胎粪排出延迟,Delayed meconinium exclusion
1)Delayed meconinium exclusion胎粪排出延迟
2)excretion of meconium胎粪排出
3)output of fecal pellets粪粒排出
1.0mg·kg-1 increased the output of fecal pellets in mice.方法小鼠肠管炭末推进、小鼠酚红胃排空、小鼠粪粒排出和离体豚鼠回肠收缩抑制实验。
4)Elimination delay排泄延迟

1.Vasopressin administration has been shown in healthy humans to delay sodium excretion along with its antidiuretic action.在健康人中应用血管加压素可以使钠排泄延迟及抗利尿。
2.Elimination Delay of High-dose Methotrexate in Children with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia大剂量甲氨蝶呤治疗儿童急性淋巴细胞白血病排泄延迟分析
3.It must be cautiously used for animals with renal dysfunction because of delay of sulfanilamide excretion.肾功能障碍时,磺胺药排泄延缓,应慎用。
4.Bad weather caused a lag in the scheduled activities.坏天气使得预先安排好的活动延迟了。
5.Minimizing Maximum Lateness On Batching Machine;最大延迟时间的极小化分批排序问题
6.Queuing delay of backbone wireless mesh networks骨干无线网状网的排队延迟性能研究
7.An act of emptying, as of the bowels.排泄排泄的行为,如排便
8.Effects of closure delay for ESD valve on leaking process of natural gas pipeline紧急关断阀关断延迟对天然气管道泄漏过程的影响
9.Application of Time Delay Estimation on Stress Wave Detection Method on Leakage of Oil Pipeline时间延迟估计在原油管道泄漏应力波检测法中的应用
10.Results The incidence of DGE was 21.1%(26/123).结果 胃排空延迟的发生率为2 1.1% (2 6/12 3 )。
11.Results: The function of gastric emptying was delayed and SCF levels of DGP rats were decreased obviousely.结果:糖尿病胃轻瘫大鼠胃排空明显延迟;
12.Anticoagulation Therapy in Delayed Xenograft Rejection;抗凝治疗对延迟性异种移植排斥反应的作用
13.Rescheduling for Two Agents Under a Limit on the Lateness of the Original Jobs最大延迟限制下两个代理的重新排序(英文)
14.A Scheduling Problem in Group Technology with Earliness Award and Tardiness Penalty一类超前有奖延迟受罚的成组加工排序问题
15.Prophylactic Treatment Measures against Delayed Gastric Emptying after Ivor Lewis EsophagectomyIVOR LEWIS食管切除术后胃延迟排空的防治对策
16.The queue length distribution of M/G/1/∞ repairable queueing system with delay repair time修理有延迟的M/G/1/∞可修排队系统的队长分布
17.Expression of E-selectin in delayed cardiac xenograft rejectionE-selectin在延迟性异种心脏移植排斥反应中的表达
18.excretory cells排泄细胞excretoryducts排泄管

excretion of meconium胎粪排出
3)output of fecal pellets粪粒排出
1.0mg·kg-1 increased the output of fecal pellets in mice.方法小鼠肠管炭末推进、小鼠酚红胃排空、小鼠粪粒排出和离体豚鼠回肠收缩抑制实验。
4)Elimination delay排泄延迟
5)queuing delay排队延迟
1.In this paper,the link travel time experienced by vehicles in saturated network is dealt with two components:the uncongested cruise time over the link and the queuing delay.详细讨论了饱和交通网络中考虑容量约束下的车辆连续行驶时间和路口延误时间,在排队延迟模型中考虑了车辆的实际长度及由此而带来的影响,建立了离散的函数模型。
2.Considering the factors of routing protocol,network scale,the serving capability of gateways and mesh routers,the arriving rate of data packets,MMN\'s queuing delay was researched.在此协议基础上,研究了无线网状网数据包的排队延迟,推导出无线网状网排队延迟与网络的规模、网关和网状路由器的服务能力、数据包到达率的相互关系。
6)fault removal delay排错延迟

胎粪胎粪〖HT5”SS〗meconium  由胎儿肠道脱落上皮细胞、肠分泌物、胆汁及吞入的羊水组成。出生后几小时内(一般10小时内)第一次排出胎粪,呈深墨绿色、很黏稠、无臭味,2~3日内渐渐过渡为婴儿粪便性状。