咳嗽声和吸气性呼吸困难。系气流通过狭窄的喉部或气管而发生的音响。见于上呼吸道阻塞,如白喉、喉或胸纵隔肿瘤等。