1.The affected embryos show microcephaly (no anteriorbrain), no eye or no heart formation and the tailbud formatiod is suppressed.作者首次通过Brdu-anti-Brdu法标记处于S期细胞核等系列实验表明,视黄酸对斑马鱼早期胚胎的中枢神经系统影响较大,主要表现为由前胸缺损而引起的小头畸形、无眼或无心脏,但后脑及脊髓部分的原始反射弧仍存在,而对尾芽只作用于顶端生长区。

1.Disproportionate head measurements may indicate hydrocephaly or microcephaly.比例不符的头围可能表示脑积水或小头畸形
2.Abnormal largeness of the head.巨头头部的畸形硕大
3.Ultimately a two-headed monster was produced.最后产生了双头畸形。
4.A congenital abnormality of the skull in which the top of the head assumes a conical or pointed shape.尖头畸形头颅的一种先天性畸形,头的顶部形成锥形或尖形
5.The small chin deformity was a commen developmental deformity of the jaw.小颏畸形是一种常见的颌骨发育性畸形。
6.Microsurgery for Vascular Malformations on Scalps(a Report of 12 Cases)头皮血管畸形的外科治疗(附12例报告)
7.Out of the Worm shall come seven lions malformed with goats heads.蠕虫外面会来七头狮子,畸形地长着山羊的头。
8.Early management of sagittal synostosis with craniotomies and skull reshaping全颅骨切开成形矫正早期矢状缝早闭头颅畸形
9.a little oldish misshapen stooping woman.上了年纪的畸形驼背的小女人。
10.A lamb with 2 tails is a freak of nature.有两条尾巴的小羊是畸形的。
11.The research of animal model setting-up in congenital heart disease小鼠先天性心脏畸形动物模型的建立
12.Mutational Analysis of EYA1 and SIX1 Gene in Chinese Patients with Microtia先天性小耳畸形EYA1和SIX1基因检测分析
13.Treatment on congenital microphthalmia and eye socket deformity先天性小眼球及隐眼的眼窝畸形矫治
14.The evaluation of the chin position was a basis for the correction of the chin deformity.颏在头颅中位置的判定是颏畸形矫正的基础。
15.Management and Prognosis Factors of Lymphatic Malformations in Head and Neck;头颈部淋巴管畸形的治疗及预后性因素的分析
16.The comparative study of vertical cephalometric index of Angle Ⅰ malocclusionAngle Ⅰ类错畸形垂直向头影测量指标的对比研究
17.3.0T MRA Evaluation in Fenestration of the Intra and Extracranial Artery3.0T MRA对头颈部动脉开窗畸形的诊断价值
18.The Grotesque and Modernist Aesthetics: A Study of Anderson s Winesburg, Ohio;畸形人物和现代主义美学:安德森《小城畸人》的研究

4)Primary microcephaly (MCPH)先天性小头畸形病
1.Primary microcephaly (MCPH) is an autosomal recessive disease with neurodevelopmental.先天性小头畸形病(primary microcephaly, MCPH)是一种神经发育缺陷性的常染色体隐性遗传疾病。

小头畸形小头畸形  头围小于正常小儿2个标准差以上时,称为小头畸形。形态可正常,也可出现顶部小而尖,前额狭窄,颅穹隆小,枕部平坦等典型改变。临床上多伴有身体发育和智力发育落后,但约有7.5%头围低于正常2~3个标准差的小儿智力正常。