3)forensic spoilage microbiology法医腐败微生物学
4)spoilage microorganism腐败微生物
1.Several methods to monitor and identify spoilage microorganism in beer-brewing were introduced in this paper.介绍了啤酒生产中腐败微生物检测鉴定的几种新技术。

1.Study on the Putrefaction Potential of Putrescence Microorganism in Chilled Pork;冷却猪肉常见腐败微生物致腐能力的研究
2.Study of Detecting Spoilage Microorganism and Spoilage Product for PMI Estimation腐败微生物及腐败产物检测推断死亡时间的研究
3.Isolation and biological features of microflora causing putridity and measurement of plastic package mustard tuber;软罐头榨菜腐败微生物的分离及其生物学特性
4.Isolation,identification and biological features of microflora causing putridity of mustard tuber榨菜腐败微生物的分离、鉴定及生物学特性研究
5.Studies on the Isolation, Identification and Characteristics of Spoilage Microbes from Mustard Tubers;榨菜腐败微生物的分离、鉴定及其特性的研究
6.Isolation and Identification of Spoilage Bacteria in Canned Peaches桃罐头中腐败微生物的分离纯化及鉴定研究
7.Inhibition effect of juglong on several food deterioration microorganisms胡桃醌对几种常见食品腐败微生物的抑制作用
8.Study on the effects of Inhibition on putrefying microbes in vacuum-packed pickled radish真空包装腌萝卜干中腐败微生物的抑制研究
9.Studies on the Isolation、Identification and Characteristics of Spoilage Microbes from Aging Yellow Rice Wine;陈化传统黄酒腐败微生物的分离鉴定和特性研究
10.The chilling or reduction of product temperature followed by storage at refrigeration temperatures is used to control growth of spoilage microorganisms and achieve the desired extended shelf-life.冷冻或降温后冷藏用来控制腐败微生物的生长并获得我们期望的保质期。
11.Pasteur's work in the 1860s proved that heat could be used to control spoilage organisms in wines and beers.19世纪60年代巴斯德的研究证明了热能被用来控制葡萄酒和啤酒中的腐败微生物
12.Decomposition of organic matter, especially protein, by microorganisms, resulting in production of foul - smelling matter.腐败生物体的分解作用,尤指蛋白南的分解作用,由微生物作用所引起,导致腐败发臭的腐烂现象
13.To prevent(organic bodies)from decaying or spoiling.防腐处理使(生物体)免遭腐败或腐坏
14.To eat putrid food is liable to get sick.吃了腐败的食物容易生
15.Something that corrupts.腐败物腐败的某种东西
16.Identification of Microorganisms Isolated from Apples and Effects of High-voltage Pulse Magnetic Field on These Microorganisms;苹果中微生物的分离鉴定及脉冲强磁场对苹果汁中腐败菌的影响
17.The treatment destroys any disease-causing organisms (principally Mycobacterium tuberculosis) as well as organisms that cause spoilage. See also food preservation.这一方法可以杀死任何致病微生物(主要是结核分枝杆菌),以及能导致食物腐败的微生物。
18.Discussion on mechanism of biological decay of black rice wine黑米酒(黄酒)生物性腐败的机理探讨

3)forensic spoilage microbiology法医腐败微生物学
4)spoilage microorganism腐败微生物
1.Several methods to monitor and identify spoilage microorganism in beer-brewing were introduced in this paper.介绍了啤酒生产中腐败微生物检测鉴定的几种新技术。
5)microbial spoilage微生物腐败
6)septicemia of newbor新生儿败血病
