1.Progress of molecular genetic research on pseudoachondroplasia and multiple epiphyseal dysplasia;假性软骨发育不全、多发性骨骺发育不良的分子遗传学研究进展
1.DNA chip construction for β-thalassemia and achondroplasia;β-地中海贫血与先天性软骨发育不全诊断性基因芯片的构建

1.DNA Chip Construction for Diagnosing β-thalathemia and Achondraplasia;β-地中海贫血与先天性软骨发育不全诊断性基因芯片的构建
2.Detecting and Analyzing on Mutation of Fibroblost Growth Factor Recepter 3 Gene in A Congenital Achondroplasia Family先天性软骨发育不全家系成纤维细胞生长因子受体3基因突变检测与分析
3.Improper development of cartilage at the ends of the long bones, resulting in a form of congenital dwarfism.软骨发育不全在骨头尾部的软骨的不正常发育,从而引起先天性侏儒症
4.Molecular Genetic Analysis of Achondroplasia and Congenital Cataract in Families;软骨发育不全和先天性白内障家系的分子遗传学研究
5.Ultrastructural study on spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia congenita cartilage resulted from COL2A1 gene mutationCOL2A1基因突变致先天性脊柱骨骺发育不良的软骨组织超微结构观察
6.The X-ray Performance of the Skeleton Change in Turner Syndrome Patients先天性卵巢发育不全症骨骼改变的X线表现
7.congenital hypoplasia of hypophysis垂体先天性发育不全
8.congenital maldevelopment of spine先天性脊椎发育不全
9.Klinefelter syndrome先天性睾丸发育不全
10.congenital aplasia of membranous labyrinth先天性膜迷路发育不全
11.congenital ovarian agenesis先天性卵巢发育不全症
12.Total hip replacement for 20 adults with acetabular dysplasia complicated by severe osteoarthritis or femoral neck fracture先天性髋臼发育不良伴严重骨性关节炎或股骨颈骨折全髋置换20例
13.They were often accompanied by congenital coxa vara, ischium and pubis hypoplasia, spinal bifida or child carpale stunt.且常伴有先天性髋内翻、坐耻骨发育不全、脊柱裂以及儿童腕骨发育滞迟等。
14.Diagnosis of congenital pulmonary agenesis or hypoplasia in adult with CT成人先天性肺不发育和发育不全的CT诊断
15.Quantitative Evaluation in Vivo of the Degree of Differentiation of Hindlimb Cartilage in a Rat Clubfoot Model先天性马蹄内翻足动物模型中后肢芽软骨发育水平的量化评估
16.congenital discoid cartilage of knee joint膝关节先天性盘状软骨
17."Hereditary dwarfisms include achondroplAsia, with normal trunk size But short limbs and a large head;"遗传性侏儒症包括︰软骨发育不全,躯干发育正常,但肢体极短,头较大;
18."hypochondroplAsia, similar except for normal head size;"软骨发育不良,症状与软骨发育不全相似,但头部大小正常;

1.DNA chip construction for β-thalassemia and achondroplasia;β-地中海贫血与先天性软骨发育不全诊断性基因芯片的构建
3)achondroplastic dwarf软骨发育不全性侏儒
1.Achondroplasia:report of two cases and review of literature;软骨发育不全二例报告及文献复习
2.Gly374Arg mutation in Fgfr3 causes achondroplasia in mice;Fgfr3基因374点突变致软骨发育不全小鼠模型的建立与分析
3.Diagnosing achondroplasia by single cell nested-PCR;单细胞巢式PCR诊断软骨发育不全

发育不全发育不全agenesis〖DK〗;hypoplasia  指某一器官或组织发育上的停顿或发育不充分,如皮质发育不全、缺肾等。