
1.Anterior Sagittal Anorectoplasty in Imperforate Anus with Rectovestibular Fistula前矢状入路直肠肛门重建术(ASARP)在无肛直肠前庭瘘的应用
2.The junction of the sagittal and coronal sutures at the top of the skull.前囟头盖骨顶部矢状和冠状缝合处的接合处
3.Study of Reconstructing the Sagittal Images and Correlative Measurements for the Vestibular Aqueduct by MPR Using Multislice CT;MSCT前庭导水管矢状位图像的重建及相关径线测量的研究
4.AP relationship of the maxillary central incisors to the forehead in adult attractiveness中国美貌人群前额与上中切牙矢状向关系的初步研究
5.Accuracy of Beta angle in the assessement of sagittal jaw relationship in patients with anterior crossbiteBeta角评价前牙反患者颌骨矢状关系的准确性分析
6.The changes of sagittal upper airway dimensions of patients with Angle Ⅲ malocclusion following maxillary protraction前方牵引矫治乳牙期骨性安氏Ⅲ类错上气道矢状形态变化的研究
7.On Definition of Sagittal and Coronal Planes in Medical Image医学图像矢状面和冠状面清晰度研究
8.Sagittal and coronal T1 WI were most informative.矢状和冠状面T1加权像最为有效。
9.Aesthetic effect of mandibular setback via bilateral sagittal split ramus osteotomy on the facial contour下颌矢状劈开后退术及其矢状截骨线对面部轮廓的美学影响
10.Osteogenic Effect of Tensile Force to the Cranial Sagittal Suture of Rats in Vitro;大鼠颅骨矢状缝牵引成骨的体外研究
11.Study on Filling Algorithm of Vector Linear Symbol Oriented GIS;面向GIS的矢量线状符号填充算法研究
12.The survey of sagittal suture appearances for individual identification颅顶矢状缝形态应用于个体识别初探
13.Characteristics of Fluidic Axisymmetric Thrust-vectoring Nozzle without Injection轴对称射流矢量喷管非矢量状态下推力特性研究
14.Any of various thistles of the genus Centaurea, having variously colored flowers grouped in a head with a spiny involucre.黑矢车菊一种属于矢车菊属的蓟属植物,其花有多种颜色,聚集在有刺状花被的头状花序里
15.The Sagittal Planes. These are any vertical planes passing through the body parallel to the median plane. These sagittal planes divide unequally the body to right and left portions.矢状面。与正中面平行、穿人体的垂直面。矢状面将人体分为不对待的左、两部分。
16.The third indictment against stereotyped Party writing is that it shoots at random, without considering the audience.党八股的第三条罪状是:无的放矢,不看对象。
17.any of various plants of the genus Centaurea having purple thistlelike flowers.矢车菊属的任何一种植物,具有紫色的蓟状花。
18.located in a plane that is parallel to the central plane of the sagittal suture.位于与矢状合缝的中央平面平行的平面上。

anterior sagittal diameter前矢状径
3)anteriorsagittal anorectoplasty前矢状入路
4)sagittal saw矢状
1.Finite Element Bio-Contact Analysis of a Sagittal Knee Joint;膝关节矢状面接触分析的研究
6)Sagittal sinus矢状窦
1.Disposal of sagittal sinus in parasagittal meningioma;跨矢状窦脑膜瘤术中矢状窦的处理
2.Microsurgical removal of large meningiomas in the falx cerebri and sagittal sinuses;大脑镰矢状窦大型脑膜瘤的显微手术治疗

骨盆出口后矢状径骨盆出口后矢状径 后矢状径为坐骨结节间径中点与骶尾关节处之间的距离。测量方法是:戴手套后右手示指伸入孕妇肛门,并向骶骨方向,拇指置于孕妇体外骶尾部,两指共同找到骶尾关节,用尺放于坐骨结节径线上,测量器一端放于坐骨结节间中点,另一端放于骶尾关节处,测量器刻度数字即为后矢状径的长度。详见附图。