多器官功能损害,ulti-organ failure
1)ulti-organ failure多器官功能损害
1.Relationship between neonatal polycythemia vera and multi-organ failure;红细胞增多症与多器官功能损害的临床探讨

1.Neonatal asphyxia and multiple organ dysfunction新生儿窒息与多器官功能损害110例分析
2.Randomized control clinical trial in multi-organ dysfunction by bee sting蜂蜇伤所致多器官功能损害临床随机对照研究
3.The Potential Protection of Low Density Lipoprotein in the Pathogenesis of Lipopolysaccharide Induced Multiple Organ Dysfunction Syndrome in Rats.;LDL在内毒素血症大鼠所致多器官功能损害中的保护作用
4.Clinical Research on 20 Patients with Graves Disease and More Injured Visceras;20例Graves病合并多脏器功能损害临床资料分析
5.Clinical Analysis on Multi-organ Damage in Asphyxial Newborn窒息新生儿多脏器功能损害的临床分析
6.Effects of Metabolic Syndrome on the Vascular Structure, Function and Target Organ Damage in Patients with Essential Hypertension;代谢综合征对高血压病患者血管结构、功能及靶器官损害的影响
7.Epidemiology of Gastrointestinal Dysfunctionin in the Patients with Multiple Organ Dysfunction Syndrome in China多器官功能障碍综合征患者胃肠功能损伤流行病学调查
8.The Study of Vascular Endothelial Cells Injury with Multiple Organ Dysfunction Syndrome多器官功能障碍综合征时血管内皮细胞损伤的研究
9.Severe Craniocerebral Injury Complicated with Multiple Organ Dysfunction Syndrome in Coal Miners煤矿重型颅脑损伤并发多器官功能不全综合征临床分析
10.The analysis of 56 infant brain injury victims complicated with MODS婴幼儿颅脑损伤并发多器官功能障碍综合征56例分析
11.Clinical analysis of multiple organ injury induced by typhoid and paratyphoid A伤寒副伤寒并发多器官损害的临床分析
12.Dopamine combined with dobutamine in the treating the newborn cold injury syndrome complicated by multiple organ damage多巴胺加多巴酚丁胺联合治疗新生儿寒冷损伤综合征伴多脏器功能损害的临床研究
13.Having said this, the new guidelines do not consider diastolic dysfunction as one of the primary measure of target-organ damage.尽管如此,但是新的指南并没有把舒张功能不全作为衡量靶器官损害的主要方法之一。
14.A localized pathological change in a bodily organ or tissue.机能障碍,器官损害身体内器官或组织局部的病理转变
15.Lung is the mainly involved targeting organ of multiple organ dysfunction syndrome.肺是多器官功能障碍综合征最主要的靶器官。
16.Change in High Mobility Group Box-1 Protein Expression and Its Role in Mediated Multiple Organs Dysfunction after Severe Injury.;严重损伤后高迁移率族蛋白B1的改变及其与多器官损害的关系
17.Influence of Continuous Venovenous Hemodiafiltration on Major Organ Function in MODS Dogs;连续性血液透析滤过对多器官功能障碍犬器官功能的影响
18.Analysis of the Treatment of the Patients with Multiple Organ Failure in Wenchuan Earthquake汶川地震伤员多器官功能衰竭的救治

multiple-organ injury多器官功能损伤
1.In recent years,we have carried out extensive and in-depth literature-based studies on the mechanisms for AP and the therapeutic effect of resveratrol on rat AP models,and confirmed that resveratrol could relieve AP-caused damage to the pancreas and the resulting multiple-organ injury.近年来,本课题就白藜芦醇对重症急性胰腺炎的治疗作用进行了大量深入的研究并做了系统的文献分析,认为白藜芦醇可以从多个环节发挥作用,从而起到缓解AP造成的胰腺损害及由此引发的多器官功能损伤。
3)Multiple organs involvement多脏器功能损害
4)Multiple organ injury多器官损害
1.Objective To investigate the relationship between multiple organ injury and the prognosis in infantile rotavirus enteritis.目的 探讨婴幼儿 HRV肠炎患儿肠道外多器官损害状况及其与预后的关系。
5)multiple organ function多器官功能
6)abdominal aorta clamping多系统功能损害

多器官功能障碍综合征多器官功能障碍综合征multiple organ dysfuction syndrome,MODS  严重创伤、感染和病理产科等原发病发生24小时后,同时或序贯发生两个或两个以上脏器功能失常以致衰竭的临床综合征。患者在发生MODS以前,大多脏器功能良好,发生后如若治愈存活,脏器功能大多可以恢复正常。20世纪90年代,由于全身性炎症反应综合征(systemic inflammatory response syndrome,SIRS)的提出,并发现SIRS最终可导致多器官功能衰竭(MOSF),因而建议将过去称为多器官功能衰竭综合征(MOFS)的命名更改为MODS,目的是为了纠正既往过于强调器官衰竭的标准,并且应着眼于本症发展的全过程,以及重视器官衰竭的早期诊断和治疗。MODS在更大范围内涵盖了本症病理生理过程的全部,MOSF只是这一病理过程中最严重和最终的结局。因此,MOSF患者均有MODS,但并非所有MODS的患者都是MOSF。