2)osteocalcin secretion骨钙素分泌
1.The effect of differential concentration of dexamethasone on the expression of osteocalcin mRNA and proliferation of osteoblast;不同浓度地塞米松对成骨细胞骨钙素基因表达和细胞增殖的影响
2.Analysis of osteocalcin in the peri-implant sulcular fluid;牙种植体龈沟液中骨钙素水平检测分析
3.Study of changes on serum osteocalcin and 25-dihydroxyvitamine D3 and calcium,phosphorus and magnesium in cord blood of the newborns with intrauterine growth retardation;宫内生长迟缓新生儿的骨钙素、25-OHD_3及钙磷镁代谢的研究

1.Traditional Chinese Medicine Gu Fu Sheng(Bone Resurrection):Its Effects on Bone Gla Protein and Calcitonin of Rabbits with Steroid-Induced Necrosis of Femoral Head骨复生对激素性股骨头坏死家兔骨钙素与降钙素的影响
2.Determination and analysis of serum osteocalcin and calcitonin in cord blood of new born infants and in puerperal blood脐血、母血血清骨钙素和降钙素含量测定及分析
3.Analysis of Osteocalcin in the Peri-implant Sulcular Fluid;牙种植体龈沟液中骨钙素的检测分析
4.Objective To study osteocakin( OC) changes in bone and marrow and calcium deposition in bone and cartilage under simulated weightlessness.目的研究模拟失重骨质和骨髓内骨钙素(OC)及骨和软骨钙盐代谢的形态学变化。
5.The change of serum BGP level in the bone tumor patients and its clinical importance骨肿瘤患者血清骨钙素的变化及其临床意义
6.Regulation of Fluoride on Osteocalcin Gene Expression in Osteoblasts Cultured in vitro氟对体外培养成骨细胞骨钙素基因表达的调控
7.The Observation of Serum BGP Level in the Process of Radias Fracture Healing and Bone Defect Repairing in Rabbits兔桡骨骨折和骨缺损修复过程中血清骨钙素含量变化的动态观察
8.Conclusion:1.Seram BGP reflects the activity of osteoblasts in early bone repair.从而我们得出结论:(1)骨钙素反映了骨修复早期成骨细胞活动功能。
9.Clinical study of BGP, CT, PTH-M and β2-MG in serum and BMD for patients with CRF ante- and post-hemodialysis血透患者血清骨钙素、降钙素、甲状旁腺素、骨密度及β_2-微球蛋白的临床研究
10.A Study of Changes of Serum Osteocalcin and 25-dihydroxyvitamine D_3 and Calcium, Phosphorus and Magnesium in Cord Blood of the Newborns with Intrauterine Growth Retardation;宫内生长迟缓新生儿脐血骨钙素、25-OHD_3及钙磷变化的研究
11.Quantitative determination of serum N-MID osteocalcin and its clinical application血清骨钙素n端中分子片段的测定及临床应用
12.Determination and analysis of serum bone carboxyglutamic acid in blood of pregnant and puerperal women and in cord blood of new born infants妊娠、分娩母血脐血血清骨钙素含量测定及分析
13.Analysis and Measurement of Serum BGP Quantity in 1000 normal children1000名健康小儿血清骨钙素含量的测定及其分析
14.The Effects of Calcitonin Treatment on the Osteoporotic Fractures of the Hip among Postmenopausal Women;降钙素治疗老年女性骨质疏松性髋部骨折
15.Histological observation of cyclosporin A effects on ossification of demineralized bone matrix环孢素A影响脱钙骨基质诱导成骨的组织学观察
16.Protection effects of calcitonin on articular cartilage and subchondral bone of rat knee joint with osteoarthritis降钙素对OA大鼠关节软骨及软骨下骨的保护作用
17.The effect of salmon calcitonin on bone metabolization in elder people with femur neck fracture鲑鱼降钙素对老年股骨颈骨折患者骨代谢的影响
18.Studies on the Calcium Regulation Hormone Regulating the Bone Calcium Metabolism in Laying Chicken;重组钙调节激素基因质粒对蛋鸡骨钙代谢的研究

osteocalcin secretion骨钙素分泌
1.The effect of differential concentration of dexamethasone on the expression of osteocalcin mRNA and proliferation of osteoblast;不同浓度地塞米松对成骨细胞骨钙素基因表达和细胞增殖的影响
2.Analysis of osteocalcin in the peri-implant sulcular fluid;牙种植体龈沟液中骨钙素水平检测分析
3.Study of changes on serum osteocalcin and 25-dihydroxyvitamine D3 and calcium,phosphorus and magnesium in cord blood of the newborns with intrauterine growth retardation;宫内生长迟缓新生儿的骨钙素、25-OHD_3及钙磷镁代谢的研究
1.The Effects of Yigutang on Bone Mineral Density,BGP and Osteoblaster Proliferation in Ovariectomized Rats;益骨汤对去卵巢大鼠骨密度骨钙素及成骨细胞增殖的影响
2.Clinical Significance of Determination of Serum BGP Levels in Patients with Graves Disease;Graves’病患者血清骨钙素测定及临床意义
3.Effects of genistein on the BGP level of cultured osteoblasts in vitro;染料木素对大鼠成骨细胞骨钙素表达的影响

猪降钙素 ,降钙素药物名称:降钙素英文名:Calcitonin别名: 低血钙素;降血钙素;猪降钙素 ,降钙素外文名:Caltonin适应症: 降钙素的作用主要是通过对骨骼、肾脏和胃肠道的调节使血钙降低。 1.用于治疗变形性骨炎。 2.治疗老年性骨质疏松症。 3.治疗骨转移性肿瘤、甲状旁腺功能亢进、甲状旁腺癌和甲状腺功能亢进引起的高血钙症。 4.其他:口服后可直接抑制胃壁细胞分泌胃酸,以治疗胃及十二指肠溃疡。 此外,亦可用于高磷酸血症及早期诊断甲状腺髓样癌等。 用量用法: 1.变形性骨炎:肌注,隔日1次或每周3次,每次1MRC单位。 2.老年性骨质疏松症:肌注,每欠1MRC单位,每周3次。 3.骨转移性肿瘤高钙血症:静脉推注,15~20MRC单位,10~15分钟内推完,作用可维持12~18小时。 4.甲状旁腺癌和甲状腺功能亢进引起的高钙血症:皮下或肌注,开始剂量为每12小时每千克体重4MRC单位。若效果不好,可适当增加剂量。 5.胃及十二指肠溃疡:口服。 注意事项: 1.常见面部潮红、恶心、腹泻和尿频,偶有寒战。应用动物来源的降钙素时,可引起过敏反应。治疗过程中如出现耳鸣、眩晕、哮喘和便意等应停用。妊娠和哺乳期妇女忌用。 2.大多数病人用小剂量的降钙素(1MRC单位)是有效的,而且较安全。大剂量(40~100MRC单位)作短期治疗时,在少数病人易引起继发性甲状腺功能低下。 3.对怀疑过敏者,可先用1:100降钙素稀释做皮试,有过敏、喘息、眩晕、便意、耳鸣等时应即停药。 规格: 针剂降钙素:每瓶400MRC单位降钙素(4ml含16%白明胶稀释剂)。 类别:甲状旁腺及钙代谢调节剂