早期微量喂养,Early minimal nutrition
1)Early minimal nutrition早期微量喂养

1.Combined Use of Early Micro-feeding and Intravenous Nutrition in Premature Infants;早期微量喂养联合静脉营养在早产儿的应用
2.Effect of early minimal feeding and non-nutritive sucking on feeding tolerance of very low birth weight infants早期微量喂养联合非营养性吸吮对极低出生体重儿喂养耐受性的影响
3.Clinical Study on the Effect of Oral Medilac-Vita and Small Amount of Feeding on Premature Infants早产儿早期口服妈咪爱及微量喂养临床观察
4.Early Assessment and Feeding Care in Children with Cleft Lip and Palatal唇腭裂患儿的早期评估及其喂养护理
5.Effects of Conduction Nipple Stimulation 2 Hours After Delivery on Breast Feeding产后2h内刺激乳头对早期母乳喂养的影响
6.Influence of Non-nutritional Suction and Eye-shielding on Early-stage Gastro-intestinal Feeding among Critical Prematures非营养性吸吮与眼罩遮光对危重早产儿早期胃肠喂养的影响
7.Conclusions: The erythromycin in small dose can improve the feeding tolerance of immature babies.结论:小剂量红霉素能提高早产儿喂养耐受性。
8.Observation on therapeutic effect of erythromycin in small dose on premature babies with feeding intolerance小剂量红霉素治疗早产儿喂养不耐受疗效观察
9.The combination of non-nutritive sucking and low-dose erythromycin in the treatment of feed intolerance in preterm infants非营养性吸吮联合小剂量红霉素对早产儿喂养不耐受的效果观察
10.The Effect of Early Mother-infant Skin-to-skin Contact on Neonates' Temperature, Behavior State and Breastfeeding Status早期母婴皮肤接触对新生儿体温、行为状态和母乳喂养的影响
11.Objective: To evaluate the effects of small dose of insulin on feeding intolerance in preterm infants.目的:评估小剂量胰岛素治疗早产儿喂养不耐受的疗效。
12.Clinical observation of simotang decoction combined with low-dose erythromycin in the treatment of feeding intolerance in preterm infants四磨汤联合小剂量红霉素治疗早产儿喂养不耐受临床疗效观察
13.Intravenous low-dose erythromycin for the prevention and treatment of feeding intolerance in preterm infants:A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials静脉应用小剂量红霉素防治早产儿喂养不耐受的Meta分析
14.Probe into feeding methods for premature and low birth weight inf ants早产儿及低出生体重儿喂养方法探讨
15.The clinical application on nursing interference to feeding for premature infant护理干预在早产儿喂养中的临床应用
16.The Examination of Urinary Micro-albumin for the Earlier Disgnosis of Diabetic Renal Disease;尿微量蛋白测定对于DN的早期诊断
17.Changed levels of microalbuminuria among obese children尿微量白蛋白监测肥胖儿早期肾损伤
18.Nursing and observation chariness,feeding and adding milk correctly were important to prevent and diagnosis early of NEC.结论细心的护理观察,合理喂养,避免加奶过快对NEC早期诊断、预防、转归有重要影响。

early minimal enteral feeding早期微量胃肠喂养
1.Clinical application of early minimal enteral feeding in premature infants;早产儿早期微量胃肠喂养的临床应用
2.Early minimal enteral feeding was given in one group,non-early minimal enteral feeding was given in another group.目的探讨早产低出生体重儿实施早期微量胃肠喂养成功的方法。
3)Early feeding早期喂养
4)minimal feeding微量喂养
1.Clinical study on early minimal feeding of premature infants with very low weight;早产极低出生体质量儿早期微量喂养
2.Objective To explore effectiveness and safety of minimal feeding of VLBW.目的探讨极低出生体质量儿(VLBW)早期微量喂养的有效性和安全性。
5)Early mixed feeding早期混合喂养
6)Early enteral feeding早期肠道喂养
1.Objective To explore the mechanism of gastric tissue blood perfusion improved by early enteral feeding after burn injury.目的 探讨早期肠道喂养改善烧伤大鼠胃组织血液灌流的机制。

母乳喂养    母乳喂养  breast feeding  母乳是婴儿最适宜的天然营养品,因为它的热量很高(68cal/dl),所含蛋白质、脂肪、碳水化物及其配合的比例也都适合小儿的消化能力及需要。母乳所含免疫球蛋白,主要是IgA(分泌型),其性质稳定,能耐受酸碱变化及蛋白分解酶的作用,并能保护肠黏膜不被病毒或细菌侵入;母乳中还有乳铁蛋白、溶菌酶和其他酶类、补体以及巨噬细胞等。母乳中的乳铁蛋白多呈铁不饱和状态,有较强的抗感染作用。母乳直接喂哺,无污染的危险。母乳乳糖含量高,乳