
1.The branch of pediatrics that deals with the diseases and care of newborn infants.新生儿学儿科学的一个分支,研究新生儿疾病和护理
2.Are you a senior student here? I'm a freshman.你是这儿的高年级学生吗?我是新生。
3.Study on Prevention and Treatment of Hypoxic-ischemic Encephalopathy of Newborn Epidemiologic Study on HIE and Apnoea Neonatorum;新生儿缺氧缺血性脑病防治研究HIE及新生儿窒息的流行病学研究
4.genetic neonatal screening programme遗传学新生婴儿筛选计划
5.Pathogenic Analysis of Isolates From Neonatal Septicemia新生儿败血症血培养的病原学分析
6.Non-invasive Measurements of the Optical Properties in Newborn Infant Brain;新生儿大脑组织光学参数的无损检测
7.The Prevalence Study of Malassezia Species in Neonates;新生儿皮肤马拉色菌的流行病学研究
8.On the New Trend of Play Research of Preschool Children: from Taxology to Ecology;学前儿童游戏研究的新趋向:从分类学到生态学
9.A newborn infant, especially one less than four weeks old.新生儿新生的婴儿,尤指不满四星期的
10.The stereology analysis of the development of molecular layer cells and granular layer cells in cerebellar cortex of the human fetal and newborn infants人胎儿和新生儿小脑皮质分子层和颗粒层细胞发育的体视学分析
11.Relationship between the results of immunoserology test and incidence of hyperbilirubinemia in neonates新生儿脐血免疫血清学检验结果与新生儿高胆红素血症发生率关系探讨
12.A Pathogenic Surveillance and Treatment Strategy to Neonatal Red Buttock新生儿红臀的病原学监测及治疗护理对策
13.Clinical Observation of Pustule Sore──76 Cases of New-born76例新生儿脓疱疮病原学特点及疗效观察
14.Analyzing the bacteria which can induce the ventilator associated pneumonia for newborns,and then make our counter nursing cares新生儿呼吸机相关性肺炎的病原学分析及护理
15.The New Perspectives of Social Ecological Theory in Child Development;幼儿发展的社会文化生态学理论的新进展
16.The compiling of spoken corpus of Chinese Singaporean preschoolers;新加坡华族学前儿童口语语料库的生成
17.The Philosophic and Ethic Thinking in the Diagnosis and Treatment of the Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy of Neonate;新生儿缺氧缺血性脑病诊疗的哲学与伦理思考
18.Epidemiological Study and Evaluation of Neonatal Respiratory Failure in Shenzhen深圳市新生儿呼吸衰竭流行病学调查与评价

3)neonatological medicine新生儿医学
6)neonate psychology新生儿心理学

新生1.刚出生。 2.刚产生;刚出现。 3.再生;获得新的生活。 4.新生命。 5.指初学的儒生。 6.科举时称刚考中秀才的人。 7.新入学的学生。