1.Growing-pain induced by vein hyperemia test;静脉充血试验诱发儿童下肢生长痛
2)child growth pain小儿生长性痛
3)Long-term analgesia长效镇痛

1.Study on the inclusion compound of menthol with hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin for water-soluble long-acting analgesic injection水溶性薄荷脑-羟丙基-β-环糊精包合物长效镇痛注射液的研制
2.Evaluation of Multimodal Preemptive Analgesia in Orthopaedic Sugery;多模式超前镇痛在骨关节手术镇痛疗效的评估
3.Amputation of a segment of the tail produced long-lasting changes in nociception and morphine-induced antinociception.手术截断小鼠尾末端可诱发长期性的痛觉过敏和吗啡镇痛效应变化。
5.Objective To investigate the anti inflammatory and analgesic effect of the Chinese medicine: Ai Tongke.目的:研究中药抗癌痛克抗炎镇痛的作用效果。
6.The Impact of Electro-acupuncture the Hypochondriac Pain Cause by Cholelithiasis and Preliminary Study of Its Efficacy电针对胆石症引起胁痛的即时镇痛疗效探讨
7.Analgesic effect of intrathecal KN93 on neuropathic pain in mice鞘内注射KN93对小鼠神经病理性疼痛的镇痛效应
8.Timed Enema for Improving Analgesia Effect of Rectal Administration for the Elderly Cancer Patients定时灌肠提高老年癌痛患者直肠给药镇痛效果
9.Evaluation of analgesic effect of photosensitizer methylene blue using electricity pain threshold assay电痛阈测定法对光敏剂亚甲兰镇痛效果的评定
10.Objective To discuss the curative effect of analgesia with deep vein catheter for continuous pump for carcinoma patient.目的探讨深静脉置管镇痛泵持续输入对癌症病人的镇痛效果。
11.Clinical observation of effects and side effects of PCEA and analgesia by injection of Demerol hydrochloride after caesarean operation剖宫产术后持续镇痛与肌注镇痛的效果和不良反应观察
12.Objective To investigate the analgesic activities of DTF, and discuss the analgsic mechanism of the total flavonoids of Daphne genkwa.目的 观察芫花根总黄酮的镇痛效果 ,并探讨其镇痛的作用机制。
13.The Study of Safety and Efficacy of Patient Controlled Analgesia-target Controlled Infusion of Sufentanil in the Elderly Patients自控—靶控镇痛用于老年患者术后镇痛的安全性和有效性研究
14.The impact of startup time of patient controlled intravenous analgesia on the analgesia efficacy in aged patients after thoracotomy老年患者开胸术后自控镇痛泵开启时间对镇痛效果的影响
15.Tramal-sparing effect and safety of Lornoxicam for postoperative analgesia following gynecological surgery妇科手术术后镇痛中氯诺昔康对曲马多用量及镇痛效果的影响
16.Clinical Observation on Analgesia Effect of compound Methylene Blue and patient controlled analgesia after Mixed Hemorrhoids Operation复方亚甲蓝与自控镇痛在混合痔术后镇痛效果的临床观察
17.Clinic comparsion of different analgesia methods in the patients with hepatic carcinoma undergoing surgery不同镇痛方法用于肝癌患者术后镇痛效果的临床比较
18.Clinical Investigation of Multimodal Analongesia Perioperative Stress Response and Postoperative Analgesia多模式镇痛对围术期应激反应及镇痛效果的影响

child growth pain小儿生长性痛
3)Long-term analgesia长效镇痛
4)Increasing of sorrow增长痛苦
5)the pain of growth成长之痛
1.From four aspects: the adolescent circumstances, the pain of growth, regression themselves and the inner changes, the survival form and the compose way of writers who were born in 70 s is discussed in this thesis.本文从青春境遇、成长之痛、回归本身、内部流变四个方面对“70年代出生”作家的生存与书写方式进行了阐释,试图对他们的创作做一个细致的梳理,以发现他们创作的价值,找出其不足和缺陷,对这样的一种创作的现象,进行一个总体的、细化的、公允的评价和价值判断。
6)growth pains成长痛

诺德人体生长激素,基因重组人生长激素,健高买,重组人生长激素药物名称:重组人生长激素英文名:Somatropin别名:诺德人体生长激素,基因重组人生长激素,健高买,重组人生长激素外文名:Saizen, Norditropin, Genotropin, Norditropin, DNA-rhGH药理作用:为DNA重组技术生产的人体生长激素,是促进生长的机制之一,能刺激IGF-1和蛋白质合成,促进骨骼和体细胞的生长,利于脂肪分解和蛋白质合成,使肌肉增加,脂肪减少.适应症:用于内源性生长激素分泌不足或先天性性腺发育不全(特纳综合征)所引起的生长发育障碍,青春期前慢性肾功能不全所引起的生长发育障碍,成人生长激素不足的替代疗法(用于心功能不全等).注意点:1.配制药液时不可振荡,以免变性.2.每周剂量分7天皮下注射,注射部位应更换,如有一天漏注,则第二天不必倍量补注。3.糖尿病、妊娠、乳母慎用。4.恶性肿瘤术后,对本品过敏者,各种活动性恶性肿瘤禁用。5.不良反应可能会有甲状腺功能减退,液体潴留、伴周围水肿,曾有少数良性颅内高压病例的报告。用量用法:成人:生长激素不足:0.125iu/(kg.周) 。 先天性子宫发育不全: 1iu/(kg.周),以上剂量均分作7天皮下注射。规格:针剂:4iu, 10iu, 12iu, 16iu.类别:生殖系统药/促进子宫成熟药