猪肺磷脂(固尔苏),poractant alfa
1)poractant alfa猪肺磷脂(固尔苏)
2)Liver phospholipids猪肝磷脂
1.Study on the pulmonary surfactant Curosurf in preventing respiratory distress syndrome of prematures;固尔苏预防早产儿呼吸窘迫综合征疗效分析
2.An analysis of therapeutic effect of curosurf for premature with NRDS;固尔苏治疗早产儿呼吸窘迫综合征疗效分析
3.Effects on the breath machine treatment condition of Curosurf on the hyaline membrane disease of premature infants;固尔苏对肺透明膜病早产儿呼吸机治疗条件影响的观察

1.Effects and Care of Curosurf on Thehyaline Membrane Disease of the Preterm Infants/固尔苏治疗新生儿肺透明膜病(附36例疗效观察)
2.Experience in treatment of 45 neonatal hyaline membrane disease cases with crossruff固尔苏治疗新生儿肺透明膜病45例体会
3.Observation effect on curosurf in prevention hyaline membrane disease of premature固尔苏预防早产儿肺透明膜病的效果观察
4.Clinical Analysis of Curosurf on the Hycline Membrance Disease of 30 Prematures固尔苏治疗早产儿肺透明膜病30例临床分析
5.The study of Curosurf in preventing respiratory distress syndrome of newborns固尔苏预防新生儿呼吸窘迫综合征的疗效分析
6.The Clinical Outcome of Premature Infants with RDS Treated with Different Doses and Time of Curosurf固尔苏不同使用策略治疗呼吸窘迫综合征的比较
7.Prmature with severe respiratory distress syndrome treated by pulmonary surfactant and nasal IPPV.固尔苏及鼻塞间歇正压通气治疗新生儿严重呼吸窘迫综合症
8.Nursing care of newborns with neonatal respiratory distress syndrome treated with Curosurf in combination with nasal-tampon style continuous positive airway pressure固尔苏联合鼻塞式持续气道正压呼吸治疗新生儿呼吸窘迫综合征的护理
9.Superior perched on the Western-most point of Lake Superior.苏必利尔座落在苏必利尔湖的西端。
10.the Gaelic language of Scotland.分布于苏格兰的盖尔语。
11.Vesuvius erupts once in a while.维苏威火山偶尔爆发。
12.Sulzer two-cycle engine苏尔泽二冲程发动机
13.Su Nuraxi di Barumini苏-纳拉西-德-巴尔米尼
14.AL-JABER, Sultan Abdullah苏丹·阿卜杜拉·贾贝尔
15.Susila Dharma International Association苏西拉·达尔马国际协会
16.SULTAN, Bandar Bin班达尔·本·苏丹(亲王)
17.Santiago de Surco圣地亚哥-德苏尔科
18.the archeology of ancient Sumerians.对苏美尔人的考古学。

Liver phospholipids猪肝磷脂
1.Study on the pulmonary surfactant Curosurf in preventing respiratory distress syndrome of prematures;固尔苏预防早产儿呼吸窘迫综合征疗效分析
2.An analysis of therapeutic effect of curosurf for premature with NRDS;固尔苏治疗早产儿呼吸窘迫综合征疗效分析
3.Effects on the breath machine treatment condition of Curosurf on the hyaline membrane disease of premature infants;固尔苏对肺透明膜病早产儿呼吸机治疗条件影响的观察
4)pig lung猪肺
1.This article’s purpose is via measure the quantity of the collagen in pig lung to find the new approach to all-around utilize the pig lung.本文旨在通过测定猪肺中胶原蛋白含量的多少,看从猪肺中提取胶原蛋白是否具有可行性,为综合利用猪肺寻找一个新的途径。
5)hog lung猪肺
1.The fresh hog lung was homogenated and centrifugated with 35%~55% saturation ammonium sulfate fraction.新鲜猪肺均浆离心后,经35%~55%饱和度的硫酸铵分级沉淀、Sephadex G-100凝胶柱层析、DEAESephadex A-50阴离子交换后,得到经SDS-PAGE显示为一条带的ACE纯品。
6)immobilized PLA1固定化磷脂酶A1

猪肺【通用名称】猪肺【其他名称】猪肺 (《千金·食治》) 【来源】为猪科动物猪的肺,动物形态详"猪肉"条。 【性味】甘,平。 ①《本草图经》:"微寒。" ②《纲目》:"甘,微寒,无毒。" ③《随息居饮食谱》:"甘,平。" 【功用主治】治肺虚咳嗽,咯血。 ①《本草图经》:"补肺。" ②《纲目》:"疗肺虚咳嗽、嗽血。" ③《随息居饮食谱》:"治肺痿咳血、上消渚症。" 【用法与用量】内服:煮食、煎汤或入丸剂。 【选方】①治肺虚咳嗽:猪肺一具,切片,麻油炒热,同粥食。(《证治要诀》) ②治风寒久咳;猪肺、麻黄根,共炖汤服。(《四川中药志》) ③治嗽血肺损:薏苡仁研细末,煮猪肺,白蘸食之。(《证治要诀》) ④治吐血:梨汁、藕汁、莱菔汁、人乳、童便各一碗,猪肺一个(不落水,入童便灌足)。和煎至汁存二碗半,炒米粉和为丸,每服五钱。(《卫生鸿宝》猪肺丸)