1.The Observational Study of the Effects of Aerosol Budesonide and Terbutaline Suspension on Asthmatic Children (except Asthma);雾化吸入普米克令舒加博利康尼治疗婴幼儿喘息性疾病的疗效观察
2.Therapy and prognosis of inhale budesonide in infants with bronchiolitis;吸入普米克令舒在毛细支气管炎治疗和预后中的研究
3.A clinical study of budesonide in the treatment of AECOPD;普米克令舒治疗AECOPD的疗效分析

1.The curative effect of pulmicort inhalation on children with cough variant asthma普米克令舒治疗儿童咳嗽变异性哮喘疗效观察
2.Clinical Research of Pulmicort Union Terbutaline Atomization Inhale for AECOPD;普米克令舒联合博利康尼溶液雾化吸入治疗AECOPD的临床研究
3.Observation on the therapeutic effect of nebulized-inhalation of bricanyl and pulmicort respules in infants with capillary bronchiolitis博利康尼、普米克令舒雾化吸入治疗小儿毛细支气管炎疗效观察
4.The Curative Effects Observation of Inhalation of Ventolin Combined with Pulmicort in Treating Bronchiolitis普米克令舒和万托林雾化吸入治疗毛细支气管炎疗效观察
5.Nursing observation of treatment of children's asthmatic diseases by atomization inhalation of Pulmicort普米克令舒雾化吸入治疗儿童喘息性疾病的护理观察
6.The effects on pulmonary function with the inhalation of pulmicort respules-terbutaline in patients with acute exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease(COPD)雾化吸入普米克令舒-博利康尼对COPD急性加重期患者肺功能的影响
7.Evaluation on therapeutic effect of Pulmicort respules,salbutamol,ambroxol hydrochloride nebulization in treatment of bronchiolitis普米克令舒、沙丁胺醇、氨溴索雾化治疗毛细支气管炎疗效评价
8.Clinical effects of aerosol inhalation theropy of combing Pulmicort respules with Atrovent on AECOPD普米克令舒联合爱全乐雾化吸入治疗AECOPD 84例临床观察
9.A Clinical Observation of 105 Cases of Asthma in Infants Treated by Inhalation of Ventolin and Pulmicort万托林、普米克令舒雾化吸入治疗婴儿哮喘105例疗效观察
10.Pulmicort Lingshu Used in Chronic GVHD Mouth Ulcer after Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation普米克令舒用于造血干细胞移植后慢性GVHD口腔溃疡的效果观察
11.Evaluation of the Effect of Pulmicort Respules Combined with Terbutaline Sulfate Solution in the Treatment of Bronchitic Asthma普米克令舒联合特布他林雾化液辅助治疗支气管哮喘疗效评价
12.Clinical Analysis on Atomizing Inhalation Treatment of Pulmicort Linshu and Boli Canney for Children with Bronchial Asthma普米克令舒联合博力康尼雾化吸入治疗小儿支气管哮喘临床分析
13.Effects of Pulmicort Respules on airway resisitance and airway remodeling in rats with asthma普米克令舒对哮喘大鼠气道阻力及气道重构的影响
14.Observation on pulmicort repulse plus ventolin inhalation of foggy on the treatment of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease at acue exacerbation phase普米克令舒和万托林联合雾化吸入治疗AECOPD的效果分析
15.Study on the clinical effects of the pulmicort respules for the treatment of bronchial asthma in infants with oxygen nebulizer inhalation雾化吸入普米克令舒对84例支气管哮喘患儿肺功能的疗效观察
16.Effect of oxygenized atomizing inhalation of Pulmicort Respules to treat bronchiolitispatients and nursing care of them氧气雾化吸入普米克令舒治疗毛细支气管炎的效果及护理
17.Pulmicort Aerosol Inhalation in Adjuvant Therapy of Children Mycoplasma Pneumonia普米克令舒雾化吸入辅助治疗小儿肺炎支原体感染
18.Therapeutic observation and nursing on Ventolin and Pulmicort Respules to treat bronchiolitis万托林和普米克令舒治疗毛细支气管炎疗效观察及护理

1.The Observational Study of the Effects of Aerosol Budesonide and Terbutaline Suspension on Asthmatic Children (except Asthma);雾化吸入普米克令舒加博利康尼治疗婴幼儿喘息性疾病的疗效观察
2.Therapy and prognosis of inhale budesonide in infants with bronchiolitis;吸入普米克令舒在毛细支气管炎治疗和预后中的研究
3.A clinical study of budesonide in the treatment of AECOPD;普米克令舒治疗AECOPD的疗效分析
3)Pulmicort respules普米克令舒
1.The clinical effectiveness of Pulmicort respules Bricanyl and Mucosolvan treat asthmatic bronchitis by aerosol rebreathing method with oxyen driving;普米克令舒和博利康尼及沐舒坦氧气驱动雾化吸入治疗喘息性支气管炎的疗效观察
2.A study on the clinical effects of Pulmicort Respules for the treatment of bronchioliolitis in infants with oxygen nebulizer inhalation;氧驱雾化吸入普米克令舒佐治婴幼儿毛细支气管炎疗效观察
3.Efficacy Evaluation of Pulmicort Respules and Bricanyl Nebulizing Solution Atomizing Pump Inhalation Therapy of Asthma in Children;空气压缩泵吸入普米克令舒和博利康尼雾化液治疗儿童哮喘观察
4)pulmicort repules普米克令舒
1.Observation about effect of pulmicort repules plus terbutaline inhalation on acute exacerbation of chronic asthmatic bronchitis;普米克令舒联合博利康尼治疗慢性喘息型支气管炎急性发作的疗效观察
2.Observation about effect of pulmicort repules nebulized inhalation on acute exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease;普米克令舒雾化吸入治疗慢性阻塞性肺疾病急性加重期的疗效观察
1.Therapeutic observation of nebulizing inhalation of pulmicort,bricanyl and mucosolvan in treating bronchiolits;普米克令舒等雾化吸入治疗毛细支气管炎观察
2.The curative effect of pulmicort inhalation on children with cough variant asthma普米克令舒治疗儿童咳嗽变异性哮喘疗效观察
3.Nursing observation of treatment of children's asthmatic diseases by atomization inhalation of Pulmicort普米克令舒雾化吸入治疗儿童喘息性疾病的护理观察
6)Liquid Pulmicort普米克令舒液
