新生儿气胸,Pneumothorax in neonates
1)Pneumothorax in neonates新生儿气胸

1.The High Risk Factors for the 60 Cases of Neonatal Pneumothorax60例新生儿气胸高危因素临床分析
2.High-frequency oscillatory ventilation treat newborns pneumothorax efficacy observe应用高频振荡通气抢救新生儿气胸的疗效观察
3.Improved Closed Thoracic Drainage in Neonatal Pneumothorax Application Evaluation改良式胸腔闭式引流在新生儿气胸中的应用评价
4.Analysis of Prevention and treatment for correlative factors in hewborn with Pheumothorax新生儿气胸相关因素分析与防治(附45例病例报告)
5.First aid and nursing of pneumothorax induced by mechanical ventilation on neonates新生儿机械通气并发气胸的急救与护理
6.The application of thoracic wall extrusion the phlegm in the NICU's neonates with mechanical ventilation in respiratory management胸壁挤压吸痰法在NICU机械通气新生儿呼吸道管理中的应用
7.Analysis of Neonatal Pneumonia X-ray and CT Features87例新生儿肺炎胸片与CT图像对比分析
8.The Value of CR in the Chest Bedside Photographs of the NewbornsCR在新生儿胸部床边摄影中的应用价值
9.Placement of Indwelling Introcans at Veins Innervating the Abdominal or Thoracic Wall for Rescuing Critically Ill Newborns经胸腹壁静脉置入留置针抢救急危重症新生儿
10.Application Values of CR in Chest Bedside Photograph of NewbornCR在新生儿胸部床旁摄影中的应用价值
11.The prevention and treatment of bronchopleural fistula after pneumonoresection due to empyema in children小儿脓胸肺切除后支气管胸膜瘘治疗
12.Objective To discuss the etiology, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of pneumomediastinum or pneumothorax during the removal of bronchial foreign bodies in children.目的:探讨小儿支气管异物取出术中纵隔气肿、气胸发生的原因、诊治及预防。
13.The Clinical Study about Short-Term Influence of Chest Radiography in Anteroposterior Position on Pneumonic Neonatal Immune Functions;胸部正位摄片对肺炎新生儿免疫功能近期影响的临床研究
14.Oxygen is heated before it is administrated to premature and full-term newborns.给未成熟儿和足月新生儿输氧时要加温氧气。
15.Lung Protective Ventilation Strategies in Treatment of Neonatal Respiratory Failure肺保护性通气策略在新生儿机械通气中的应用
16.It is full of newborns, of pink soft-limbed infants in cotton carriers on daddy's chest.处处可见新生婴儿,处处可见粉嘟嘟的、手小脚软软的婴儿,他们蜷伏在父亲胸前的棉兜里。
17.The Relativity Between Artery Blood gas of Neonate Cord Blood and Asphyxia Neonatorum新生儿脐血血气分析与围生期窒息相关研究
18.She felt the flowers were in her fingers, on her lips, growing in her breasts.她觉得手里和唇上都是花儿,胸中也生长着花儿。

neonatal mechanical ventilation新生儿机械通气
1.Based on the unique situation pertaining neonatal mechanical ventilation, this paper discusses the technical requirements for ventilating neonates effectively and lung-protectively.对新生儿机械通气的特殊性与对呼吸机通气控制技术要求进行了分析,并从理论上探讨了较佳的通气技术,提出使用新生儿呼吸机时需关注的几项事项。
1.The clinical study of PCT in early stage diagnose of neonatal with bacterium infection disease;PCT在新生儿细菌感染性疾病早期诊断中的临床研究
2.Influence of 1,6-FDP on Curative Effect and Blood Gas in Patients with Neonatal Hypoxic-Ischemic Encephalopathy;新亚果糖治疗中重度新生儿缺氧缺血性脑病的临床探讨
3.Analysis of Antibiotics Application and Drug Tolerance in Neonatal Intensive Care Units;新生儿重症监护病房抗感染药的使用及耐药分析
1.Observation of early swimming on physiologic parameters changes in newborn;早期游泳对新生儿生理参数改变的观察
2.Study on Respiratory Distress Syndrom of Newborn by Non-invasive Mechanical Ventilation in Moderate PIP and Influence on Prognosis;中等吸气峰压下无创机械通气治疗新生儿RDS及其预后影响
3.Result analysis on hearing screening of newborns;新生儿听力筛查结果分析
1.The Mortality Cause Analysis of 108 Hospitalized Neonates;108例住院新生儿死亡原因分析
2.Diagnostic value of spiral CT in neonates with hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy;螺旋CT诊断新生儿缺氧缺血性脑病的价值
3.Effect of Systemic Mild Hypothermia Therapy on Neonates with Hypoxic-ischaemic Encephalopathy;全身亚低温治疗对缺氧缺血性脑病新生儿的影响

布雷泽尔顿新生儿行为评价量表布雷泽尔顿新生儿行为评价量表Brazelton Behavioral Assessment Scale for Neonate  布霄泽尔顿新生儿行为评价量表(B razelton Behavioral Assessmenr Sealefor Neonate)用来测定一个月内的新生儿的中枢神经系统成熟状况、对人的反应方式及反射强度的量表。美国儿科医生布雷泽尔顿(Brazelton,T.B.)及其同事1974年制订。该量表可诊断出处于危险状态的孩子,并可预测儿童将来可能出现的心理问题。 (郑日舀撰林传燕审)