混合喂养,mixed feeding
1)mixed feeding混合喂养
1.The average percentage of mixed feeding was 23.4%;4个月内婴儿混合喂养率为23。
2)Two-bottle-feeding method混合喂养法
3)Early mixed feeding早期混合喂养
4)reasonable feeding合理喂养

1.Nursing and observation chariness,feeding and adding milk correctly were important to prevent and diagnosis early of NEC.结论细心的护理观察,合理喂养,避免加奶过快对NEC早期诊断、预防、转归有重要影响。
2.a mixture of seeds used to feed caged birds.种子的混合物,用来喂笼养的鸟。
3.Early Assessment and Feeding Care in Children with Cleft Lip and Palatal唇腭裂患儿的早期评估及其喂养护理
4.The clinical application on nursing interference to feeding for premature infant护理干预在早产儿喂养中的临床应用
5.Combined Use of Early Micro-feeding and Intravenous Nutrition in Premature Infants;早期微量喂养联合静脉营养在早产儿的应用
6.Effect of early minimal feeding and non-nutritive sucking on feeding tolerance of very low birth weight infants早期微量喂养联合非营养性吸吮对极低出生体重儿喂养耐受性的影响
7.a mixture of nectar and pollen prepared by worker bees and fed to larvae.蜂蜜与花粉的混合物,由工蜂配制,用于喂养幼虫。
8.Study on Formulas Technical Parameter and Feeding Effect of Molasses Multinutrient Block;复合营养舔砖配方、工艺参数及饲喂效果的研究
9.Study on Cattle Molasses Multinutrient Block and Feeding Effect;肉牛复合营养舔砖研制及饲喂效果研究
10.Nursing Care of Feeding Intolerance in Premature Very Low Birth Weight Infants早产极低出生体重儿胃肠喂养不耐受的护理
11.Feeding and nursing the infant with cleft lip and palate perioperatively先天性唇腭裂患儿修补术前后的喂养护理
12.Experience of nursing care of improving breast-feeding rate after caesarean operation提高剖宫产术后纯母乳喂养率的护理体会
13.The Status of Infant and Young Child Feeding Survey and Analysis of the Effect of Nursing Intervention婴幼儿喂养现状的调查及护理干预效果分析
14.Relationship between infant feeding behavior and neuro-psychological development喂养行为与婴幼儿神经心理发育的相关性研究
15.Advocate Breast feeding rather than substitute feeding (Bottle-feeding)提倡母乳喂养,不要人工喂养
16.The combination of non-nutritive sucking and low-dose erythromycin in the treatment of feed intolerance in preterm infants非营养性吸吮联合小剂量红霉素对早产儿喂养不耐受的效果观察
17.A trough is a long, open box for animals to feed or drink from.饲养槽是给动物喂食喂水的敞口长槽。
18.Investigation of Different Raisement on New Born Children's Physiological and Psychological Influence出生三天内不同喂养方式对新生儿生理及心理的影响

Two-bottle-feeding method混合喂养法
3)Early mixed feeding早期混合喂养
4)reasonable feeding合理喂养
1.Study on current situation of body development and feeding of children aged under five years in eight cities of Shandong province.;山东省八市0~5岁儿童体格发育及喂养现状分析
2.Investigation on 188 Infants Feeding and Related Family Behaviors;188名婴幼儿喂养及相关家庭行为因素调查
3.Intervention of micro-suck in the early feeding of premature infants;微量吸吮在早产儿早期喂养中的干预作用
6)mixed culture混合培养
1.Comparison of composition of cellulase from monoculture of Trichoderma with mixed culture with yeast or Aspergillus;木霉及其混合培养酵母和曲霉产生的纤维素酶系的比较研究
2.Study on the conditions and growth relationships of mixed culture of multi-strains;多菌种微生物混合培养的条件及生长关系研究
3.It was found that the ability of flocculating kaolin suspension by the culture broth produced by mixed culture of the two strains in the proportion of 1∶1 was higher than that of pure culture of either strain.将两株絮凝剂产生菌分别纯培养及以体积比1∶1比例混合培养,发现混合培养发酵液对高岭土悬浊液的絮凝效果优于各菌株的纯培养发酵液。

母乳喂养    母乳喂养  breast feeding  母乳是婴儿最适宜的天然营养品,因为它的热量很高(68cal/dl),所含蛋白质、脂肪、碳水化物及其配合的比例也都适合小儿的消化能力及需要。母乳所含免疫球蛋白,主要是IgA(分泌型),其性质稳定,能耐受酸碱变化及蛋白分解酶的作用,并能保护肠黏膜不被病毒或细菌侵入;母乳中还有乳铁蛋白、溶菌酶和其他酶类、补体以及巨噬细胞等。母乳中的乳铁蛋白多呈铁不饱和状态,有较强的抗感染作用。母乳直接喂哺,无污染的危险。母乳乳糖含量高,乳