
1.Strangulated hernia was not uncommon.绞窄性疝并不少见。
2.There is strangulation of tissue and poor blood supply.组织有绞窄且血液供应差。
3.Surgical Treatment of Colorectal Cancer Patients with Non-strangulated Intestinal Obstruction结直肠癌合并非绞窄性肠梗阻的手术治疗分析
4.Early diagnosis and operative timing of strangulating intestinal obstruction in 108 patients绞窄性肠梗阻108例早期诊断与手术时机的探讨
5.Changes of Plasma D-dimer Level in Patients with Strangulated Small-bowel Obstruction绞窄性肠梗阻患者血浆D-dimer的变化及临床意义
6.Objective To investigate the diagnostic value of ultrasonography for early strangulation loop in intestinal obstruction.目的 探讨腹部B超对早期绞窄性肠梗阻的诊断价值。
7.Studies on Bacteria Translocation and Changes of Endotoxin in Canine with Expenrimental Strangulated Intestinal Obstruction;犬实验性绞窄性肠梗阻细菌移位及内毒素变化的研究
8.Study on Elimination of Endotoxin and Free Radical in Plasma of the Canine with Experimental Strangulated Intestinal Obstruction;实验性绞窄性肠梗阻犬体内内毒素与自由基清除的研究
9.The Study of the Changes of Free Radical and Pathomechanism in the Canine with Experimental Strangulated Intestinal Obstruction;犬实验性绞窄性肠梗阻自由基变化及病理学研究
10.15 Cases of Severe Strangulated Hernia with Local Infection Undertaking Primary Repair15例严重绞窄性疝并局部感染行一期修补手术体会
11.Clinical Value of 64-slice Spiral CT Three-dimensional Reconstruction in the Strangulation and Simple Obstruction64层螺旋CT三维重组在绞窄性和单纯性肠梗阻中的临床应用价值
12.Application of tension-free heriorrbapby in the treatment of acute incareerated-strangulated inguinal hernia (A report of 24 cases)无张力疝修补术在急性嵌顿绞窄性腹股沟疝的临床应用(附24例报告)
13.Application of early gastrointestinal recovery and enteral nutrition in postoperative treatment of strangulating obstruction:A report of 59 cases早期胃肠复苏和肠内营养在绞窄性肠梗阻术后治疗中的应用(附59例报告)
14.A narrow part, such as the chokebore of a firearm.细颈部如枪的绞筒等狭窄的部分
15.A gun with a narrowed bore near the muzzle.绞筒枪一种有向枪口逐渐变窄的枪膛的枪
16.A shotgun bore that narrows toward the muzzle to prevent wide scattering of the shot.绞筒一种向枪口逐渐变窄以防止射出子弹分散过开的猎枪枪膛
17.The value of adenosine echocardiography versus myocardial tomography in detection individual stenosed vessels of stable angina腺苷超声与核素心肌显像推测心绞痛相关狭窄血管的比较
18.The coronary artery shown here has narrowing of the lumen due to build up of atherosclerotic plaque. Severe narrowing can lead to angina, ischemia, and infarction.冠状动脉粥样梗化使管腔狭窄,严重狭窄时由于缺血可致心绞痛甚至心肌梗死。

1.Results CT diagnosis was correct in 18 patiens without strangulation and 14 patients with strangulation.目的确定CT对急性绞窄性小肠梗阻的影像学诊断价值。
3)strangulated hernia绞窄性疝
1.Clinical analysis of 38 senile patients with strangulated hernia treated by Ⅰ stage repair;老年绞窄性疝Ⅰ期修补术38例临床分析
4)Intestinal strangulation肠绞窄
1.Objective To study the variation of plasma concentration of D-dimer in patients with adhesive small-bowel obstruction and intestinal strangulation.目的:探讨血浆D-dimer在粘连性肠梗阻发生肠绞窄时的水平变化及对肠绞窄诊断的临床意义。
5)death by strangulation绞窄死
6)strangulate an intestinal hernia.使肠疝绞窄

绞窄性肠梗阻绞窄性肠梗阻strangulated intestinal obstruction 肠道梗阻兼有血循环障碍。除肠梗阻症状外,早期即发现严重中毒症状,如嗜睡或精神异常,呈急性脱水,并有腹部压痛、紧张等腹膜炎现象。一般肠绞窄,6~8小时多已发生肠坏死,若不及时治疗,很快出现中毒性休克。治疗原则依据不同情况及早施行不同手术。