退热贴,cooling paste
1)cooling paste退热贴
1.The water content of this cooling paste is 56%~60%.制备了以聚丙烯酸钠为基材的高分子水凝胶退热贴

1.Clinical Study on the Treatment of Common Cold(Exterior Cold-Interior Fever Syndrome) with the Method of Acupiontis Stiking Therapy;退热贴穴位贴敷治疗小儿外感发热(风寒束表,胃肠积热)的临床研究
2.Clinical Study on Treatment of Exogenous Infection Caused Fever by Infantile Abating Paste小儿退热贴治疗外感发热临床疗效观察
3.Computerized Heat-Wind Sole Attaching Conveyer计算机热风贴底输送机
4.flat surface hot laminator平面板件贴面热压机
5.land retired from crop cultivation and planted with soil-building crops; government subsidies are paid to farmers for their retired land.退耕出来的土地;政府付给退耕农民的津贴。
6.An agent that reduces fever.解热剂,退热剂一种退烧的药剂
7.temporary non-pensionable allowance不能用作计算退休金的临时津贴
8.The company secretary pinned up a notice about the pension scheme.公司秘书贴出一张退休金方案通知.
9.Because labour causes damage retired worker whether allowance of plan hair difficulty?因工致残退休职工是否计发困难补贴?
10.These tablet is to keep the fever down.这些药片是退热的。
11.Adiabatic demagnetization is used.应用了绝热退磁作用。
12.His enthusiasm seems untiring.他的热情似乎从不减退。
13.Their enthusiasm began to remit.他们的热情开始减退。
14.Their enthusiasm slacked off.他们的热情减退了。
15.Optimal Research on PCB Assembly Planning Based on Genetic Simulated Annealing Algorithm;基于遗传模拟退火算法的PCB贴装工艺优化研究
16.Distribution of the Effort and Selection of the Subsidy Way During the Mid-term of the Cropland Conversion;退耕还林中期阶段的努力分配与补贴方式选择
17.Supply Chain Effort Cost Subsidy Policy for the Channel With False Failure Returns;基于无缺陷退货的供应链成本补贴策略
18.Peltier heat is foundation of thermoelectric refrigeration circulation .分析了热电制冷过程的传热性能,帕尔贴热是热电制冷循环的基础。

Xiaoyan Tuire Patch消炎退热贴
1.RP-HPLC Determination of Geniposide in Xiaoyan Tuire Patch;RP-HPLC法测定消炎退热贴中栀子苷的含量
3)Infantile Umbilical Paste小儿退热贴
1.Experimental Study on Eliminating Pathogenic Effects of Infantile Umbilical Paste;小儿退热贴祛邪作用的实验研究
2.Objective: To observe the effect of infantile umbilical paste (IUP) in abating infantile fever.方法 :2 2 0例患儿随机分成小儿退热贴敷脐治疗组 ( 12 0例 )及复方阿斯匹林 (APC)治疗对照组 ( 10 0例 )。
1.An Experimental Study of the Anti-inflammatory Effect of Xiaoertuiretie (Antipyretic Strapping for Children);小儿退热贴抗炎作用的实验研究
2.An Experimental Study of the Antipyretic Effect of Xiaoertuiretie Antifebrile Straps for Children;小儿退热贴退热作用的实验研究
5)Antipyretic plaster gel退热贴凝胶剂
6)Xiao er Niuhuang tuire cataplasms小儿牛黄退热巴布贴
1.Effects of penetration enhancers on percutaneous permeability of geniposide in Xiao er Niuhuang tuire cataplasms;促渗剂对小儿牛黄退热巴布贴中栀子苷透皮吸收的影响

柴石退热颗粒药物名称:柴石退热颗粒汉语拼音:Chaishi Tuire Keli主要成分:柴胡、黄芩、石膏、青蒿、板蓝根、金银花、大黄、蒲公英、知母、连翘。性状:本品为黄棕色的颗粒;味苦、微甜。药理作用: