消化道畸形,digestive malformation
1)digestive malformation消化道畸形
1.Objective:To evaluate the value of two dimension ultrasonic diagnosis of fetus digestive malformation.目的:探讨二维超声诊断胎儿消化道畸形的价值。

1.X-ray Diagnosis of Newborn Congenital Digestive Tract Malformation新生儿先天性消化道畸形x线诊断
2.X-ray Diagnosis of Intestinal Obstruction Resulting from Congenital Malformation of the Alimentary Tract先天性消化道畸形所致小肠梗阻的X线诊断
3.The study also revealed that major malformation may occasionally complicate with other abnormalities such as complex multisystem abnormalities.中枢神经系统畸形及消化系统畸形常合并有羊水过多。
4.A deliberate change in waveshape, introduced either to counteract the expected effect of a subsequent transmission path or to render the signal less susceptible to noise.有意引入的波形变化,以抵消其后传输通道的畸变作用或减小噪声对信号的影响。
5.Male pseudohermaphroditism has been well-described in the testicular feminizing syndrome of man.雄性的假两性畸形在男性睾丸女性化的综合症中已有报道。
6.The reason why lopsided cultural con sumption come into being due to many reasons, such as money worship overflowing, vulgarity of cultural market and variation of social behavior.畸型文化消费的形成,在于拜金主义泛滥、文化市场低俗化和社会的诸多变异行为。
7.The Morphologic and Immunohistochemical Studies on Alimentary Canal of Wolves and Domestic Dogs;狼与家犬消化道形态学及其消化道内分泌细胞免疫组织化学研究
8.Morphology and histology of the alimentary canal in scorpionfly Panorpa obtusa(Mecoptera:Panorpidae)太白蝎蛉消化道形态学与组织学研究
9.According to reports in the literature, donor-site morbidity of the fibular flap is generally low.据文献报道,腓骨瓣供区畸形一般少见。
10."Dissimilation" is a Product of Deformed Society;“异化”是畸形社会的产物——评论《变形记》
11.Correlative Studis between Morphological Structure of Grasshopper's Inner Alimentary Canal and Its Evolution;蝗虫消化道的形态结构与进化的相关性研究
12.On the Deformity of Children Socialization Process;儿童社会化过程中的"畸形"问题探析
13.Indivdual correction of secondary deformities caused by operation on unilateral cleft lip单侧唇裂术后继发畸形的个体化修复
14.a large family of endoparasitic amebas that invade the digestive tract.内寄生变形虫的一个大目,能侵入消化道。
15.Observation on the larvael morpholog of eight inestinal nem a to des in cattle and sheep in south fuian闽南地区牛、羊消化道8种线虫幼虫的形态观察
16.Distribution and Morphologic Observation of Argyrophil Cells in Digestive Tract of Gecko;蛤蚧消化道嗜银细胞的分布及形态学观察
17.The Shape and Distribution of 5-HT Cells in Digestive Tract of Columba livia domesticus家鸽消化道5-羟色胺细胞的形态与分布
18.Distrbution and Morphological Observation of Argentaffine Cells in Digestive Tract of Carduelis Spinus黄雀(Carduelis spinus)消化道嗜银细胞的分布及形态学观察

alimentary duplication消化道重复畸形
1.Objective To summarize the clinical pathologic characteristics of alimentary duplication in children.目的探讨消化道重复畸形的临床和病理特点。
3)Congenital Anomaly of Digestive Tract消化道先天畸形
4)congenital digestive tract malformation先天性消化道畸形
1.Objective To improve X-ray in diagnosis of newborn congenital digestive tract malformation.目的 提高和普及新生儿先天性消化道畸形X线诊断水平。
5)Digestive System Abnormalities/CO消化道畸形/并发症
6)Digestive system abnormalities消化系统畸形

消化道重复畸形消化道重复畸形duplication of digestive tract 系指紧密附着于消化道一侧呈球形或管状空腔结构,具有和消化道某一处