舌下滴服,dropping under tongue
1)dropping under tongue舌下滴服

1.Objective To compare the lowing pressure effect and comfort degree of dropping Nitroglycerin under tongue and nose dropping.目的比较硝酸甘油舌下滴服与滴鼻对苏醒期高血压的降压效果及舒适度。
2.Your lips are dropping honey; honey and milk are under your tongue; and the smell of your clothing is like the smell of Lebanon.我新妇,你的嘴唇滴蜜。好像蜂房滴蜜。你的舌下有蜜,有奶。你衣服的香气如利巴嫩的香气。
3.Sublingual immunotherapy on allergic rhinitis舌下含服脱敏治疗变应性鼻炎疗效观察
4.For sublingual-administered drugs, have client place medication under tongue and allow it to dissolve completely. Caution client against swallowing tablet.服舌下药时,应让病人将药放于舌头下待其完全溶化。提醒病人不能吞药。
5.His eyes shone like fire, his body was swollen with venom, he vibrated a triple tongue, and showed a triple row of teeth.它的双眼象火焰似的闪耀,浑身上下毒液欲滴。那蛇摇动着分成了三叉的舌头,龇出三排牙齿。
6.The water trickled from the faucet.水从水龙头一滴滴流下。
7.A drip of water fell from the tap.从龙头滴下一滴水。
8.A small, usually decorative flap or tongue on a garment.垂饰,小垂片衣服上的小的、通常为装饰性的下垂物或舌状物
9.Clinical Observation of Misoprostol Effect after Sublingual Administration on Preventing Postpartum Hemorrhage in Selective Cesarean Section米索前列醇舌下含服预防选择性剖宫产术后出血的临床研究
10.Effect of Dermatophagoides Farinae Vaccine Sublingual Immunotherapy on the Dendritic Cells and NF-κB in Asthma Mouse;舌下含服尘螨疫苗免疫疗法对哮喘小鼠树突状细胞及NF-κB的影响
11.Clinical evaluating the effection of applying sublingual misoprostol in cervical dilatation for induced abortion无痛人工流产术前舌下含服米索前列醇的临床观察
12.Efficacy of Sublingually-Administered Phloroglucinol on Acute Spastic Abdominal Pain from Stomach and Intestines间苯三酚舌下含服治疗急性胃肠痉挛性腹痛疗效分析
13.in the vain hope of persuading him指望说服他而徒费口舌.
14.From time to time a little blood dripped on to the breast of his overalls.血一滴一滴地流到他胸前工作服上。
15.Gobs of grease/spittle ran down his chin.一滴滴的油[口水]顺着他的下巴流下.
16.Quickly when hung up to drip(指衣服)能很快滴乾的
17.lingual mandibular salivary gland depression涎腺下颌骨舌侧陷入

sublingual drops舌下滴剂
1.Hypoglycemic effects of porcine insulin and destetrapeptide porcine insulin sublingual drops in rats;猪胰岛素及去四肽猪胰岛素舌下滴剂对大鼠的降血糖作用
1.Observation on efficacy of sublingual meptin in treatment of status asthmatics in children;美普清舌下含服治疗儿童哮喘持续状态疗效观察
2.[Objective] To investigate the feasibility,safety,efficacy of sublingual misoprostol in artifical abortion.[目的]探讨舌下含服米索前列醇(米索)应用于早孕人工流产术前的可行性、安全性及有效性。
3.A Prospective, Randomized, Controlled Trial on the Use of Mifepristone with Sublingual or Oral Misoprostol for Medical Abortion;方法 实验一选取孕龄≤7周要求终止妊娠的孕妇162例,随机分为3组,Miso给药方法分别为舌下含服600μg、舌下含服400μg和空腹口服600μg;实验二选取孕龄10~14周要求终止妊娠的孕妇104例,随机分为舌下含服Miso 400μg和空腹口服Miso 600μg两组。
4)Sublingual immunotherapy舌下含服脱敏
1.Sublingual immunotherapy on allergic rhinitis舌下含服脱敏治疗变应性鼻炎疗效观察
5)sublingual mite desensitization solution舌下含服螨脱敏疗法
1.Objective To evaluate the efficiency of the sublingual mite desensitization solution to asthmatic children.目的 观察舌下含服螨脱敏疗法在儿童哮喘防治中的辅助治疗作用。
1.The smoking cessation efficacy of nicotine sublingual tablet: a double-blind,placebo-controlled trial;国产尼古丁舌下含片终止吸烟效果的随机双盲研究
2.Comparison of low dose sublingual tablets of natural ifn-a and recombinant ifnα-2a;低剂量天然型与重组型α-干扰素舌下含片药物时效关系的比较
3.Objective:To evaluate the outcome of Mifepristone in combination with oral Misoprostol compared with sublingual Misoprostol in termination of pregnancy.目的:观察米非司酮配伍米索前列醇(米索)口服及舌下含化的药物流产效果。
