惊厥性脑损伤,convulsion-induced brain injury
1)convulsion-induced brain injury惊厥性脑损伤
1.To study the potential mechanisms of convulsion-induced brain injury in immature rats.目的:观察幼年大鼠惊厥持续状态(Status convulsion,SC)后海马Caspase-3和白细胞介素-1β(IL-1β)表达的变化及神经元损伤情况,探讨幼年大鼠惊厥性脑损伤的可能机制。

1.A Research on Prophylaxis of Febrile Convulsion and Brain Injuries with Topiramate, Valproate and Phenobarbital;妥泰、丙戊酸钠、苯巴比妥预防热性惊厥及惊厥性脑损伤的实验研究
2.A Study on the Molecular Basics for the Protective Mechanism Against Convulsive Brain Damage in Premature Brain;未成熟脑保护惊厥性脑损伤机制的分子基础
3.Research on the Prognose and Intervention to Brain Damage Induced by Convulsion;惊厥性脑损伤的临床预测与干预的实验研究
4.An Experimental Study to Observe the Protective Effect of GM_1 on Brain Damage Caused by Febrile Seizures in Developmental Rat;GM_1对发育期大鼠热性惊厥性脑损伤保护作用的实验研究
5.An Experimental Study of Neurotrophic Factors on Brain Damage Induced by Status Convulsion;神经营养因子对惊厥性脑损伤的保护作用及其可能机制研究
6.The Mechanism of Physical Exercise Influences Behavioral Ability of Developmental Seizure-induced Cognitive Deficit of Rats运动训练对发育期大鼠反复惊厥性脑损伤的干预研究及机制探讨
7.An Experimental Study on the Basics of Molecular Biology and Their Regulation for the Resistance to Brain Damage Induced by Seizure in Immature Brain未成熟脑对惊厥性脑损伤相对耐受性的细胞分子生物学基础及其调控的实验性研究
8.Study on the protective function and its mechanism of cyclosporin A to immature brain tissue with convulsive brain damage环孢素A对未成熟脑惊厥性损伤的保护作用及机制研究
9.An Experimental Study on the Effect of Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor on the Injuried Hippocampal Neurons Induced by Seizure-Like Discharge;脑源性神经营养因子对原代培养海马神经元惊厥性损伤的作用研究
10.Analysis of EEG in 316 patients with febrile convulsion316例热性惊厥小儿的脑电图分析
11.Analysis of EEG in 200 patients with febrile convulsion;200例小儿热性惊厥的脑电图分析
12.Analysis of Correlation Between Clinical Features and EEG Abnormality in Febrile Convulsion热性惊厥临床与脑电图异常相关因素分析
14.Protective Effects of Gentianine on the danmage in CA1 aera of Hippocampal neurons in rat with repeated Febrile Convulsions龙胆碱对高热惊厥模型大鼠海马区神经元损伤的保护作用研究
15.The Influence of Scopolamine on the Seizure Threshold Seizure Behavior and Neuronal Transmitter in Rats;东莨菪碱对实验性大鼠惊厥阈值、惊厥行为及脑内部分神经递质的影响
16.The characters of clinic,electroencephalogram and gene in a Chinese family with benign familial infantile convulsions良性家族性婴儿惊厥一家系的临床、脑电图及致病基因分析
17.The Clinical Study of Arginine Vasopressin、Brain Natriuritic Peptide、Nitric Oxide in the Children with Febrile Convulsion;热性惊厥儿童抗利尿激素、脑利钠肽、一氧化氮变化的临床实验研究
18.The Anticonvulsive Effects of Cantharidin Derivatives and Influence on GABA、GABA_B Receptor斑蝥素衍生物的抗惊厥作用及对惊厥大鼠脑内GABA和GABA_B受体的影响

eclampsia cerebralis脑性惊厥
3)febrile seizures热性惊厥
1.Effects of febrile seizures on emotion, behavior, learning and memory in rats;热性惊厥对大鼠情感行为及学习记忆的影响
2.The study of behavior problem in children with a history of febrile seizures热性惊厥影响患儿行为的研究
3.Objective To explore the clinical characteristics of 4 pedigrees of absence epilepsy with febrile seizures plus(FS+)in China.目的探讨失神发作伴热性惊厥附加症(FS+)的临床特点。
4)febrile seizure热性惊厥
1.Gene mutations involved in febrile seizures;热性惊厥相关基因突变研究进展
2.Sequencing GABRG2 gene in 2 Chinese families with generalized epilepsy with febrile seizures plus;全身性癫癎伴热性惊厥附加症2个家系致病基因GABRG2测序分析
3.Sequencing analysis of GABRA1 gene in linkage mapping generablized epilepsy with febrile seizures;全身性癫痫伴热性惊厥附加症家系GABRA1基因测序分析
5)febrile convulsion热性惊厥
1.Electroencephalographic representation and consequence of infant febrile convulsion;小儿热性惊厥的脑电图表现及转归
2.The Relationship between Serum Trace Elements and Children Febrile Convulsion;小儿热性惊厥与血微量元素的关系
3.Analysis of EEG in 200 patients with febrile convulsion;200例小儿热性惊厥的脑电图分析

良性特发性新生儿惊厥良性特发性新生儿惊厥benign idiopathic neonatal convulsions 男略多于女,起病于生后1~7天,最多在第5天,起病前正常。发病原因不明。发作形式以阵挛为主,多为限局性,也可有呼吸暂停发作,但没有强直发作。发作频,可有癫痫持续状态,持续数日。神经系统无异常体征。预后常良好,多数自动缓解。本症的诊断主要靠排除法。