儿童高热,childnen high fever
1)childnen high fever儿童高热

1.Comparison of Therapeutic Efficacy of Nimesulide and Ibuprofen on Treatment of Children's High Fever尼美舒利与布洛芬治疗儿童高热的疗效比较
2.Results Bone age of obese,children was higher than that of thin children.结果 肥胖儿童骨龄高于消瘦儿童。
3.Study on Indoor Thermal Environment of Living Area in Nursery School;幼儿园儿童活动单元室内热环境研究
4.It's Children's Day. I'm glad to say.儿童节到了。 我高兴地说。
5.A child of noble birth.少爷出生高贵的儿童
6.High-Level Meeting on Children儿童问题高级别会议
7.Higher Enrollment Ratio for Children of School Age提高适龄儿童入学率
8.thesick and disabled children (87.1%) were far morethan the healthy children.病残儿童远远高于健康儿童(分别为59.7%;61.1%;87.1%)。
9.A Study on the Characteristics of Hot Cognition of Children with Different Aggression/Victim Groups;不同攻击/受欺儿童的热认知特征研究
10.Critical View on the Piano Education of Children through"Piano Craze" Phenomenon at Present;从当前“钢琴热”现象看儿童钢琴教育
11.Development of "Hot" Executivc Function through Children s Gambling Task;从儿童赌博任务看热执行功能的发展
12.Investigation on Parental KAP of Fever in 154 Children154例发热儿童家长知信行的调查分析
13.The Occurrence of "May Fourth" Translation Rush of Children's Literature from the Development of Children Enlightenment儿童启蒙思想的推进和五四儿童文学翻译热的发生
14.They loved children and animals and music, and rough plays and digging in the earth.他们热爱儿童,热爱动物和音乐,热爱热闹的游戏以及挖掘土地。
15.The metal poisoning, body deformity and children's high death rate in the so-called hot regions are all suspected as the residual effects of the Vietnamese war.在所谓热点地区出现的金属中毒、身体畸形、儿童死亡率升高,都被怀疑是越战的后遗症。
16.The rate of compulsory education for children has increased, and the education gap between boys and girls has been narrowed.儿童义务教育普及率提高,男女童受教育差距缩
17.Reproduction of the Childishness on a Higher Level--Adult s Involving in the Children s Literature from Jinjin s Fairy Tales;站在更高的阶梯上再现童稚——从金近童话看成人对儿童文学的“介入”
18.Dedicated to helping poor children and their families in rural areas.有责任心和事业心,热爱农村儿童发展工作。

children fever儿童发热
3)high-risk neonate高危儿童
4)child's high chair儿童高椅
5)infant pitch儿童音高
6)children's relief fever tablets儿童退热片

超高热超高热 体温在 41℃以上的发热。参见"发热"。