1.Conditional disruption of Pten in osteoblasts results in osteopetrosis成骨细胞特异性Pten基因敲除小鼠发生骨质硬化症

1.Conditional disruption of Pten in osteoblasts results in osteopetrosis成骨细胞特异性Pten基因敲除小鼠发生骨质硬化症
2.Osteoporosis in patients with liver cirrhosis: evaluation with computed tomography肝硬化性骨质疏松症及其CT评价研究
3.The choice of the stapes surgical stylein treatments of the otosclerosis镫骨手术治疗耳硬化症的术式选择
4.A disease of the ear in which the movement of the stapes within the oval window becomes impeded by abnormal deposits of spongy bone, leading to a progressive loss of hearing.耳硬化症一种因松质骨发生病态淤积阻塞了锉骨在耳蜗窗内的运动的耳病,可导致渐进性耳聋
5.Two rare cases who suffer stapes-otosclerosis associated with ossified mallei superius ligament were reported.文中报告二例镫骨耳硬化症同时伴有锤骨韧带骨化病例。
6.The hardening or calcification of soft tissue into a bonelike material.骨化柔软组织变成似骨物质的硬化或钙化过程
7.Chronic interstitial inflammation of any tissue or organ.硬化,硬变任何组织或器官的慢性间质炎症
8.Long-term effect of stapes surgery on tympanosclerosis镫骨手术治疗鼓室硬化症远期疗效观察
9.Objective To assess the effect of stapes surgery on advanced otosclerosis (AO).目的探讨镫骨手术对晚期耳硬化症的治疗效果。
10.A Study of the Sclerotic Rim of Fibrous Dysplasia of Bone;骨纤维异常增殖症硬化边的影像学研究
11.Advance in the research of relationship between bone metabllistic biochenmical markers and osteoporosis骨代谢生化标志物与骨质疏松症研究进展
12."eburnation:Degeneration of bone into a hard, ivorylike mass, as that which occurs at the articular surfaces of bones in osteoarthritis.""骨质象牙化:骨质变质为坚硬的象牙状的块体,类似于患骨节炎时骨关节表面出现的情况."
13.Degeneration of bone into a hard, ivorylike mass, as that which occurs at the articular surfaces of bones in osteoarthritis.骨质象牙化骨质变质为坚硬的象牙状的块体,类似于患骨节炎时骨关节表面出现的情况
14.Replacement of bone tissue by marrow, as in inflammatory bone disease.髓质化骨头组织被骨髓所取代,如发生于骨头炎症者中
15.Shoulder-block type stapes prosthesis in the treat ment of otospongiosis:Report of 25 cases挡肩式人工镫骨在治疗耳硬化症的应用(25例报告)
16.Effects of Osteoprotegerin on Immuno-Inflammatory Reactions in Atherosclerosis;骨保护素对动脉粥样硬化中炎症免疫反应的影响
17.Transplantation of autologous bone marrow stem cells for the treatment of severe lower limb arterial occlusion in 15 cases自体骨髓干细胞移植治疗严重下肢动脉硬化闭塞症15例
18.Relationship between osteoporosis and arteriosclerosis in elder老年人骨质疏松与动脉硬化关系的初步探讨

1.Conditional disruption of Pten in osteoblasts results in osteopetrosis成骨细胞特异性Pten基因敲除小鼠发生骨质硬化症
3)children osteopetrosis儿童骨硬化症
4)The skeletal fluorosis with osteosclerosis硬化型氟骨症
5)teopetrosis fragilis脆性骨质硬化症

多发性硬化症多发性硬化症multiple sclerosis 是以中枢神经系统的多发病灶为特点的一种中枢神经系统脱髓鞘疾病。病情有缓解和复发的倾向,病因不明,可能与病毒感染和自身免疫有关。多见于青壮年,临床症状复杂多变,呈发作与缓解相交替出现,可有精神症状、言语障碍、颅神经(Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ等)功能障碍、感觉障碍(如针刺感、麻木感)、少数病例可引起尿频、尿急等膀胱刺激症状。目前还没有针对性治疗药物,可用肾上腺皮质激素和免疫抑制剂。注意避免损伤、过劳、情绪激动、感染等诱发因素,并注意适当营养。