肺保护性策略,lung protective strategy
1)lung protective strategy肺保护性策略
1.Objective To explore the factor of ventilator-induced lung injury for lung protective strategy.目的探讨呼吸机所致的肺损伤因素与肺保护性策略
2)lung-protective strategies肺保护策略

1.Effects of lung protective strategy on lung function of patients after lung resection术中肺保护策略对行肺切除患者术后肺功能的影响
2.Lung Protective Ventilation Strategies in Treatment of Neonatal Respiratory Failure肺保护性通气策略在新生儿机械通气中的应用
3.Comparison of volume controlled ventilation and pressure controlled ventilation of one-lung protective ventilation strategy during bilateral pulmonary surgery at the same period双侧肺同期手术中保护性单肺通气策略定容和定压通气的比较
4.Comparison of pressure controlled with volume controlled ventilation in lung protective strategy during aged patient's one-lung anesthesia压力和容量控制通气在老年单肺麻醉肺保护通气策略中的比较
5.The Study of Protective Efficacy of Combination of Lung Protective Ventilation Strategies and Anisodamine in a Rat Model of Acute Lung Injury;保护性通气策略联合山莨宕碱在大鼠急性肺损伤模型中肺保护作用的研究
6.Experimental Study of the Effects of Different Lung Protective Ventilation Strategies on Attenuating Ventilator-induced Lung Injury in Acute Lung Injury Models;不同肺保护性通气策略对减轻急性肺损伤模型通气机相关肺损伤的实验研究
7.Lung-protective mechanical ventilation strategies in ARDS急性呼吸窘迫综合征的肺保护性机械通气治疗策略
8.The Experimental Study of Lung Protective Ventilation Strategy in Treatment of Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome;肺保护性通气策略治疗急性呼吸窘迫综合征的实验研究
9.Effect of the Open Lung Protective Ventilation Strategy and CRRT on Patients with ARDS of Different EVLWI Levels肺开放保护性通气策略与CRRT对不同EVLWI水平ARDS患者的影响
10.Effect of Protective Ventilation on the Tight Junction in Alveolar Epithelium of Rats with Acute Lung Injury;保护性通气策略对急性肺损伤大鼠肺泡上皮紧密连接影响的实验研究
11.Experimental Study of the Effects of Protective Lung Ventilation Strategy Treatment on Acute Lung Injury Model Induced by Seawater Drowning in Rabbits;保护性肺通气策略对海水淹溺致急性肺损伤兔治疗作用的实验研究
12.reef protection and management strategy鱼礁保护和管理策略
13.The Dynamic Conservation Strategy of Central Historic Block in Baoding保定古城中心历史街区动态保护策略
14.Fragility Characteristic Regarding Protection of Industrial Business Secret;企业商业秘密保护的脆性问题及保护策略
15.Present Situation and Protection Countermeasures of Bird Resources in Axia Natural Reserve阿夏自然保护区鸟类资源现状及保护策略
16.The maintenance strategy; planned or reactive?保养维护的策略—预先计划或随机应变?
17.Study of Control and Protection Strategies for VSC Based HVDC System;新型直流输电的控制和保护策略研究
18.Conservation the Old City of Aleppo the Objectives, Strateges and Practicalities;Aleppo古城保护的理念、策略与实践研究

lung-protective strategies肺保护策略
3)lung protective ventilation strategy肺保护性通气策略
1.Objective To evaluate the clinical therapeutic effects of sustained inflation(SI) combined with lung protective ventilation strategy(LPVS) in patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome(ARDS).目的观察控制性肺膨胀(SI)联合肺保护性通气策略对急性呼吸窘迫综合征(ARDS)患者的临床疗效。
4)Protective lung ventilation strategy保护性肺通气策略
1.Methods Protective lung ventilation strategy were used in various SWD-ALI rabbits models.目的观察保护性肺通气策略在海水淹溺急性肺损伤应用时的治疗作用和安全性。
5)the open lung protective ventilation strategy肺开放保护性通气策略
6)strategic protection策略性保护
1.On US strategic protection for its agriculture under WTO framework;WTO框架下美国运用“合规性”贸易壁垒对农业的策略性保护

肺性肥大性骨关节病肺性肥大性骨关节病趾 系胸部或其他系统慢性疾患使组织缺氧和局部血循环量增加而继发的骨关节改变。起病于中年人,男多于女。四肢长管骨痛、压痛、增粗。关节红肿、温度升高。四肢末梢循环异常,患肢下垂时疼痛增加。可伴有杵状指(趾)畸形。X线摄片可见骨干骨膜下新骨形成,从远端向近端蔓延而逐渐减弱,呈花边样或葱皮样。预后与原发病关系密切,原发病治愈后,本病可很快减轻或消失。骨关节疼痛剧烈者,可给消炎止痛药或皮质激素。